citrus press -- my new toy.

Started by Art Blade, September 21, 2017, 10:31:36 AM

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Art Blade

Today I bought a new toy. Makes my kitchen look even cooler :anigrin:

I got almost the same -- almost as in mine has got "premium" in its name, cilio premium citrus press. The difference from viewing it is, mine is completely chrome (except for the cone the citrus sits on and obviously the rubber grip) and what I can't see but can tell you, it's damn heavy, too. There are four suction cups to make it stick to the worktop in your kitchen. :)


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

oh yes. :anigrin:

what is cool: you can use it for pomegranates, too. ??? :)


That looks cool, AB - how well does it w0#k?

Art Blade

I would have replied earlier but I accidentally spilled my green tea into the keyboard and on top, crumbs of that toasted bread dropped in there as well and wedged some keys, too. Apparently it works again :gnehe:

So. How does it w0#k. With leverage force. Is that what you wanted to know? :anigrin:

Ok, seriously. I really wanted to find out about that pomegranate myth, see if it really worked, so I tested it with one. I does w0#k  O0 It's the first time I've actually drunk half a glass of freshly pressed pomegranate, that's what I got out of one. It was quite good but wasn't actually to die for. I suppose if mixed with other stuff, it will be great even if only for the colour, a really deep red, like a liquid ruby. :) Squeezing the living daylights out of pomegranate requires quite a bit of force because that stuff is so.. hard? It's more like crunching it to death, rearrange it by tilting it a little so you get a different angle, press down again and you really need to grab the press by the back rod so it doesn't jump at you if you w0#k it as hard as that. Then the same procedure for the second half of that fruit. You can say that you earned your juice when you're done with it. However, there wasn't much left in either half that would have been worth scraping out, so it was quite a good result. I'm familiar with the traditional way (scoop it with a spoon and so on an so forth) and I think it's more fun and less mess with the press. Hmm, those were a lot of S :anigrin:

Next an orange. A lot easier by comparison :D I tilted the halves maybe two or three times to get every angle and they were pretty much crushed :anigrin: You'd see orange pulp inside the halves but not much to go, damn, that could have gone better, or, damn, a normal orange juicer would have worked better. No, it was a good result.

The really important difference regarding the orange juice you produce with a manual press like this and the normal plastic household juicer is this: Between the orange pulp and the peel is this white stuff that you unavoidably grind into your juice with the normal juicer. The white stuff tastes bitter, hence the orange juice tastes bitter. The juice isn't really as good as it could be. With the press, you leave the white stuff alone. You only squeeze the pulp and turn it into a really sweet and tasty orange juice. It was the best "self-made" orange juice I've ever tasted. Excellent. O0

Cleaning that thing? Easy. Unlike those plastic things, there was barely any fruit waste! Just a few bits, and of course some more *bleep* from the pomegranate but even that wasn't worth mentioning. Basically you just grab the thing (it can be taken apart easily) and rinse it for a few seconds, done. Brilliant  O0

In other words, it's a good idea to get one of those, unless you plan to go through half a ton of oranges at once. But for your breakfast a glass of juice, that's just great  :thumbsup: :)


Quote from: Art Blade on September 21, 2017, 03:08:35 PM
... Between the orange pulp and the peel is this white stuff that you unavoidably grind into your juice with the normal juicer. The white stuff tastes bitter, hence the orange juice tastes bitter. The juice isn't really as good as it could be. With the press, you leave the white stuff alone. You only squeeze the pulp and turn it into a really sweet and tasty orange juice. It was the best "self-made" orange juice I've ever tasted. Excellent. O0

Cleaning that thing? Easy. Unlike those plastic things, there was barely any fruit waste! Just a few bits, and of course some more *bleep* from the pomegranate but even that wasn't worth mentioning. Basically you just grab the thing (it can be taken apart easily) and rinse it for a few seconds, done. Brilliant  O0

In other words, it's a good idea to get one of those, unless you plan to go through half a ton of oranges at once. But for your breakfast a glass of juice, that's just great  :thumbsup: :)

Sounds like a good juicer. My wife likes to make an orange/lemon/cranberry drink (a large pot full) for the holidays, and I get the honor of juicing the fruit. A tool like that might be just the ticket.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Art Blade on September 21, 2017, 03:08:35 PM
Between the orange pulp and the peel is this white stuff that you unavoidably grind into your juice with the normal juicer. The white stuff tastes bitter, hence the orange juice tastes bitter. The juice isn't really as good as it could be. With the press, you leave the white stuff alone. You only squeeze the pulp and turn it into a really sweet and tasty orange juice.

So I take it you don't want to squeeze the pith out of it.  ;)

Why is it the bad tasting stuff is often good for you?  As nasty as that white stuff (pith) tastes it's actually very high in flavonoid antioxidants including hesperidin which is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and can also help lower cholesterol levels.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

thanks for that info, mandru -- I didn't know any of that. And yes, you're right, the pith can stay where it is if I want a sweet orange juice :anigrin: For some reason, "bitter" and "medicine" are a perfect match :anigrin: I might gnaw the living pith out of the crushed halves if I think I need a boost of those components :gnehe:

PZ, the only two things that could be better would be a way of clamping that thing to a worktop and a longer lever for more leverage power. In case you get one with those attributes, go for it. However, the one I've got is already really good.

I bought two more pomegranates and a pink grapefruit today, I still got oranges and a lemon. I'm up for some juicy fruit :bigsmile:


Quote from: mandru on September 22, 2017, 06:08:41 AM
So I take it you don't want to squeeze the pith out of it.  ;)

:laughsm: I have a new four-letter word!

Dammit, that's nothing but a load of bullpith!

Oh yeah? Well, you're nothing but a pithhead

Art Blade

I actually had the same way of thinking when I saw that :anigrin: Like, pithyful, pith bull, pith easy, he's taking the pith, and so on :anigrin:


"No hay luz"


Nice piece of kitchen hardware you scored there, Art O0 That would look really nice in chrome 8)

Cool way to get fresh fruit juice without getting pithed off :anigrin:

Art Blade

cheers, mate :) It does look really nice in chrome -- I wouldn't have bought any of those LEGO-style variants :gnehe:

hahah, I almost pithed myself, then :D

This morning, I actually made what I suggested: a glass of juice to go along with my breakfast. I crushed the last pomegranate (I'm through with them now) and filled up the half-empty glass with red bull energy drink :anigrin: That mix was actually good. It took out the sweetness of the soft drink while it took out the sourness of the pomegranate. Now I'm washing down a French croissant au chocolat with an Italian doppio and that'll be it, I am not a heavy eater when it comes to breakfast ;)


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


🡱 🡳

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