Impessions: Assassin's Creed Origins

Started by PZ, November 01, 2017, 09:12:21 PM

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I just heard from a random guy at GameStop that you can earn the best gear from doing event bosses ;) That might be something worth looking into
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I would, but it was recommended to be level 40 for the last one  :huh-new:


You can take them if you are above 35. Wouldn't recommend lower than that
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I'd not attempt until I was at or above the suggested level. These are boss missions, which I dislike to begin with.

You've never seen me play  :gnehe:

Art Blade

Oh yes, I have.. already forgot all those vids you posted? :gnehe:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"



Well, I'm almost at level 39 and still have not continued on the main mission line, which is to introduce the player to gladiator games (I think).

I've been doing higher level side quests, and have developed a pattern of attack. Use Senu to scout and tag enemy and items of interest, especially the braziers that are lit to bring reinforcements. Next, sabotage the braziers - funny to watch them explode and kill the soldier trying to light them.

So far, no matter how the place is built, there is a way to climb to your point of interest -remember the ricks you could not even step over in FC2? - nothing like that here. Virtually everything is climbable. It is such a pleasure to move about the environment almost like in real life. You actually have greater freedom of movement than in real life.

Stealth is the best way to go about attack - there are always bushes to hid within. Plan carefully and you can just about go through an entire area without being noticed (there is an ability that allows you to gain XP for chain stealth kills without being detected.

This is the best assassin game I've ever played, which is largely due to just how wide open this world is. I'm also glad (never thought I'd ever say this) that UBI*bleep* went RPG with this version of the series.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I saw that one as I was leveling up, but not being fond of boss fights and being at too low a level, I did not even try it - no sense in something like aggravating my blood pressure.  :gnehe:

According to the article, there should be more events featuring Anubis, and a new one just showed on my map yesterday that I might try.

I'm now at level 40 which the game reports is the highest level, and still have not continued the main quest line. The game also reports that I still advance, and it is keeping track of the XP I get for accomplishing quests. However, I do not know in what form those "accomplishments" materialize.

I still have not visited several large areas on the map, but the adventure will continue.

In this game, you actually level up your weapons and defenses by crafting. Yesterday when I was at level 39, I attempted to assassinate a level 39 Captain, and was rebuffed! When I checked my assassin blade condition status, it was not maxed out, so I did some hunting of hippos and crocs to finally max out the blade potential. Today at level 40, I sneaked into a tent and assassinated a level 41 Captain without problem. Yes, that is not a typo - some of the soldiers are at a higher level than the maximum for a player.  :huh-new:

I like how you can change your weapon load out in the fly even while attacking an enemy installation - not very realistic, but very satisfying to be able to choose your best weapon of choice depending on the situation.

The best part of the quest direction which UBI*bleep* has taken is that the side missions are varied enough so they do not become stale, and the process of decision making when leveling up is always interesting - I do not become bored with the game as I usually do. I am still as excited to go into the game whenever I get the chance, and have been playing every day since I first purchased and started playing. The other nice thing of a quest based game is that I can choose to continue the main mission line, abandon it while within the quest to go do something different, including leveling up weapons or defenses - I can always return to the last check point.

Art Blade


Quote from: PZ on November 21, 2017, 08:47:48 AM
I'm now at level 40 which the game reports is the highest level, and still have not continued the main quest line. The game also reports that I still advance, and it is keeping track of the XP I get for accomplishing quests. However, I do not know in what form those "accomplishments" materialize.

In this game, you actually level up your weapons and defenses by crafting. Yesterday when I was at level 39, I attempted to assassinate a level 39 Captain, and was rebuffed! When I checked my assassin blade condition status, it was not maxed out, so I did some hunting of hippos and crocs to finally max out the blade potential. Today at level 40, I sneaked into a tent and assassinated a level 41 Captain without problem. Yes, that is not a typo - some of the soldiers are at a higher level than the maximum for a player.  :huh-new:

In Destiny 2 you earn an item called "Bright Engram". Basically, a loot crate that gives you random weapon paints, emotes etc. In D2, you can infuse weapons together to make it more powerful :evil2: In the case of The Division, enemies are lvl 34 permanently after you hit level 30. Everytime you "level" up, you earn a free loot crate that drops weapons or gear :)

Forbes article about their impressions with AC:O and some useful tips. Ohh, legendary items can be infused like in Destiny 2 ??? Better farm those bosses, PZ :anigrin: :gnehe:

New boss event too!
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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