Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Started by Art Blade, February 13, 2018, 04:49:37 PM

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Art Blade

I can't say, really. I think I only noticed because he keeps stalking me. That MAY have one likely and one less likely reason.

Likely: I brought a criminal to jail in Rattay for interrogation. He had a special quest item, a die, which I thought I had to get for a follow-up quest to be easier or to trigger at all, so I killed that guy while he was in the Bailiff's jail. I suppose the Bailiff's AI never knew what to make of it, a dead prisoner in his jail.. and since he had to reward me for bringing the prisoner, that might be what he keeps trying: "hey, you're supposed to get a reward.." but whatever. It might also be that he kind of knows it was me who killed him but can't prove it, causing a deadlock for him.

Unlikely: I stole something from the Bailiff, like his clothes, and he still wants to get those long-gone things back and since they neither are in my possession nor can be found anywhere anymore, he sticks to the last known "container" in which they were, my inventory, and every time he checks, they're not there anymore. And before you mention it, he just surprised me again in my own "house" which is just a room, and he was still dressed.

Whatever it is, it is a bug, and I know other players have either the Bailiff or other named NPCs stalking them. Crazy :anigrin:


Yeah it sounds like you killed the guy before that quest was complete and now he's stuck there, hence the stalking. The clothes, though, that's weird.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


That stalking thing just reminded me of one of the old Tomb Raider games where, when you were in Lara's sprawling English mansion, her butler would follow you everywhere, carrying a tea tray. It didn't matter where you went or how far away from him you got, he would slowly but inexorably make his way to you. There was even a big hedge-maze in the grounds, but no matter how many twists and turns you put between him and you, he'd still find his way through just to bring his stupid tea tray to you. He never spoke either and he gave me the flipping creeps. I'd turn around and he'd be right there, and even though it was a 3rd-person game, he sometimes gave me a jump-scare.

He didn't talk, but sometimes he'd drop a fart or make a sort of moan, and his tea tray rattled a bit (until he stopped walking), so I'd hear him coming before I saw him, and somehow that just made it worse. Of all the things in all the games I've played, that damn butler actually unnerved me more than anything :undecided-new:

In the end I managed to lure the old bum into a walk-in freezer, then I jumped out and closed the door, which he couldn't open so he couldn't get out. It was the only place in the whole house where I could do that, but I didn't give a stuff if he froze in there. Trouble was, whenever I returned to the mansion, he'd be on the loose again - and I'd have to lock him up again.

Art Blade


Kind of the same with this Bailiff, only kind of because I can't lock him up anywhere. He'll just slowly and inexorably find his way to wherever I am, following me unswervingly and literally to the end of the (game) world.

The only way I can get rid of him is by getting rid of him :gnehe:


I remember that butler in Tomb Raider, in one part, you could shoot at him in the target range. It wouldn't hurt him, he had a bullet proof vest on, but he'd turn and walk the other way each time you hit him.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: fragger on July 14, 2019, 08:53:48 AM
In the end I managed to lure the old bum into a walk-in freezer, then I jumped out and closed the door, which he couldn't open so he couldn't get out. ...

:laughsm: :thumbsup:

Art Blade


Something about "Mutt," the dog I acquired with one of those recent DLCs.

Now that he's become my follower ( :anigrin: ) he requires devotion and repays you with canine devotion. If you don't care for him frequently, like every 5 minutes, his obedience level will drop and in the end he might disobey and even run away. It keeps me busy, I have to say :anigrin: I can send him "back to the mill" which means I'd be on my own until I pick him up again at the mill (kind of my first home and safehouse) but so far I haven't used that option.

He has many uses like protecting me, assist during combat, sniff out treasures, hunt game like deer and hare or even boar, chase after and take down enemies, warn me about ambushes.. quite cool.

In my opinion the funniest bit about him is, however, that whenever possible he'll stop at every puddle we come across to quickly lap some water and that noise is quite loud and he keeps cracking me up when he does that. Imagine you meet someone in the street and start a conversation when suddenly you hear that dog lapping water nearby... it's just too funny. :anigrin:

The next funniest thing in my opinion is that he behaves like some dogs that quickly feel abandoned. You need to know that he can't get inside buildings, he'll have to wait for you outside. So, I get inside a house, perhaps at night and maybe sneaking around stealthily in order to nick some items there and outside the house you hear that dog starting to howl miserably and geez, it's loud, too. He'll keep doing that until you get outside the house again, it really is both annoying and funny :D


"Hello, yes, I'd like to ask a question about this to......"


"umm, yes, I'd like to ask...."


"ask a quest....."


(speaking fast) "question about this town - phew"
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe, kind of :) Obviously, scripted lines won't get interrupted like that but it makes me laugh when the dog does interrupt a conversation like that, and he keeps doing it :) Also, you'll see him walk around in the background while you're in the middle of a scripted conversation. And of course he'd holler sometimes when I'm having a conversation indoors  :D


Sounds like they programmed the dog to be exactly like .... a dog. lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

absolutely. Another example for that is: every bloody time I want to pick up something, like herbs in the forest, he'd be right under my crosshair and instead of picking up whatever it was I wanted to pick up, I open the dialogue menu for the dog (commands) instead. Like, you have to trick the dog to be quicker than him when picking up stuff. He tends to be in the way when you want to use a door, too, only you can't trip over him.. that would be hilarious.. trying to enter a hall to see the local lord going, "I'm heeeeEAAARGH!!!" while rolling over the dog :anigrin:


Yep, sounds like they got dog AI exactly correct.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I completely agree :bigsmile:

What's even more fascinating: They've got essentially everything correct. There are a few minor things that are not worth mentioning, so the overall look&feel of this game is so good, you almost instantly get immersed. It may be tough at times, especially when you're new to it, but once you've practiced combat in a training arena, the rest should be down to common sense what to do and what not to to. The game is pretty close to real life without overdoing it. Of course you've got more freedom and can take some liberties with people and situations here and there but it is closer to a sim than to an arcade game while I think the balance is just right.

Henry posing in armour on horseback
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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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