Ribeye burgers

Started by PZ, February 18, 2017, 09:18:36 AM

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Ribeye burgers are so good they need no sauce whatsoever

Some time ago I purchased a full boneless ribeye at Cash and Carry for $5.99/lb - regular ground beef here is $3.99/lb so even though the cost differential, I decided to make ground beef out of the ribeye. [spoiler text=Click to see the pics]This was vacuum packaged last December and looks as fresh as the day I packaged it.
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Sliced up and ready to go into the Kitchen Aid meat grinder. I did not trim any of the fat due to wife's insistence.  :gnehe:
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All ground up and ready to form into patties
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Sizzling merrily away
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Topped with extra sharp cheddar cheese
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These burgers are so good, I did not even add any kind of condiment.  They literally taste like a ribeye steak on a bun, and the house smells like a steak house.
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I love that smell, even when I'm not hungry :gnehe:

Art Blade

I'm glad that I've got something to eat right now or I would have considered licking the monitor


🡱 🡳

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