Assassin's Creed TV series announced

Started by PZ, March 23, 2017, 12:34:38 PM

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I've not watched the AC movie yet, but UBI*bleep* recently announced that they are producing a television series based on the series.

Art Blade

I don't want to watch the movie, let alone a TV show. The movie someone said looks good but lacks the spirit. I suspect the series is going to be a soap opera  :D


You never know!  The movie is only rated 3/5 stars, but some movies rated like that by the general populus are among the ones I like the most.  I'm waiting to get the movie in my Netflix queue, and will watch at least the first episode of the TV series  :bigsmile:


I saw the movie, and for someone who is only marginally aware of the game, it was just OK. I don't know how much or how closely it follows the plot of any of the games, but it was essentially bad guys fake the death of this dude so he can possess the body of his ancestor to do ..... something. I'd give it a "mostly harmless" rating.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


hmmm.... that plot doesn't sound familiar  :huh-new:

Art Blade

yeah, everything to avoid a rating related to "too violent for children, teens, twens and elderly people" -- they'd whitewash it so hard you could present it in a kindergarten.


Indeed - even making a movie has to be politically correct  :ranting:


It was essentially just another action movie, and forgettable.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



Did anyone see the Hitman movie? I saw some bits of it on Youtube and it looked like crappola. Over-the-top, ridiculously far-fetched action stuff. Pretty violent too, but then the Hitman dude in the games isn't exactly a flower child.


Repeat my comment above for the Hitman movie, I know I saw it, but could not for the life of me tell you what it was about. Killing stuff, I guess? I seem to remember him trying to rescue a woman who turned out to be the sister of the guy he was trying to kill? And they were trying to ... wait that might have been Drop Dead Fred, now I think of it, which was actually a decent movie, Sharlto Copley is awesome in that, playing pretty much every part and you wonder what's going on for the first half of the movie.

So yeah, the most interesting thing from Hitman was me remembering something from another movie.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, I watched Hitman and was not impressed - was just like any other Matrix-like movie

Art Blade

I watched hitman and all the film and the game had in common was a bald main actor. The film was not even a cool action movie, just "meh."


Unfortunately it sounds like the AC movie will be a rerun of the same theme  :undecided-new:


And I just realized I mis-named the movie with Sharlto Copley in it, that movie was Hardcore Henry, not Drop Dead Fred, not sure where I got that name from, it's a 25 year old movie that I don't think I ever saw.

But if you can stand the 1st person stunt man view of the first half of Hardcore Henry, I would say try to see it, if just for Copley and his chameleonic abilities to be pretty much anyone. In a few scenes, it took me a couple minutes before I said, hey, wait a minute, isn't that the same guy, and didn't he just die in the last scene? The second half of the movie is easier to take visually as it's shot in a more traditional style and not 1st person. At the time, I was going to skip the movie as the previews didn't look too interesting and the 1st person view a gimmick, but since Copley was in it, I decided to try it out and was happy I saw it. It must have been good, as I remembered it more than Hitman which I still cannot remember what happened in it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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