Mesa Verde - Spring House - unexcavated

Started by PZ, March 21, 2017, 10:28:23 AM

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Spring house is an 8 mile, 8 hour Ranger-led hike for no more than a few people at a time. There are numerous sites along the way, many of the un-named. The temperature was better than 100F and the descent into the canyon was rather unpleasant.

[spoiler text=Spring House images]Turkey vultures at the start of the Spring house hike
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Tea kettle house
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The round tower
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Buzzard house
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Unnamed structure
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A structure that was over the edge of the cliff - you had to get close to the edge, lay on your belly so you do not fall, and peer around the corner
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Spring house, a pristine structure that has not been excavated
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The seep spring was behind the curved wall
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Example of the chinking
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Can you see the horse pictograph (hint: reddish color)
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This piece was heavy, and incredibly strong
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Examples of pottery
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Looking back over the canyon in which Spring house is located
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Another unnamed structure tucked into a crevice
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Art Blade



Pretty cool, though the hiking conditions don't sound fun.

I also thought you were making a joke with the second to last picture, as I read the caption for the one below it as pertaining to the one above it. IOW, "unnamed structure tucked into a crevice" and the shot is of someone's behind, lol. Ooops on my part.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



The conditions were my fault - we happened to be the last tour of the season because the heat was so high.  There was another couple with us and the poor lady needed to be taken out on a gurney on the way up - it was too much for her.  I'd never seen a trial gurney before - one giant wheel in the center of the unit.

Art Blade

you should have called one for yourself and raced her.


🡱 🡳

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