The snow is heavy...

Started by PZ, February 11, 2017, 09:18:08 AM

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... and the ice has been here for a while

This is a test of the attachments feature of the forum

Art Blade

not bad, a thumbnail and clicking on it, it resizes to an acceptable size


At least we can have some kind of pic attachments.  I'm still trying to find a good gallery solution  :)


Meanwhile, halfway across the world, to the south.....  8)

(fragger, if you are not burned to a crisp yet, this is your cue to post your current situation  :evil2:)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Dang, you're like we are in the summer, JRD - our problem is that in addition to the temperature, we are also humid. When I lived in the California desert, it was dry so temperatures in the 90's were not that bad.


Yup... the attachment function works great. Much better like this than to have to upload and save on a folder and then use bb code. It is good if you want to store images on the site but when its just something quick like that, this attachment option feels better, fewer steps to get it done.

Also I noticed the "preview" option will show you the text but not the attachments, meaning you'll have to click "post" in order to see if all your attachments went through. No big deal, just an observation.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Hopefully the attachments will go through, and they should as long as the size limits are observed.  O0

Art Blade


If you click on "attachments and other options" right below the text box it says: "Restrictions: 12 per post, maximum individual size 256KB"
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Size limits are another thing we can change - they are typically set a bit low because pages load way faster.


Are images automatically downsized or does it get blocked if it is too large?

Size doesn't matter ( :gnehe:) as long as it looks good on screen.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Unfortunately not automatically downsized, but it will be rejected if too large.

No one seems to make a good gallery mod for SMF.  :undecided-new:

Art Blade

dang. However, the attachments are very comfortable to w0#k with. Almost point and click fast.


Yes, it is not too bad.  As JRD mentioned, the down side of using the attachments is that you cannot put text with each image - they are all at the bottom and the text is all at the top.  One thing we could do is name the image with a description we can refer to in the post.

I do really like how the YouTubes embed though, it is much cleaner.

Art Blade


however, only few of us created posts with embedded pics. Might as well w0#k as attachments. "See attachments" :)

🡱 🡳

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