Short Video Clips (from Youtube, etc)

Started by fragger, March 13, 2017, 07:25:43 AM

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I should also point out that nobody - NOBODY - dresses like that in Australia. It's a corny caricature and part of the joke :gnehe:

Art Blade

I shall believe you :gnehe:

that vid keeps popping up in my mind, mate :anigrin: Apart from the chicken which still makes me chuckle I keep remembering the "good mates" shaking hands. The mate's hand apparently belongs to a person wearing a long-sleeved dark $p@rts jacket and the next scene it's a she with a bright short-sleeved shirt, so funny :D


 :laughsm: :laughsm: :laughsm:

That chicken was fantastic :D

Made me watch the entire first clip, really funny. These farts, lol :gnehe:
"No hay luz"


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Quote from: fragger on August 16, 2020, 07:47:21 AM

I should also point out that nobody - NOBODY - dresses like that in Australia. It's a corny caricature and part of the joke :gnehe:

You mean Crocodile Dundee does not depict authentic Australian life?  :huh-new:

As I was wathing the video I was thinking even my young kids know better than to let a rope free-fall into an opening. The funny part is the chicken getting sucked down the tube (poor chicken)


He's just joshing us PZ, they dress like that I know, we learned from them.
We also dress like that since way back when the first SA guy visited OZ  :banghead:    :anigrin: :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.


Respect is earned, not given.


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

SpaceX's fairing recovery vessel Ms. Tree catches a Falcon 9 fairing half after launch of SpaceX's eleventh Starlink mission on August 18, 2020. The fairing used on this mission previously flew in support of SpaceX's fourth Starlink mission.


Pretty cool, I haven't seen that type of recovery ship before.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


SpaceX has been thinking outside the box in a lot of ways, like with that "fairing catcher" ship and boosters which can return and land themselves (usually :gnehe: )


"No hay luz"

Art Blade



Respect is earned, not given.

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