It might actually happen!

Started by Dweller_Benthos, May 01, 2017, 08:43:12 AM

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Thanks guys. I doubt the price will go down, there is essentially no competition here and the ISPs buy politicians to make sure that stays the way it is. When the intro offer expires, I'll just drop HBO, Cinemax and the like, I never watch anything on those types of channels.

FYI, here's some info on the type of company I'm dealing with, and they aren't the worst one, either, but almost!

But I have to say, at least they wired my area, maybe not extremely fast after the merger, but they did, and the person I talked to on the phone was quite helpful. So maybe I'm just lucky.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

you deffo deserve the leap towards high speed internet, you old Neanderthal :anigrin:


If all goes as they promise or even close, it is going to change gaming in quite a dramatic way. I was on satellite for a while and tried to play co-op and while the download speed was good enough, upload was so slow that my screen would show things so late I was dead before I even got a chance to respond  :D

Now I am on high speed wireless (still slow) but at least fast enough to play online.  O0

Art Blade


Yeah once I figured out I could get a 4G wireless signal here, it's not been too bad, at least when it lets me connect at that speed. There are some nights during peak hours (8-10PM) that it just refuses to even connect at 4G and I have to set it on 3G speed, as it doesn't auto-switch. Then, sometimes even then it won't connect at 3G but drops to 2G, which is dial up speed. So, needless to say, I'll be dropping them like a hot rock once the cable is installed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well, it happened! Of course, there was a slight hiccup or two. The crew that buries the wires underground can't make it for a couple days/weeks, who knows, so I have a cable stretched across the yard and driveway until they can come out and bury it.

I ordered two TV boxes, but of course something messed up and the installer only had orders to install one, so I have to call them up and have someone come back out and install the second box.

But, most importantly, I now have the speed:

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Averaging at least 115mbps down when they advertise it as 100, so no complaints there. 11mbps up is not bad, but would be nicer if it was higher. Apparently cable internet has some limitation for uploads until they change how the system handles it or something. So, way better than anything I've ever had before.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



Get yourself a headset with a microphone then :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

wow, nice ??? :thumbsup:

haha, yes, we insist on voice chat. :anigrin:

D_B, it is common practice here, too, to hand out a ton of download speed while being extremely parsimonious when it comes to upload speed.


Some providers are like that here too... Altibox is the exception, it has equal speeds both up and down. Great for streaming and downloading  :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Dang, D_B! I'm so envious!  I live in a rural area on 10 acres surrounded by a group of homes below on 140 feet by 60 feet lots, and above a subdivision where the lots are not much bigger. Essentially my home is the only one on a relatively large parcel. Sounds good because I do not have any neighbors that can infringe on my solitude and enjoyment of life, but the negative is that both above and below those folks have Internet like you just acquired. The providers do not (and likely will never) extend their lines to my home.

Art Blade

sounds almost as if you'd have to have one of those neighbours install your internet on their parcel and then literally draw a line. A land line. From that internet connection down there to up where you are. :anigrin:


Great news D_B! Give it a couple of months and you won't know better.  O0

I have 20Mbps upload, which is also a tenth of the download speed. No idea why it works like that, but they do it with all cable connections in Holland. If I order fibre wire though, I get equal down- and upload speeds. So it might have to do with the hardware limitations in some ways
"No hay luz"


Quote from: Art Blade on May 20, 2018, 09:47:53 AM
sounds almost as if you'd have to have one of those neighbours install your internet on their parcel and then literally draw a line. A land line. From that internet connection down there to up where you are. :anigrin:

:D wouldn't that be nice!


Congrats D_B, welcome to the information superhighway :gnehe: Or as we call it here, the digital dirt-track...

As another who has gone from atrociously slow and rickety internet access to reasonably quick and stable, I know just how you feel :) Nice, isn't it?

Art Blade

come to think of it, I'm on ADSL since around 1998. :-X

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