Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Started by durian, March 18, 2017, 01:40:09 PM

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This is the remastered and enhamced version of the crically acclaimed FPS released in 2011. Release date : Apr 7.
I heard of it when it first came out  roughly 6 years ago but I thought it's boring, this time around I'm pretty excited for it as from what I've seen, the gameplay is really fun and hilarious.
Description from the official website:

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition brings the critically-acclaimed cult-cl***c shooter to PlayStation® 4, Xbox One™ system, and PC in stunning ultra-high resolutions. Updated with hi-res textures, increased polygon counts, sterling audio, and smoother frame rates—all running in up to 4K resolution on PC and PS4™ Pro—this new version of Bulletstorm comes with all of the previously-released add-ons along with all-new content.

Step into the boots of Grayson Hunt after a crash landing on an abandoned resort planet forces him to make a hard choice: survival or revenge. An exiled member of the elite  *as*as**in group Dead Echo, Grayson's reckless desire for vengeance finds his crew stranded on Stygia where he can finally confront the commander behind his betrayal—or get his team off the planet alive.

Battle your way through throngs of Stygia's mutated inhabitants, performing masterful kills throughout the single-player campaign using Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition's unique "Skillshot" system that rewards you for executing the most creative and deadly kills imaginable

Unleash over-the-top kills by mixing fast-paced gunplay with unique kick, slide, and leash combos with Bulletstorm's distinctive 'Skillshot' system that rewards creative carnage.

Complete the single-player campaign to unlock the cranked-up, unrestricted 'Overkill' Campaign Mode that provides unfettered access to all weapons and Skillshots starting from Act .

Level up and cash in on your kills! Earn new weapon skins, leash styles, and character customizations as you progress through the team-challenge Anarchy mode.

Art Blade

cool. :)

Binnatics and I first met during a game of Bulletstorm. He was the only guy I ever met who actually shared an enemy with me. Sharing means, only if two players interact with the same enemy in turns, they'll be able to score big time. Unfortunately most players didn't get that right and treated the game as just any random shoot 'em up free for all public massacre. "Sharing? Why, I kill more guys than you.." Yes, indeed. I remember scores of players who had, say, 40 kills but a score that was way lower than what Binna.. erm, BinnZ, damn.. takes time getting used to that new name  :anigrin: uh, way lower than what BinnZ and I scored with say, 10 enemies. In the end, the two of us were racing up the world ranking and were soon at the top. The two of us would score more than a whole server full of players who didn't "share" their enemies. Also, it was the beginning of voice chat for the two of us. Fond memories..  :bigsmile:

Let's see whether or not the majority of the players will understand the concept this time.


Yep, good memories. Bulletstorm is definitely among the best FPS games I've played. They way you can build up your score by using as many original kill-skills as possible is so cool, hilarious and addictive, it's hard to forget.
I can recommend this game to you Durian, both the original release and probably the full clip edition. Although it doesn't seem to add anything to the gameplay, this new release.

The one thing that could've been better imho is the multiplayer coop which they call anarchy. It's a good old survival mode, where waves of enemies try to destroy you and your team that can be up to 4 players. It's fun while it lasts, but like Art mentioned already, most players just want to get the highest kill count and don't understand the concept. A brilliant idea for this game would've been to release the main story for coop. That would make me want to buy the game again right away O0
"No hay luz"


The original release is cheaper but as I no longer have a PS3, so I'll get the Full Clip Edition when it comes out in late Apr or further down the line. What seems to make this game stand out from countless other FPS's is the unique skillshot system.

Art Blade


Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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