Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Started by Art Blade, February 13, 2018, 04:49:37 PM

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Art Blade

Art Blade

clean air :) PLEASE click until you see the original size, for details.
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Just a few words: I'm very happy with this game. Extremely addictive and immersive. There's a "Codex" that's basically a wiki inside the game: every new thing you come across will have its entry in the codex and you can read up on it. That's where it shows that total history cracks must have spent years collecting (researching) all the medieval stuff. As far as I can tell, it's actual history and authentic descriptions, everything is so accurate it's amazing. The game world is 16x16km and that's a bloody lot (on foot or horseback) :anigrin:

Well.. playing this title is something hard to find words for, it's kind of as if living in that world. :thumbsup:


Sounds interesting - like the library of facts in the AC series  O0

Art Blade

this could be of interest to you who don't play this game -- the guy behind it, summing up the whole process in a little over 4.5 minutes.

just four facts out of a ton: they manually placed 1.5 MILLION trees in the 16 km² world inhabited by 2.300 individual characters wearing 700 different pieces of clothes.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade

here's a YT guy with what I think a reasonable critique. I watched the entire vid (which is a bit lengthy perhaps) and I was not cringing. On the contrary, I think he's spot on. That being said, I love the game to bits despite its flaws and alright, there may be some inaccuracies but heck, it's an INDIE game and it's absolutely mind-blowing. :thumbsup:


Inaccuracies be buggered - it's a game, not a documentary on medieval history :gnehe:

Art Blade

exactly, and it is extremely immersive. It does feel as if you were living in that world and man, it is thrilling and entertaining :)


The environment kind of reminds me of Witcher 3

Art Blade

yes, and some say it reminds them of Skyrim. However, this isn't a fantasy game.

Yesterday the game made me laugh because it succeeded in tricking me. I was riding through a forest on a small dusty path when I noticed a massive wooden chest reinforced with metal bands of sorts, literally quite the strongbox. So I dismounted and opened the chest to see what was in it, at the time wondering who might have left it and how it might have ended up there. Then I knew. Out of the shrubberies someone yelled something unintelligible and two guys in full armour a bit uphill in the woods started to w0#k their way down to my position, their swords drawn. Bloody bandits set up a trap and I fell for it :D

Little did they know what was waiting for them, a really nasty surprise up my sleeve.. I recently had brewed a lethal poison and dabbed my blade with it, it had been for a different ambush I knew would take place and then I had killed two bandits with just a stab to the chest. The poison had stayed on my sword's blade so now I was prepared by chance. Stab, stab, down they went. One was still alive and I could have waited for a chat option to pop up (which, among other options, would have given me the choice of accepting his surrender) but I didn't want to chat him up, I wanted to finish him off and that's what I did. Stab, croak. Done. Empty chest but some loot on the dead bodies, thank you very much, I let them lie in the dirt, swung myself back up onto my horse and fucked off. :anigrin:


Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on February 28, 2018, 08:58:22 AM
hehe, there are some things in games that are weird, like a wildly swaying aim. I'm pretty sure that KCD will allow your archery to improve and you're likely going to end up with a steady aim after enough practice.

Indeed, after a LOT of practice with ever stronger bows (you're weak at first so in order to use a really good bow, you'll have to w0#k out to become sufficiently strong which is also useful for a lot of other things like wielding a massive sword) and I've got a steady aim now. Still not exactly easy to hit something with bow and arrow, which is particularly difficult if it's got two legs and is using those to run away from you :gnehe:

I mentioned brewing a poison. It's part of the herbalism and alchemy you may learn (you really can't do anything right without learning it first and then you'll have to keep practicing to get good at it) but you don't have to. I thought it interesting and learned to brew a couple of potions. Unlike other games, you don't click "brew" and get a potion. You need recipes first, then you need to collect or buy the ingredients necessary and then you need a place suitable for brewing potions which is perhaps comparable to a workbench in FO4. Then you need to follow the instructions. Which means, you need to be able to read recipes.. so you'll have to have learned reading which also takes quite some time (you even need a teacher first) and quite some effort studying various books which, of course, aren't just sitting there -- you need to find and buy them first. Then you may try your hand at alchemy. For instance, pour oil into the cauldron as a base, use a mortar to grind herb A, toss the stuff into the cauldron, use the bellows to make the brew boil, use a sandglass so you don't overcook it, let it cool off, then toss two handful of herb B into the cauldron and now you may use a vial to catch the potion. If you did something wrong, all ingredients used are lost and the potion will be worthless. It does take a bit to get used to all that but it's actually fun and satisfying if you achieved something there. I started with poison :gnehe:

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Art Blade

there's another little story. Fast travelling doesn't teleport you. You get to see the map and a little man (you) will move around the map following roads and paths to get to the destination. Time passes, you may grow hungry and tired.. and you might encounter something like a wayfarer or bandits. Best react to any of that so you're in control rather than hoping for the best. That puts you back into the game and you can see for yourself what's going on, maybe talk to a wayfarer or fight off bandits, quite interesting.

So I reacted to something and it turned out to be a knight in shiny plate armour, a full set, obviously. He was talking politely and asked whether I wanted to duel him. After a little chat we agreed upon a prize, not just a duel for honour or whatever motives, I wanted to win something if I won the duel. He offered some piece of armour that he said he had won at dice but it didn't fit him well and he wanted some coin in case he won -- 250 Groschen, quite a lot of money but likely any part of his armour would be worth more than 250 Groschen so I agreed. It was a good duel with longswords, and I won. He gave me an Italian piece, a gambeson, which was worth well over a thousand Groschen. He thanked me for the good duel, bid farewell and went his own way.

His armour was nice. And his sword. All really nice and shiny and expensive. Classy, even. Couldn't let that armour walk away just like that.. So I went after the knight, choked him from behind (rendering him unconscious), dragged him behind a bush, stripped him of all of his armour, money, weapons, food.. everything but his underwear, and then I went my own way. :gnehe:


Cool stories, mate :thumbsup: The game sounds pretty impressive in its details. Not like most games where you simply click a button to craft something, but you actually have to do the crafting (or cooking, in this case) and get it right. That's awesome 8)

Is there any chance you could run into that knight again? He might think, "Ah, there's that bastard who stole my armour" and come after you :gnehe:

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