Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Started by Art Blade, February 13, 2018, 04:49:37 PM

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Art Blade

The DLC is cool. I watched a playthrough by White Locks so I wouldn't run into problems I might have preferred to avoid. And now I've started playing it, finally back to this after that lengthy but successful episode with Binnatic's achievement hunt in GTA online ;)

The first thing I have to tell you is that the bailiff of Rattay has returned from the dead :gnehe: He's needed for the DLC.

The second thing to mention is that at the start of the DLC, I found a tied-up Cuman in Pribyslavitz (the village in ruins which I'll have to rebuild) so I untied him out of curiosity and to my utter surprise, it put me back into a shack with the (still invisible) Cuman, played some dialogue there and then started a fast travel and picked up on a quest I had already finished with the aid of a little workaround. Back then, I had run into a glitch. The Cuman was invisible. I was supposed to follow him to a secret stash where he had hidden money, which obviously was impossible to do. I had to check some vids to see where that location was and went there by myself and retrieved the money. However, right there I should have been given an option to decide what to do with that Cuman. Now, with that surprise fast travel, that Cuman turned visible again so I was finally able to do just that—I turned him in and I even got the next quest prompt to go to the (supposedly dead) bailiff in order to claim my reward. That's how I first saw him today and he gave me some money :) It must have been both bug fixes and the DLC requiring the presence of the (living) bailiff that solved everything at once O0

Now the DLC: Thanks to White Locks's DLC vid I now know which ones of a few mutually exclusive options I am going to favour. Like, do I want to build either a bakery OR a butcher's shop, it will open up mutually exclusive and therefore quite different paths. I am currently back to continuing my first playthrough as I got all the money needed which will be around 90,000 Groschen (I know that from the vid, too) and I can play around using savegames and maybe test the other options. Also, there was nothing else to do but to free roam. Now there are new side quests and a whole village to call a home. :)

And once I've done all that, I'll return to my second playthrough and then the DLC will be incorporated into the main story which will be cool and give me some useful advantages for the main story O0 The DLC will start once I've killed that Runt character (that "boss" fight) because I'll then be able to rebuild the village in the ruins of which old Runt had surrounded himself with all his bandits. Once I've killed him, I'll be asked to rebuild Pribyslavitz :)

Essentially the village will produce income for me and, depending on my choices, valuable and useful items. There will also be my "magic chest" and all those things that are usually scattered around the map which means, I'll have one location with most of the stuff I want or need to use. For instance, I can have a bow range and a combat arena that come with a guard house, or horses and horse armour that come with a stable, and there will be a dice game table at my own tavern that will produce its own beer which gives me a buff that makes it easier to win at dice, then I can have either a sword smith or an armour smith and so forth. Very cool. :)

But it is possible to screw things up and if you do, Sir Divish will take away your privileges and the village won't be "yours" anymore, no chance of getting it back. Realistic, indeed. :anigrin: The DLC will make me bailiff (in today's terms it's like a governor) of Pribyslavitz and I'll be responsible for everything there, ranging from raising money for rebuilding the whole village (I won't have to do that myself, workers will do that for me but they want to get paid) and keeping everything under control. I'll be a judge if villagers have some disputes and my decisions will have consequences. I'll try to keep it fair and simple :)

The formerly dead bailiff of Rattay
is announcing that I'm bailiff of Pribyslavitz now :)
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Art Blade

oh man, being there myself rather than watching a vid is very exciting :) Being back to KCD is generally very exciting, I'm again all hyped. I really love this game :bigsmile:

in the early stages
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Here's going to be the Rathaus, my future residence, close to the church, and it will soon be surrounded by all kinds of buildings. I'll choose a bakery rather than a butcher's shop (mutually excluding choices) and a guard house rather than a stable. The bakery will produce fine cakes that will be even better when combined with honey from bee hives and those cakes will be served at the ale house. The guards will be drinking a lot there so they'll grant extra income from the ale house. I know that a stable wouldn't give me better horses than the one I've got and deciding against it will deprive me of really cool horse armour (for the head) which would be unique but the guard house will give me access to an arena to practice any type of combat and there will be an archery range, too. Plus the constant added income from the ale house. I don't know yet whether to choose a sword smith or an armour smith because I don't know which one will produce better stuff for me. I'll have to find that out :)

I found quite a few different types of arrows, a few swords and shields, too.. the remnants of the battles I fought here. Funny how that stuff is still here. Some arrows seem to float in the air where there used to be some type of structure when they hit, albeit those structures are gone now. But it does remind me of the battle and it proves I had been here before (or that a battle had taken place here indeed) which is very cool. :)

Art Blade

alright people, I've completed the task and the village is now maxed out regarding what I could build. Took some six hours to get the job done (including some travelling to secure a constant flow of supplies) but I also wasted some time fooling around some. It has been fun :) Six hours may sound short but please bear in mind that I started it when I was already filthy rich, after completing the main story. I just put 100,000 Groschen in the treasure chest from which all the building and whatever costs are paid. In the end, there were some 16,000 left but I reckon 6k came from the village-generated income. So 90k total costs was a quite accurate guess before I started the DLC. Obviously it would have taken significantly longer if I hadn't had that much money. For someone who doesn't cheat and starts the DLC from within the main story, it will likely take several days in real time to get the job done (mainly a question of how fast you can raise money by selling stuff and by stealing and of course, quest rewards) so I have no idea how long it would actually take.

final stage
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Well, village rebuilt. That was the basic task. Now I'll travel around and pick up some old friends, so to speak, to move in. A few of the characters whom I had met and done quests for or with them are available to move in and w0#k for me. One was Kunesh, a guy I had to deal with during the first steps of the game as part of a nicely done tutorial. He's now a woodcutter and reduces the costs. I'll bring in a guy who always wanted to be an inn keeper to w0#k at my ale house and I'll try to get a sword smith whom I had to interact with during a lengthy quest. I could invite Henry's old friends Fritz and I think Matthias was the other one, but I already heard that they won't increase but decrease my income by supposedly 15 Groschen as instead of working they'll be drinking the ale house dry without paying or some such. Well, I think I'll get them anyway because I don't need every Groschen the village is producing :gnehe: Right now, the village adds 1,650 Groschen to my personal purse, every day.

There's a constant flow of mini quests if you can call them that: Every game day, there will be something or someone to judge or to come to certain decisions that may or may not be of somewhat significance regarding my reputation and the well-being of my village. It's not timed so I can postpone my "judgement day" and do it whenever I want as far as I can tell. One was quite a surprise: A guy wearing a baker's outfit who told me that he used to w0#k for the very bandits I killed during the battle in the ruins but he kind of came clear and now wants to lead a normal life again and to w0#k for me as "one of the best bakers there are." I swore not to tell anyone his story and he couldn't afford to tell anything, either, because he'd sign his own death warrant if he did. So I hired him and now he reduces my costs quite handsomely. :) I could have rejected him or even had him locked away or something like that. It is interesting how the game keeps coming up with those stories and events. Sometimes they only offer more or less harsh options that only allow you to choose between two evils but then again, there are also quite simple things to judge and, like that baker, positive outcomes. I love it. :anigrin:

I already played dice (and of course, won) at my ale house. Hey, there are TWO gambling tables next to each other and the players are top tier regarding the sum you can bet (100 Groschen max) and I love that dice game. I've got an archery range and a combat arena to fight against skilled fighters and who knows what else there is. I'm not completely done with the DLC missions, so I'm curious already :) At least Pribyslavitz is a peaceful place now, there won't be bandits attacking it so it allows for some chillaxed gameplay. O0


That's the nice thing about completing the game and then being able to continue with DLC content that extends game play. You are already experienced and have lots of cash.  :thumbsup:

Art Blade


I tested the battle arena that comes with the guard house. It's actually meant for non-lethal duels and the one who surrenders first, loses. If you don't surrender even if you're low on health, you might end up getting beaten to a pulp, though. You can choose between four types of enemies (beginner to seasoned veteran or some such) as well as four types of armour (none to full plate armour) and three types of combat (hand-to-hand, wooden training weapons and real weapons) and if it's not hand-to-hand, you can choose any type of weapon except bow, obviously, and you can choose to fight with or without a shield. Your choices apply both to you and your opponent. In other words, it really is a perfect combat training. They even added pole arms which weren't available in the vanilla game. Now it's possible to really hone your skills and try out tactics or combos. Excellent :thumbsup:


Art Blade

I bloody don't believe it: now that the bailiff of Rattay is back from the dead, he decided to walk all the way from the South of the map to the North of the map, which by fast travel alone takes 5 in-game hours, just to pop up in my face over at my new home in Pribyslavitz.

I followed him out of the village and in the forest, without witnesses, I punched him in the back. I then told him I had no money to pay the fine and agreed on imprisonment instead. TEN days later I was released. Starved, dead-tired and burdened with a temporary negative "jail buff" that weakened me in vitality, strength and agility, I checked the map because I didn't know where I was (didn't recognise the immediate environment of the prison) and man, another surprise: he put me in a cell in Sasau, about the westernmost village on the map and about equally far from both Pribyslavitz and Rattay. What the heck is wrong with that stalker ??? :D

I did not save the game after all that so I'll be able to see him again and decide what to do. I might repeat it and actually save the game only to find out whether or not he'll leave me alone after I served my time. I must have done something that only he knows about, yet he can neither forget it nor prove anything, which is why he never takes any action. Apparently he keeps trying to catch me red-handed. Crazy. I might have to kill him again :evil2:

Rattay's bailiff in Pribyslavitz.
Note my Rathaus in the background.
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Dang, that's a level of detail that I do not regularly see in a game.  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

in this case I'm not sure whether it is actually a level of detail or perhaps a rather perseverant bug. ;)


Art Blade

I might have found a solution regarding that stalking bailiff. I reloaded my last game and of course, he showed up just the same as yesterday. I couldn't pick his pockets let alone stealth-kill him (probably because he's an essential NPC this time around, for the DLC) so I followed him into the woods again and knocked him out—the only option apart from talking to him which only offers a standard dialogue. Then I looted him (some people can only be looted when they're unconscious) and stole his fancy red hat which by the way looks the same as the one Henry is wearing. I then waited until he woke up. He didn't know that it was I who knocked him off his socks, neither did he suspect me. Then I tried to get his attention but nothing I could do.

And then I had an idea: I dropped his hat from my inventory so it landed right between the two of us but he ignored it. Since he had started to continue his way back to Rattay and had overtaken me while I was fiddling with his hat, he didn't watch me picking it up but I noticed the prompt to pick it up wasn't "pick up" but "steal." Aha! I did the same thing again only this time I had him watch me "stealing" his hat off the dusty path—finally he caught me red-handed!—and that worked :gnehe: I surrendered instantly and agreed on a small fine of 70 Groschen, hoping for something that indeed then happened:

does this help?
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Now that he had searched me and that I had paid for my crime, he shouldn't have anything against me anymore. Let's wait and see. ;)

Art Blade

I'm looking forward to the weekend, I'll have time to play lots :)

The guard house's archery range comes with an archery master who happens to sell stuff. Most notably, he sold me the most powerful bow in the game, it is stronger than the best vanilla bow. Excellent :)

Also, the village's forge produced and sold me new unique horse armour. Really nice :) And, although I didn't save my game after my release from prison, I checked on Sasau's sword smith. He'll move over to Pribyslavitz which is cool. I'll have to go to Sasau again, ask him over, and then save the game. :)

Oh and apparently Fritz and Mathew don't reduce the income. I read they reduce costs somewhere. I'll definitely invite them over, even if it's just for the company :)

Art Blade

I haven't been able to invite those two clowns over. I approached Matthew and he said he was busy, same for Fritz. Apparently I need to have played ALL side missions they're involved in but I can't activate the last one for whatever reasons. Also, a few other NPCs are only eligible if you played their missions in a way they don't hate you. Unfortunately, a potential ale house maid isn't available to me because I killed her criminal brother and she hates me for that. :anigrin: So the DLC is well embedded in the main story.

Art Blade

after a reasonably long hiatus, I started to play KCD again. Now I can interact with those two "clowns" and I see they've got a mission waiting for me but I'm on a different mission now, it will have to wait a bit.

Also, back then I tried to stop the Bailiff of Rattay from stalking me by having him find stolen goods on my person. It seemed to have worked, I found him (with a console command) on his way to Rattay and there he has remained doing his usual stuff. Let's hope it stays that way :) Also I allowed a guard in Rattay to check me for stolen goods (they sometimes do that) and he didn't find anything, good :) Before I remember them telling me I had items that didn't belong to me but they never produced any evidence, I didn't have to pay a fine nor was anything that I could tell removed from my inventory. Now I certainly didn't have anything anymore after the Bailiff's successful attempt. I really hope it stays this way :)

I came a cross a quest which had been bugged out so badly I never saw it before despite knowing it was supposed to be there. The Talmberg Horse Race. I arrived at the castle at noon as requested on a horse from the Neuhof stables and found five other riders (racers) there, and some guards, waiting. A prompt told me to wait for the other racers (?) AND Sir Divish. After like 2 in-game hours I decided to teleport him to me and found him in a sitting position. Talking to him had nothing to do with the race. I reloaded, same thing only this time I went into the castle and found him having lunch with two people. He didn't know about the race while his wife, sitting with him at the table, allowed a chat option to wish me luck for the race.

Reloaded again, this time waited it out. All of a sudden, maybe 2.5 or 3 in-game hours after meeting hour, a message popped up telling me the race quest failed, at the same time all other racers turned around and walked off, and another prompt told me to talk to Divish. He then told me that I had at least some respect which sounded like pure sarcasm but totally out of character. He then told me that I was the only one who showed up and that he had no idea why no-one else showed up (lol) so he said now I didn't even have to race anymore and declared me a winner anyway (lol) and—which was the reason for the race—that he'd now buy his horses from the Neuhof stables again. Steam achievement secured, mission accomplished despite failing it.. It shows as failed in my log (the only failed mission, bloody hell) but well, at least a YouTube vid showed me what it should have been like. There's still some w0#k to do for the devs :gnehe:


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