Music Videos

Started by Art Blade, March 19, 2017, 10:03:36 PM

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Oh yeah my brother had the album back then, and we listened to that a lot. Good to see he's still going.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I know of a military  group that plays this song really loud when going into some battles. It is rather distinctive, and the opposition knows who their opponent is based on the music. Kind of reminds me of the Iron Brigade in the American Civil War who distinctively wore feathers in their hats to advertise their presence.


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I believe that Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen aka "The Red Baron" with his red-painted plane did that kind of recognition thingy first :)

You need to leave survivors in order to let your reputation proceed you. He did. When he shot down a plane (disabled it) he wouldn't go after the pilot to kill him, as a matter of honour.

In return, the enemy (in his case, the Australians) gave him a proper military burial.


Yes, there are many examples of military honor among the men. An other Civil War example: on Christmas Eve with the Union and Confederate troops. One side started singing, and the other joined in, eventually meeting together around the campfire exchanging good stories and good times. In the morning they resumed massively killing each other. Evidently, the lower you go in the "ranks" of the men, the more reasonable they become. The people at the top only use the people at the bottom to further their own gains. It is only a shame that the guys at the campfire didn't wake up in the morning and execute the commanders.

Examples like this exist in all the extended wars.


Is motorcycling dangerous? Well, maybe. A little. Probably. But that's why

(And if I had a band, this is just what I'd want it to sound like)


Oh, and regarding PZ's earlier upload of the Black Sails theme, here's the key instrument used in that evocative piece:

Art Blade

I know that instrument (it's called vielle à roue) from holidays spent in the Bretagne, France.


Cool instrument - I've never seen it before.

Art Blade

For a couple of days I had this particular version of Led Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven playing in my mind. Took a little effort to find it as you'd mostly find all kinds of different cover versions except this one from 1985. I like it a lot better than the original. :)


Pretty interesting take on a classic, a lot of different things going on in there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that's a good description :) Imagine, I first came across this tune back in 1985/1986 in a Funk (!) Club. It was so outlandish yet so cool, I could never forget it. Not exactly my type of music yet the circumstances were special so it kind of stuck with me. Luckily, I had the DJ record his live performance on a C90 (yeah, a 90-minutes CrO2 audio cassette) and that song was on it. Unluckily I did not know what that song's title was nor who the artist was. It would pop up once in a while in my mind, like now. Only now I had the idea of checking the net, YouTube more precisely, and see whether or not I would find it. Luckily the few words I remembered were the title. I also remembered the "it makes me wonder" part which I really love. Well.. GOT IT. :gnehe:


Definitely a nice variant  :thumbsup:


Ah nice story, very cool. But really, you didn't know it was Stairway to Heaven when you first heard it? Not a Zeppelin fan, eh? lol  :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

How do you know? ???  :gnehe:

Nope, I'm not. :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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