Short Video Clips (from Youtube, etc)

Started by fragger, March 13, 2017, 07:25:43 AM

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Art Blade

Art Blade

"guys, you have to watch this." My turn to say that now :anigrin:

I was looking up an expression I hadn't heard before, and I mean it when I said "heard" because there were no subtitles or anything. I thought I heard, "I'm sorry, I just got knocked for six." When I looked it up, it existed indeed, a British expression, and meant essentially to get overwhelmed. However, it was a weird expression so I kept looking and found out it was a term derived from cricket. And then I found a shiny example of what it meant, here it is :anigrin:


Yep, and that happened during the 2007 T20 WC tournament here in SA
The England Cpt and Singh had words during the previous over.
Singh was furious and took it out on poor old Steward Broad during the next over
where he hit all six balls of the over for sixes, I watched the game on TV. 
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

wow. That must have been an absolute highlight to watch live. :thumbsup:


Yes it was, but the one I like the most also happened during the same tournament when
SA's opening batsman Herchelle Gibbs did the same to a Netherland Bowler.
Only, he was the first in the history of International Cricket to achieve that

Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

cool O0 Pity they put that music on so dominantly that the whole atmosphere in the stadium got lost and  because of the music I don't feel the magic that was obviously going on there. I bet it was great during the live game on TV.

What I liked about the Yuvraj Singh vid was the tension, the atmosphere, the excited reporter.. also the exchange of words you told me about (I think the end of that exchange was just about the start of the vid?) which probably made Singh all the more determined, looked like he was really pissed off and had to vent off some steam which I think he did by pounding those balls out the field and almost out the stadium. Also, the faces of the English team, helplessly smiling with disbelief at the devastation.. it made me grin :bigsmile: How calm Singh stayed, how focussed.. he was simply coolness personified. And when he was done.. (I could virtually hear him think, "take that, you son of a BITCH!") his little grin, it was priceless :anigrin:


Oh yes the Singh one was very good, and what makes it even better,
the commentator is from England
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

:D at least some people, including that reporter, acknowledge and respect superiority, even if from the "wrong" team :thumbsup:


That's one of the reasons I love the game.
It's all about the player and not the team, at least 75% of the
spectators shown in that clip are South Africans. And when he walked off the field at
the end of the innings everyone in the Stadium gave him a standing ovation, even
the English team 
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

man, that is a really nice statement. That alone has got the potential to turn anyone into a fan of the game. :thumbsup:


I like to watch cricket but I have to be in the right frame of mind. Same with golf. You know when you get into one of those laid-back, comfy, zen-like moods where you don't have to be anywhere or do anything and all you want to do is blob out on the sofa and watch things - that frame of mind :gnehe:

nex probably knows about this, but last year there were a few incidents involving Aussie cricketers which made me ashamed of them, including a ball-tampering scandal involving three Aussies (Cameron Bancroft, Steve Smith and Dave Warner - the last two being the captain and vice-captain of the team respectively). Bancroft was caught on-camera roughing up one side of the ball with a bit of sandpaper to make it curve in flight - which is, of course, somewhat at odds with the rules of the game, to put it mildly. All three were stood down and it made me sick, even killed my enthusiasm for the game somewhat, such as it is. These guys get paid a mint for playing the game, then they go and cheat at it. It's disgraceful and if it was up to me, none of those three would play professionally ever again. They didn't just let down the team, they let down their country and put yet another dent in our currently battered reputation.


fragger my mate, yeah, at the time I was also pissed off and felt just like you, like the
2000 India tour when our Cpt Hansie Cronje was involved in the game fixing scandal.
The real culprits of both incidents got away scot-free.
I don't know about Steve Smith, but like Hansie Cronje, I don't see those two guys
putting their careers on the line just for one game, as far as I'm concerned
they were instructed to do so. Don't get caught, because if you do, I'll throw you to the wolves.
Respect is earned, not given.


Okay, I am officially gobsmacked. This is one of the most awe-inspiring things I think I have ever seen. It has apparently been on You Tube since late 2012, but I've never come across it before:


WOW!!!!  ???, thanks for this fragger, I'm downloading it from youtube so I can watch it on tv
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah, wow, I think I need to see that on a larger screen. I'd also like to see more of it, if it took 75 minutes, I'm sure they were there filming for the entire thing.  :o
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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