Friday afternoon gestures

Started by BinnZ, October 06, 2017, 09:36:29 AM

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Drive over them, right, good strat, mandru. lol

The one thing that gets me a lot of the time is this one place on my way home. There are four lanes, leading up to an intersection. two are dedicated left turn lanes, the other two are for straight ahead or right turn. In evening rush hour, the two left turn lanes are sometimes pretty packed and backed up. I go straight at that intersection, so I keep to the inside right lane, as the outside right lane sometimes has people turning right or after the intersection, it ends anyway, so I keep in the lane that essentially takes me on the road I want to go on.

Well, of course, with those two popular left turn lanes backed up, and the light just turning green, people get in "my" lane and try to jump the line to turn left, and either try to squeeze in at the last moment, or sit there with their left turn signal on, like a dummy, and block the lane for going straight. That burns me no end, and on more than one occasion, I've laid on the horn as I switch lanes at the last minute as they just decided to stop in the middle of the intersection because there's no place for them to take a left turn because, of course, the turn lanes are backup up for half a mile.

And sometimes they have the gaul to honk back as if I'm in the wrong.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I've led a happy life. I almost never have to worry about those idiot drivers. Why? Despite owing a driving licence, I've never owned a car. The main reason is that I can get almost everywhere I need to either on foot or by public transport. The only exceptions to that are taking a taxi on rare occasions and a plane for holiday trips. :anigrin:



That sort of thing riles me no end, D_B. And yeah, I love how some people toot back at you when they're the ones who have done the wrong thing. That's real nice, that is ::)

Art, you're lucky you can do that. Unfortunately, it's not an option for me out here in the boondocks :gnehe:


Yep, no choice but to drive for me. If I want to have a job that's more than farmer that is.

What it boils down to in that situation I described was people not wanting to wait their turn in line, no, they are so special, and their time so much more valuable than everyone else's that they think they deserve to jump the line and get to the front.

No, no matter what your mother told you, you're not special. Get to the back of the line.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



Although our small town got choked with traffic today, I managed to do some little gestures to the people around me. Letting others pass before I slip in, waiting when a street is too narrow to let 2 cars pass eachother...
I feel like the Friday vibe :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Good on you, BinnZ :thumbsup: :) If more people did things like that, the world would indeed be a happier place 8)

Heck, I'll even give you a +1 for that!


"No hay luz"


There is definitely nothing wrong with exhibiting a bit of uncommon courtesy. Good job gents  O0

🡱 🡳