Watchdogs 2 - whether to buy or not

Started by PZ, February 17, 2017, 08:24:10 AM

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Although not for everyone, I still like this game, and this video would have tipped the scales for me if I had been hesitant


I bought the game just to go back to San Francisco again :) The gameplay elements was a good refreshment from the old UBI*bleep* formula. Funny enough, I could buy the overpowered stuff from the start rather than do task X to unlock item Y... FC4 plays better with JRaven's Open World mod :)

The aesthetics was remarkably real, my teacher insantly recognized San Francisco when she walked by my screen. I am currently doing online operations only, they are quite easy when you call enforcers to deal with the problem :evil2:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I've not played the game in such a long time that I've forgotten the controls and would need to start a new play through. Like most games, I rarely play all the way though.


The game have a "know-it-all" app in the in-game smartphone ;) Might take a quick look through there
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I forgot about that app - thanks for the reminder  O0


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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