Hitman 2016

Started by PZ, February 12, 2017, 09:55:03 AM

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Interesting - I'd not have thought of doing multiple accounts to play via various persona. MrFreeze evidently is more interested in the YouTube notoriety than in actually playing the game  :-X

I more like your way of playing the game, AB

Art Blade

Thank you :)

While he once stated that he wanted to become the number one youtuber for Hitman, I just play for fun and even more so, I'm having fun playing Hitman. :anigrin: I almost never have fits when something doesn't go as planned or expected but that guy, I watched some of his live streams on YouTube, almost always loses it, starts to cuss and sometimes even rage-quits which obviously ends the stream. He can't stand it not to be "on top of the game"  :D



I'm not sure that kind of video gaming is what would keep me gaming.  If it is not fun, why do it (which is why I do not do MP)  :anigrin:

Art Blade

some people are perfectionists like him plus he exclusively relies on speed and timing. People like him are under a lot more pressure and stress when they perform live than probably you and me. While we're likely going to laugh when failing and just try again, he's getting more and more agitated and nervous and mad at himself and the game. However, he needs to stream live because of publicity and donations. When I came across his vids, he had around I think 2k subscribers (read: he was unknown) and has ever since pushed out new vids and gone live, now he's hit 11k subs. Well, his vids have helped me a lot. They saved me a lot of time getting some achievements. Most of the time that I play Hitman I just have fun (really enjoying the game at a rather slow pace) and try out things I'm not supposed to do :anigrin:

I remember one particularly funny moment during my own gaming. Having watched one of his vids that dealt with the professional difficulty and the most difficult map/mission (Colorado), I knew that he kept having trouble with those three hackers upstairs in a heavily guarded mansion (he said so himself). However, one of those hackers had an item on him that was needed while still downstairs, so tampering with a server downstairs would cause said hacker to come investigate and I was supposed to subdue him, hide him and take that item.

Only "my" hacker didn't have that item on him. Hmm. Obviously something was wrong, most likely my timing had been a bit off compared to Freeze (and had that happened to him, he would have restarted the mission just to get the perfect timing, I know it because I watched several of his streams..) but I didn't want to start over. So I thought hey, if I can't find that item, I must have "called" the wrong hacker down. Which means, there are still two upstairs, maybe I can repeat it and get the right guy down.

So I tampered with the server again and down comes another hacker. I take him down and indeed, there is that item. Hmm. If those hackers can cause trouble upstairs (spot you doing something illegal) then why not.. call the third guy just to have the room upstairs all to myself without anyone getting in my way when I have to do something they'd consider illegal. So I took out the third hacker downstairs and I had to laugh looking at the pile of hidden (by me) unconscious hackers, knowing I wouldn't run into any problems when going upstairs.  :D

It worked, it was fun but it wasn't as fast as Freeze. So what. It was a lot less stressful  :anigrin: I managed to complete that mission on professional difficulty and was amused. :gnehe:

By the way, here a timed link to what I was talking about -- at 5:43 is what I messed up (wrong hacker) ;) At 8:28 he recommends creating the only allowed save game and admits that it was the most difficult part for him (with those two hackers he left upstairs) so maybe, if he had been a little bit more on the relaxed and funny side, he could have come up with my solution and saved himself that kind of trouble  :anigrin:



It looks like a great game, but I am a super casual gamer, and do not like overly complicated game play - way too much trouble for me.  I saw that his play level was "Professional" which I assume to mean the most difficult level?  I really like the graphics and the idea of the game, but I would need a super easy mode else I'd dump it after the first few disappointments.

Art Blade

Yes. More surveillance cameras, guards and all that. First, you have to reach mastery level 20 (max) of the vanilla game mission to unlock professional for the corresponding mission. Playing the game is trial and error but also freedom and creativity. Not as simple as the FarCry games, though.

Think of the fun aspect. Like so:

"Sayonara." :evil2:
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Art Blade

Peaceful here (look at how there are still people enjoying a coffee or whatever beverage while guards are busy carrying bagged bodies away LOL)
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Lots of bodybags  :anigrin:
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The hazmat suit. Idyllic and stylish. :gnehe:
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Art Blade

this gallery is driving me crazy - I had to resize pics because the original size (resolution, HD) caused too big a file size (something like 970k). I resized all three to 1024 yet the last pic requires horizontal scrolling??


It is a bothersome thing, that gallery. The only solution would be to use the width parameter in the img tag, which means an additional step in the process. I wonder if we can change the default img tag to include the width parameter.  If so, then a small image would be displayed and when clicked the full size image appears in a responsive way - sizing to the limits of the user's device.

Nice pics though!

Art Blade

thanks :)

I used the width parameter a few times already when the uploaded pic was uploaded with its original size (HD) so yes, it works. There are two strange issues, however. The third pic in my previous post had the exact same size as the other two, yet it required scrolling while the other two didn't  ??? ?! And the next weird issue: when posted, try to edit that post.. the image command is gone, with it the width parameter.. you see the actual pic instead. The only way to make changes then is to "grab" the edges or corners and manually resize the pic  :huh-new: obviously it isn't precise.

Regarding editing, I tried to put a pic in the centre so it looked better. It worked. For some reason, the text below the pic, or in other words, everything that followed the centre command, kept formatting itself so it was centred as well despite the fact that there should have been a stop parameter (using "/") but.. you can't see that command. You click on the button, the stuff gets centred, and the next command was to align the text to the left again yet it wouldn't w0#k. The centre command remained dominant. I tried reformatting the whole post, didn't w0#k, so I ended up starting from scratch and giving the centre option a pass. Weird stuff.

Art Blade

Here is someone else that I keep returning to every now and then because he keeps creating world record runs for hitman. Remember the elusive target further up, with those two surgeons? I showed Freeze's vid, here is a bloody insane vid from Forthe Seven. Enjoy.

Art Blade

Oh dear, he did an even faster one  ??? Difference: Previous post was without any disguises.


Wow that second one was fast!  ???

I tried editing your post with three images and the img tag was there as it should have been, so I added the width=400 parameter. Are you using the wysiwyg editor by default? I do not see the images in the editor, only the code.  :main_knockout:

Art Blade

AW MAN!  :banghead:

So that's what I changed when playing around with the profile, I had no idea! HAHAHA!

+1 :thumbsup: :D

🡱 🡳

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