Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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Art Blade

the first vid looks familiar in a way. Reminds me of the Eden stuff.

The two other vids, I think they're somewhat difficult to grasp without knowing the story behind all that. But I like Cleopatra's.. erm.. ah, yes, I like her eyes.  :anigrin:


I find it amusing how Cleopatra is always portrayed in the media as some beautiful, seductive temptress when it is known for a fact that she was not in fact drop-dead gorgeous.

This is how she really looked:


It very likely wasn't Cleo's looks that swayed Julius Caesar. It was far more likely her intelligence, her diplomatic wiles and her political status.
As for her having herself delivered to Caesar rolled up in a carpet, that is almost certainly a fanciful piece of fiction.

...Yeah, I know, I'm a party-pooper :gnehe:

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Art Blade

I've never seen that pic before, nice one :thumbsup:


That sculpture of Cleopatra is actually on your turf, Art. It's in the Altes Museum in Berlin, or was, last I heard.

Art Blade

not exactly around the corner for our standards while for you it would be "next doors"  :anigrin:


Here are a few more videos

beggings of the creed

The fire sword is devastating

fire sword


avenging another player

Gladiator combat

boss gladiator combat

Another revenge mission - the game keeps offering these which keeps it fresh.


Art Blade

funny how in ancient Egypt, they spoke modern English, with a heavy accent. Even among themselves, instead of their native tongue, without any accent. It doesn't make it more believable if they add an accent, that form of English just wasn't spoken anywhere in the world back then :anigrin:

very nice vids, PZ :) I like the glowing armour! O0


Art Blade

welcome, and thanks for sharing :) For reasons unbeknownst to me, I seem to enjoy watching you playing games  :anigrin:


Thanks - likely because the vids are mostly so short  :gnehe:

Art Blade

on the contrary.. I would like to watch a whole episode but I'm aware of your bandwidth/internet situation.


Very kind AB  :bigsmile:

The console makes it simple to post videos - it always keeps track of the last 5 minutes of game play so you can press the button at any time, trim the video to your liking, and then post automatically on YT. The upload occurs in the background while you continue gaming  O0

I'm now done with the main quest line, and am exploring the entire world looking for unexplored places. I'm also looking at the season pass, and hope that they offer add-on mission packs.

Art Blade


UBI*bleep* video about how AC Origins will be handled post-launch. Free content? ??? If this was EA, it would be thrown into loot boxes or added as paid mini-DLC...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I think I'll get the season pass - two expansion packs sound interesting.  O0

Here are a couple of opposite ways to defeat:

stealth and poison

direct frontal attack

🡱 🡳

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