Im finaly done with my watercooled build.

Started by SeedMayers, March 19, 2018, 11:28:07 AM

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Hello everyone,

i opened this Thread to show my friends what i finaly made. I have collected the parts for this project over 2 years. when i finaly had all i couldent find the nesessary time to build. Job, family and so on...
Then my GPU died last year in Dezember. It was a EVGA 780ti.  :banghead: Since the hardwarecrysis is still going on i dident want to participate in this madness by buying a ridicoulosley overpriced GPU. I waited that the prices drop but after months of observing the market i realised that nothing is going to happen very soon, it will even get worse. :'(
I started building my PC from the old Parts and i bought a used 780ti. Most of the Parts for the Watercooled PC i already bought over the years before. I learned a lot of things while finaly building my PC.
Here are some specs of my rig:

Corsair 900D Tower
CPU i7 4790K
RAM 32GB G-Skill 2400Mhz
2x GTX 780Ti EVGA Supercloked
2x SSD Samsung Evo 500GB
3x HDD 500GB Western Digital
1200W be quiet Dark Power Pro 11 Platinum
Asus Maximus VI Extreme Motherboard
Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Professional

I made two Waterloops in the system. One is for the Mainboard the CPU and the RAM, the other is for the two 780Ti's.
The CPU loop is made of a Alphacool Nexxos XFlow 480mm radiator that is 60mm thick. The GPU loop has a 480mm and a 280mm radiator from Alphacool. For evry loop i have installed a Bitspower reservoir and D5 pump combo. The waterblocks for the CPU, GPU's, RAM and Motherboard are from EK-Waterblocks. All the fittings and acrylic pipes are also from EK. The drainvalves are from Bitspower and the Stopfitings. The Lights in the PC are from Alphacool driwen by the Farbwerk module.
Im still working on a custom system to drive manualy and automaticley the twelve 120mm and one 140mm fan from be quiet. It is still a w0#k in progress but i hope o be at 100% soon.

I have some pictures here. It took me effectiveley 3-4 weeks. In reality it took me months.  :anigrin:


Use the "gallery" tab.  ;) Or just publish them on Google and make sure you share the link :)

If you upload them to the gallery, just click on "General" images, add "Picture" and upload them. Then, you use the "Insert Image" for regular posting.

Format like this: [img width=xxx]http://your_image_url_here[/img]. The "Share" function within the gallery does this url formatting automatic. You still need to define width/height manually. Usually, the width is just the thing you need to change ;)

Oh, and congratz with a watercooled rig! O0

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thank you! I will try it out.  O0 Long time no see my friend.  :)


Wlecome to the OWG crew :anigrin: You might want to PM Art/PZ if you need any help :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Welcome SeedMayers  O0

Let us know if you have problems with the Gallery uploads  ;)


Welcome Seedmayers! Good to have you around here. I bet you're going to like it here. We are what you could call a 'quiet and respectful harbour on the net'. We share what we like and discuss interesting things. Mostly gaming though :anigrin:
Feel free to post a little introduction topic in the 'General Discussions' board. We used to have a dedicated place for introductions on our old site, but we didn't make a new one as far as I know.

Good to hear that your rig is finally up and boosting the way it should... 2 GTX780ti's in SLI should still beat most proper gaming rig, especially with proper water cooling, nice job on completing it! Looking forward to your pictures O0
Thumps up for your perseverance  :thumbsup: :)
"No hay luz"


Think he is running single GPU, he had to replace his dead 780 Ti with a second hand one. ;)

Haven't seen you online in GTA for awhile.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Hey SeedMayers, welcome to the site :) Feel free to talk about anything. OWG may be a gaming forum, but it doesn't stop us gabbing on about all sorts of things :gnehe:

Art Blade

like cough syrup, a steak, and fourteen nurses.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Especially these nurses :) and their lovely blue pills :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"


I had all the parts for two 780Ti's i just had to get an replacement. I was so close to start the build and then one of my 780s dies.   :'( :banghead:
I was in a big dilemma. Should i go and buy new GPU's or try to replace the old one. If i went with the new i had to pay a ridicoulous price and i have to buy new waterblocks and ditch the "new" old ones. In this situation right now with these prices for GPUs that just isent an option. So i decided to try to replace the old one. The computing power of my PC with these two 780Ti's was/is still wery good. I hope to use this config for a longer while now until the market calms down or the Cryptobubble bursts.  :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:


Ok i tought i can uipload the images but now i have to resize them so they fit the criteria of the gallery. Sorry for the delay. Im working on it.  :-[  :anigrin:

I have uploaded some Images. To find them easier i added on evry image the Keyword "Insomnia" and the Title of evry Image is "Watercooled build Insomnia". I have many more images but i dident want to flood the galery. If anyone is interested i can upload more. I am sorry for the bad quality of the images. They will get better. :anigrin:


Don't worry, you could just upload them to a Google album, then share the google link ;)

Guests are not allowed to view images in posts, please Register or Login

Woah, it looks nice O0 8)

If you want to see how I did this, just press the "Quote" button. But, don't repost the quote  :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Welcome SeedMayers.  :thumbsup:

It's always good to see a new face here at OWG.

Is that image OWGKID posted your build SeedMayers?  It's an awesome build.  Talk about eye candy!  I can't help but imagine an alien critter floating suspended in cryrostasis within that big coolant tank at the front.  :anigrin:

It's too bad that sort of acceptable foolishness would reduce the effectiveness of the coolant flow your trying to achieve in this well thought out build.  ::)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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