Far Cry 5

Started by LowPolyOWG, March 27, 2018, 02:08:23 PM

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I should add that I hope you guys who are playing it are having fun with it. Don't let me rain on your parade :gnehe:

Art Blade

OK, I'll do that for you, then :gnehe:



Quote from: fragger on March 29, 2018, 05:47:40 PM
and eagles?

Well, they are quite limited. Think you only encounter them rarely in the Whitetail Mountains. It's not FC4 levels of encounters.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah, the microtransactions stuff is pretty pointless really. I mean, if you're going to play the game, why bother spending extra money just to make the game shorter? I never got that line of thinking. The stuff you can get isn't that great anyway, and you'd probably get most of it by playing the game normally, so I guess it just boils down to impatience and the "can't get it quick enough" line of thinking that we have nowadays.

See my thread about animal attacks. hehe, more funny than annoying.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I've not seen the eagles yet, but it is good to know that my companion will take them out. I now have two specialists due to the leadership perk. I normally use the dog because I can send him into the area and if I do not target anyone, he will be free to roam and do the targeting for me. Of the two specialists, one is a bomber, and the other is a sniper, and you can assign them on the fly.

I have to admit that this version is better than either FC3 or FC4, but as I am still in the initial region, I have not encountered much drug haze, but there IS some already. When my son and I play co-op, he has given me his favorite fully upgraded weapons, and I can use them as long as I do not remove them from a weapon slot. Bad thing is that we did a drug haze mission yesterday in which our captors removed all my weapons, necessitating him giving me all his weapons again once we made it back to a store.  :banghead:

You may be right about the bargain bin idea fragger, if the drugs and bosses become too annoying I'll quit the game and go back to Origins (still like it better).  :undecided-new:

So far I am still enjoying the game, but I've been lulled into a false sense of security before, and ended up with things like that huge devil boss in FC3 and poison mushrooms - as soon as it becomes more fun, UBI*bleep* has to ruin it.  :banghead:

Art Blade


Interesting thing is that this game is only about 12 gb, and the first day patch was about 672 mb. I've done more updates in Origins than the size of this entire game.


Weird, on PC it's at least 24GB and there was no day one patch. Unless you're running a lot of it off the disc?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I guess it must be, unless it installed more in the background after I started playing. The disc needs to be inserted into the console old school style in order to play. Still strange though that I now have about 60 gb on the console storage for Origins. Good thing I purchased a 4tb external drive for more game storage.


Also like to mention that so far the "drugged action" has been mostly cut scenes, not actual game play. There is a slight amount of distortion when walking through a field of the flowers or going in the water that's been polluted, but nothing like the hallucination levels in the last game. I'm working on getting Faith's region cleared so hopefully most of that will stop. One thing that is a bit annoying is that sometimes animals will pop in right in front of you. I'm not sure if it's designed that way or a game engine thing where stuff pops in, but you'll be running along in an empty stretch of woods when a mountain lion will appear right next to you. For the most part, they are easy to kill, and sometimes they morph into a different animal when you shoot them, which is part of the drug haze I guess, but it is startling.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, they pop in out of nowhere and initially appear docile, but then in a puff of haze, morph into something else that attacks you. The most annoying part for me is when I'm close to an outpost trying to move in stealthily - a wolverine attacked me one time and I tried to kill it using a baseball bat but was unsuccessful. Finally had to draw out the 249 which of course alerted the entire area  :banghead:

Art Blade

for stealth, try throwing your shovel at them next time, it really works :anigrin:


I'll need to give that a go - unfortunately at the time I did not have a shovel  :sad-new:

Art Blade

I don't have the game so I can't say, but I reckon everything that goes into the shovel weapon slot like an iron, should also be throwable.

🡱 🡳

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