Battlefield Hardline

Started by nex, March 26, 2017, 04:54:25 AM

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I think about it the same way PZ. I also prefer 3rd, although I really like FPS games as well. In GTA 1st person wasn't my thing ;)
"No hay luz"


The lack of higher FOV makes me not like the first person view that much.
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A friend of mine is the same, he likes the higher FOV plus it helps him as he gets motion sickness sometimes, especially in first person mode in smaller interior spaces. I don't like 3rd person mostly because the model of the player gets in the way of what I want to look at, especially if there's something close by I want to see.

In a non-combat game like Astroneer, I don't mind it as much.
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In GTA V, I only ever used 1st person mode for driving (except for motorcycles, 3rd person was better for that. 1st person mode was too touchy for the bikes). The rest of the time I stayed with 3rd person view.

I can go either mode, depending on the game. 3rd person is good for GTA V and things like Tomb Raider where you need to be able to see stuff such as where you need to jump to next, places you need to get to, and so on (TR lets you move Lara's head around without her moving, so you can use that to scope out places and plan your moves). TR would be a complete nightmare in 1st person.


I love riding motorcycles fast in 1st person in GTA V, it is quite a rush to zoom through traffic, cutting close to big trucks and splitting lanes. The only time I went to 3rd person was during the tow truck missions to be sure I didn't wreck the car I was towing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I played around 50/50 1st/3rd person. I too liked riding motor-bikes in 1st, it was a lot better than in 3rd person. :)

🡱 🡳

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