Isle of Dogs

Started by Dweller_Benthos, September 27, 2017, 09:18:19 AM

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Just saw this as the advert before a youtube video. What was that about Japan again? I think this sums it up.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

What the.. ???

That's proper crazy :anigrin:

Voice acting: Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum and more.. I didn't expect that, either.


Yeah it seems they got some good actors to do the dubbing, I'm sure the original is in Japanese with native actors.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on September 28, 2017, 08:01:08 AM
... I'm sure the original is in Japanese with native actors.

Actually that would be the version I would be most interested in though I would want English subtitles.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

same here. Nothing beats a Japanese samurai raging in his own language :D And generally yes, I usually prefer the original over any dubbed version even if I have to use subtitles. The sound is simply better -- no dubbing can be better than the original. Specifically, sound in larger rooms, like inside of a church, the reverb.. you can't get that exactly right in a studio.


For a live action, sure, subtitles are better if the movie is worth reading, but for an animated thing like this, doesn't really matter if it's dubbed, if it's done well with decent actors. Not just some people reading the lines in a recording booth.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Art Blade on September 28, 2017, 08:47:19 AM
... Nothing beats a Japanese samurai raging in his own language :D ...

For some reason I had the image of Barney Fife (Don Knotts) voicing that dub pop into my head.  :D

I'm sure we all have our own equally valid preferences and reasons behind the choice of favoring either dubbed or subtitled in what we watch.

I've watched enough Japanese film and TV video productions that I am able on occasion to pick up on words that have been disconcertingly dropped out of even the subtitles from the original voice actors.

One thing off the top of my head that I miss in dubbed versions of their spoken language is the honorifics that are attached to names during dialogs between characters that typically are dropped for expediency while there is a quick paced back and forth conversation.  The usage of the honorifics that reflect levels of respect or affection between characters (at least for me) adds a lot of background flavor and situational information to something I'm watching.

As an example (again off the top of my head) in Japanese one character can call another an idiot but a dubbed version having the missing honorific fails to portray that there may still be a deep friendship or express that there's the relationship of an actual or assumed older sibling applying varying degrees of scolding ranging from lovingly or to an openly harsh rebuke.  I feel that there's so much mood setting content lost when that gets whitewashed out by dubbing.

I'm also in the opinion that the casting directors had specific reasons for selecting the voice actors they use.  I kind of feel that once a production piece is brought over here and it's dubbed the process kind of turns into a name dropping festival drawing from a body of actors who will pull in the dollars.  At least for me names like Murray and Goldblum register at a gut level as the burn out and The Fly.

I don't think I've watched 20 Hollywood spawned movies in the last 20 years.  The values promoted by Hollywood and the people they push forward as celebrities don't mesh with my values.  While many may be considered decent actors I have very little emotional connection for very few among them.  At least not enough to put money in their pockets anyway.

I wouldn't call for a boycott.  Other than the fact people don't tend to do what I say or see things as I see them, rather it's a case of (for me personally) that segment of the industry has simply lost my interest.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I can relate to most of that, mandru-san :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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