Is FC2 modding still alive ?

Started by LinkHero, April 11, 2017, 05:38:42 AM

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Dear all,

I have been trying to rearm my FC2 mercs with so-called "leet" weapons (M16, DesertEagle, USAS12, AS50, MGL140, LPO50), and have mostly succeededwith the M16 and DE,(They appear in merc's dropped weapons)
Two problems have been encountered:
1) Some mercs do not have a primary weapon AT ALL. I have observed one sniper and one regular merc, so I must assume that they used to have the AS50 and USAS12 respectively.
2) The LPO50 is rendered on the backs of mercs, but they never use it.

Any suggestions, anybody ?? I am at my wits end here.  :banghead:
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade

is the LPO50 is the flare gun? If so, they use it but rarely. You can try to start the merc war over at *bleep* Fight which is where I kept seeing them using it.


Quote from: Art Blade on April 11, 2017, 06:08:24 AM
is the LPO50 is the flare gun? If so, they use it but rarely. You can try to start the merc war over at *bleep* Fight which is where I kept seeing them using it.

No, the LPO50 is the flamethrower. I set it to Special slot, and the damn guy won't burn anything with it.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


I can't help unfortunately - my modding experience did not include what the mercs were using.


Your config file might have become a victim of spelling errors for weapons... Enemies might behave like idiots with some weapons as they might lack some programming to utilize them properly

My xml file section for reference ;)

<Pack name="assault">
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.MAC10" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.DesertEagle" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.SilencedMakarov_6P9" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.Star45" />
          <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Primary.G3KA4" />
          <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Primary.AK47.AK47_Gold" />
          <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Primary.MP5" />
                  <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Primary.M16" />
  <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Primary.MGL140" />
  <SpecialWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Special.M249_Saw.M249_Saw_Merc" />
  <SpecialWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Special.PKM.PKM_Merc" />
          <SpecialWeapon probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Special.LPO50" />
          <SpecialWeapon archetype="weapons.Special.Flare_Gun.Flare_Gun_Merc" />
            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.Molotov" count="3" />
            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" />

<Pack name="shotgun">
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.SilencedMakarov_6P9" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.M79" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.Makarov" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.Uzi" />
            <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Primary.FNFAL" />
            <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Primary.SPAS12" />
            <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Primary.USAS12" />
            <SpecialWeapon  probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Special.RPG7.RPG7_Merc" />
            <SpecialWeapon  probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Special.Carl_Gustaf.Carl_Gustaf_Merc" />

          <SpecialWeapon archetype="weapons.Special.Flare_Gun.Flare_Gun_Merc" />
            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.Molotov" count="3" />
            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" />

        <Pack name="RocketLauncher">
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.Makarov" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.M79" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.Uzi" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.2" archetype="weapons.Secondary.MAC10" />

            <SpecialWeapon  probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Special.RPG7.RPG7_Merc" />
            <SpecialWeapon  probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Special.Carl_Gustaf.Carl_Gustaf_Merc" />

            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.Molotov" count="3" />

            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />                   
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" />                   

        <Pack name="Mortar">
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0" archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />

            <SpecialWeapon probability="1" archetype="weapons.Special.LPO50" />
            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.M67" count="3" />
            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />                   
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" />                 
        <Pack name="sniper">
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Secondary.SilencedMakarov_6P9" />
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Secondary.DesertEagle" />
            <SecondaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />

            <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Special.M1903.M1903_Merc" />
        <PrimaryWeapon probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Primary.AS50" />
        <PrimaryWeapon probability="0.33" archetype="weapons.Primary.Dragunov.Dragunov_Merc" />
                        <SpecialWeapon probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Special.Dart_Rifle" />
                        <SpecialWeapon probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Special.Carl_Gustaf.Carl_Gustaf_Merc" />

            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.M67" count="3" />

            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" />
        <Pack name="buddy">
            <MeleeWeapon archetype="weapons.HandToHand.Machete" />
            <SecondaryWeapon archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />

          <PrimaryWeapon  probability="1" archetype="weapons.Primary.AK47.AK47_Gold" />
          <SpecialWeapon  probability="1" archetype="weapons.Special.LPO50" />

            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.Molotov" count="3" />

            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />                   
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" /> 
        <Pack name="buddy_shotgun">
            <MeleeWeapon archetype="weapons.HandToHand.Machete" />
            <SecondaryWeapon archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />

            <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Primary.USAS12" />
            <PrimaryWeapon  probability="0.5" archetype="weapons.Primary.AS50" />
            <SpecialWeapon  probability="1" archetype="weapons.Special.RPG7.RPG7_Merc" />
            <Gadget archetype="gadgets.Grenades.M67" count="3" />

            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />                   
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" /> 
        <Pack name="warlord">
<SecondaryWeapon  probability="1" archetype="weapons.Secondary.IED" />

            <Ammo type="assaultrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="deserteagle" count="1000" />                   
            <Ammo type="lmg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="sniperrifle" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="shotgun" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="m79" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="ied" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="smg" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="rocket" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="flare" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="fuel" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mortar" count="1000" />
            <Ammo type="mgl140" count="1000" /> 

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks, OWGKID for the help. I copy pasted your code into my files and the FAL seems to have made an appearance. I haven't seen anyone with the AS50 or the USAS12 yet, but then I haven't tested this for a very long time (somewhere around 15 minutes or so, half of which was spent in collecting diamonds.

Update: I used the USAS12.Persistent and the AS50.Persistent models instead of the usual ones, and they w0#k. Thanks guys

On the other hand, I tweaked all weapons to shoot straight, (including shotguns.) then a merc with an SPAS12 killed me. from a range of about 100 feet.  :banghead: Now I'm going to change some values there.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade


yeah, they're a damn nuisance  :anigrin:


LinkHero, you might have to "force" the game to load those changes with a new save or let the enemies respawn (clear checkpoint and then come back to see them use those weapons)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I assume that employing the new patch files will require a complete start of a play though, correct? Although I do not know how much code is retained in game saves, I've experienced playing new patches with legacy code from prior patches.


That's the best way to start any modded game.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


IIRC there was a mod that changed the weapons of all the mercs and it worked (even the flame-thrower).

It was somewhere on the old forum.


Problem was how the AI behaved with it though :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


Does make the game funny though  :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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