Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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Art Blade



They certainly did something right with the series this time ???
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I tend to agree with the ideas in that video - I have purchased all the AC games, and have been disappointed in most of them since Ezio. This is the first one that has me excited again, and have played each day this week.

I got the perk to tame your animal, and they indeed try to protect you by inflicting damage to your foes.  However, they do not stay with you if you fast travel.


This perk is one of my favorites. When you find a corpse (one you killed or just found dead) you can apply poison to them, which is evidenced by dark vapors emanating from their dead body. You can lure or otherwise encourage live enemy to go through the cloud, and they cough, become sick, and eventually die if their level is low enough. Best part is that they now also become infectious.

I found a couple of legendary weapons, with one of their characteristics being "Poison on hit". When I equip one of those and hit an enemy, bluish poisonous vapors come off my weapon and infect the foe  :D


I'm actually investigating location maps for things like doing the 12 stone circles, and all the tombs, all of which gives  you much in the way of leveling up your character. However, there is so much to do, and so many places to visit that it is almost overwhelming as to how much you can do. I'm still visiting old areas and finding things to do there.

This is a massive game, and I am still increasingly enjoying it. I killed my first Phylake yesterday, which was quite a challenge, but I kept hitting him from horseback and he finally died, giving me a legendary gold sword. Phylakes are considered "mini-bosses" because of their strength, but they at least look like normal warriors. These are overly tough guys, but there are only 10 of them in the world, and you are always warned when they are in the area, so it is not annoying to deal with them. In fact, you can avoid them altogether, so one of the things I greatly appreciated in this game is that you can avoid what you do not like.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


It is definitely a step up from the poisoning from prior games. In addition to poisoning dead corpses, you can also fling poison darts, and of course choose a weapon that spreads poison with each hit.

Yesterday afternoon I finally found Giza, and saw the Sphinx for the first time with a nose! There was a tiny passage into his innards at his *bleep* end  :D

It was fun exploring the passages and I eventually ended up at a large void which had light coming in from two places in the ceiling, lighting up some kind of map on the floor, but there was no way to continue with the exploration so I'll need to come back later. I did some research and I need to accomplish tasks in the world before I can activate the machinery.

I also explored the big pyramid "tomb" and harvested all of the collectibles. As an added bonus, you get an ability point when you collect the tablet so you can level up your character.

I still have not gone on a single main line quest, and have been having a blast doing all the side quests, which are rich in open world tactic fun. So far, take away all of the annoyances in prior UBI*bleep* games, and add all the good, and this is what this game appears to be.

Art Blade

if they exchange their old support, I might reconsider UBI*bleep*.


I don't know if we can dream so far as to get UBI*bleep* to do support, but I do think you'd enjoy the game.  In fact, you might not even need support - I've not had a single glitch, and updates have been minimal.

I've never had to resort to contacting UBI*bleep* for anything; maybe that is why I still like their games, at least some of them.

Art Blade


I do - from the beginning of my enjoyment of FC2 I never had any of the problems reported by scores of people regarding that game.  Maybe I'm just lucky with computers  :gnehe:

Art Blade


🡱 🡳

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