Tom Clancy's The Division

Started by LowPolyOWG, September 28, 2017, 08:12:42 AM

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Doesn't w0#k 100% of the time, as there's a small fraction of players staying in the lower tiers. However, as long as they don't bother me, I am fine. :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Alright, there will be an update to ease the grind for classified gear now :anigrin: Now, I don't need to have 5000 Phoenix credits stuck useless in my inventory. Later, the HTI .50 cal sniper from GRW might get added to The Division. A .50 cal sniper has been a requested item by the community.

James Norris from Ubisoft Leamington joined Petter to talk about the future drop rate changes.

  • There is not yet a date for the changes discussed in todays State of the Game to be implemented.
  • Classified items drop rates will all be increased to 6%.
  • Legendary mission rewards will have a 20% chance to drop classifieds.
  • Season pass supply drops will have a 10% chance to drop classifieds and will also drop 100 Dtech.
  • Daily assignements will reward 25 Dtech and Weekly assignements will reward 100 Dtech
  • LZ bosses will now drop all exotics instead of a limited selection.
  • Vendor exotics have been removed from the loot pool since you can just buy them.
  • They will be adding new caches :
       During GE's : 900 GE cred caches have been removed, the 1500 GE cred one remains.
       New GE caches that will give you a guaranteed piece of a specific classified set will be added.
       Outside of GE's : They will be adding a cache that can be purchased for 2500 Pheonix credits, this cache will have a 100% chance of dropping a classified piece.
  • GE bosses will drop 100 GE creds.
  • No date on the Xbox one X patch, it is still in progress.

Celebrating two years of Division, UBI*bleep**bleep* will enable global events through all weekends of March :anigrin:

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Interesting stats. Looks like humanity got wiped 10x :laughsm:

Going to return when those caches are added  :evil2:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



A gameplay video. This week's Global Event is called "Blackout" and involves using stun ammo :evil2: I got my classified build done! Althought, the Division community gave me some advice. I had done it so wrong :banghead:

Anyway, the community changed my loadout. Since I was melting NPCs (PvE), I now have 6K stamina/Firearms skill. Also removed my beloved Buzzsaw for a shotgun instead and I got a different AR tailored for shredding enemies. The result: How a classified Striker should w0#k  :anigrin: Will record a different clip showing off how a true Striker works. The community also told me about using gear modifiers and talents useful for shredding enemies (be it NPCs or DZ players). They even asked me to check the weekly vendor reset 8) This weekend, I can buy a MG5 that lets me spam my signature/super ability constantly :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

sounds like a good community, for a change :thumbsup: Good on you that you've managed to improve your gear thanks to those guys. I can imagine the first part ("I'm cool now") and the second part ("WHAT!" <slaps forehead> ) and the third part ("NOW, this really is cool")  :anigrin: have fun O0

Art Blade

I just finished watching that vid. Apart from looking a bit laggy, the firepower sure was impressive. I'm curious about your improvements in the next vid :)


I guess OBS tanks on my current laptop. As a small time content creator, I should invest in a Ryzen rig next time ::)

Yeah, althought with the correct loadout, my Big Al is quite poor  :-X Anyway, here's the clip :anigrin: :evil2: Note how I finish the first boss WITHOUT emptying my gun :laughsm: :gnehe:

To enhance myself, note the damage modifiers 15-20 seconds in :anigrin: 1:32 for combat :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

that was a good combat performance. You stayed alive and took out a whole lot of enemies. I was a bit worried when you ran low on health there for some time because rather than healing up (if that's possible) you just kept going. Reckless, I'd say :anigrin: Nice one, G O0


If you saw to the bottom left, the green numbers are self heals/bonus damage. :anigrin: yeah, I was worried by myself that I would die during that segment :-X

Set bonuses

QuoteSet bonus (6): Talent - Striker's Persistence & Improved Striker's Battlegear (CLASSIFIED ONLY)
Every hit adds a self-healing bonus for 0.02% of max health per second. This bonus is increased by 0.05% for every 3000 stamina. Stacks up to 100 hits. Missing shots drops the bonus by 1 stack and the bonus is reduced by 2 stacks every second.
Every hit increases the bonus damage from Striker's Battlegear by an additional 1%. Missing shots drops the bonus damage from Striker's Battlegear by 1% and the bonus is reduced by 2% every second.

And thanks  :bigsmile:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

well, you surely deserved it, it was a good combat performance :) I doubt I'd have survived that, and likely I'd have played a lot slower and I'd have tried to avoid stepping right into the centre without any cover. I was unable to see several of those enemies that you instantly spotted and attacked as if they were bright candles in the dark. :anigrin:

I'm better at hand-to-hand combat and stealth. Only just now, over in KCD, I cleared a dark silver mine without anyone spotting me. Bow and arrow from the shadows, and stealth kills from behind. Silent and deadly. :gnehe:


I'm familiar with the area from previous encounters ;) So, I didn't went in blind.

Stealth isn't working in this game and MMOs doesn't really favour that approach anyway  :anigrin: Good job sneaking in that mine  8)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

thanks. :)

Ah yes, sure, if you say that you know the area I assume you include spawn points for enemies. That indeed explains some moves. I used to know those spawn points in FC3 coop missions and prepared accordingly, apparently the same as you in TCTD. Oh, also GTAO, the contact mission "deal breaker" is one that I know by heart. The game surprises you when you think you're done after mopping up a whole gang. You pick up the coke and move towards the road when a car with four guys comes racing around the corner and they're all shooting at you, then usually you take cover and they hop out and take cover.. I cut that short by dropping a proximity mine in said corner before I mop up the gang. When I pick up the coke and walk back, I hear a bang and see the XP for killing four guys popping up on the screen and if you're lucky, you can see the burning wreck of the car with four dead bodies flying straight towards the water rather than driving around the corner. :evil2:


I remember that :laughsm: I brought my tank to the scene, which solves that issue in a more loud manner  :evil2:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


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This guy hugged a crate :anigrin:

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Took down a female boss called "Predator" :laughsm:

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


🡱 🡳

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