Far Cry 5

Started by LowPolyOWG, March 27, 2018, 02:08:23 PM

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Thanks to more digging from the community, a lot of pre-release stuff have been restored :)

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E3 HUD (notice the different look of the compass and icons for marking cult property on the truck)

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Max scope zoom. Downside is that you can see low poly stuff at long distances :D

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The ADS viewmodel zoom. As with FC2, Ubisoft use a stencil material technique, where the scope has a scope view model, but weapon model is not shown. By editing scope view FOV, you get this funny effect. With the increased scope FOV, note the 2D tress in the distance. Hopefully, Ubisoft have evolved Dunia 2 for FC6.

However, the competent developers at IW, managed to simulate maginification properly with Modern Warfare 2019's "new" engine. This dual render was used in Ghosts, but it was faked by using picture-in-picture (render the scene twice). Other games doing it correct are Escape from Tarkov and Insurgency Sandstorm.

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4.4x scope on the Kar98k. For smaller optics and sniper scopes, a lens distortion effect is used.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

that scope thingy is cool. I don't know how often I complained about scopes. Either they blacked out everything except the a circular zoomed centre on the screen or the blurred environment outside the scope zoomed along with the scoped view. Now they finally got it right? About bloody time. :thumbsup:


yeah scopes have been an issue for a while, as they require distant things to be rendered and sometimes the effect isn't that great. With the newer techniques and better graphics, the effect will only improve hopefully.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I must say that other than the cut scene nonsense I'm really enjoying the game now that I can essentially mod on the fly, so to speak. In another post I reported that I was leaving the game because of an "always nighttime" bug. I experienced the same thing in this recent install, but was easily able to change it using one of the mods. That FC5 mod installer has literally been a game changer (no pun intended).


That's pretty cool, glad you've got it working
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It's funny how UBI*bleep* does not appear to fix their bugs much. I'm at another one in a story mission called "Sins of the Father" in which you are to burn down the bliss plants. I've done so but the trigger for the final kill scene of a guy called Finney never initiates. It is a well known but that goes way back to when the game was new, and it STILL has not been fixed - it is well documented online for many years.  :banghead:


Rule of thumb is one maybe two patches for a game and that's it, if it's not fixed in those, it never will be unless the mod community does it. UBI*bleep* isn't the only game dev that does this either.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That's a shame.  However, I read online that the mission is not required to complete the game for Game+ purpose. I do not know if that is true.


Well, I finished the game and the credits started rolling, forever... and forever. Hitting the ESC key does not make them stop. I've rebooted the game and still the same - seems this is a known bug which some people fix by rebooting, others by hitting the map key and traveling somewhere, but the credits still come back every time. Anyone know of a fix for this?

Worst part is that I do not see a New Game+ menu item so I evidently can't start a new game with all my gear!  :banghead:


Weird bug. Let the credits roll and go get lunch or something? I do know they take forever. Forget which game recently had a way to speed up and slow down the credits, even go reverse if you wanted to go back and read something. Mostly I like checking the voice actors and music credits. Does FC5 have a new game plus mode? I haven't looked. Probably in the future when I finish streaming FC4 replay I'll restart FC5. I've only played it twice so far lol. Still my favorite, and with the mods available, making the forced progress much slower will make the game that much more enjoyable. Maybe do the Mars DLC early to get the super OP weapons from it which were so much fun.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, I let the credits roll while I made lunch, over half an hour and no joy. You're right about the scrolling credits button - FC5 has them and you can go up, down and they even speed up. However, the downside is that they automatically start over again without a pause. There is a way to supposedly skip the credits - a button that indicates pressing the esc key, but it is not functions.

avoid looking if you have not played the game
I do not think my play through triggered the Game+ feature because there is supposed to be a "New Game+" button which is not there.

Because my save after fishing the game does not w0#k to even go back into the world to play around, it is useless to me right now, so I archived it into a zip and started a new game. The good news is that I applied the mods from the mod installer, and because I already knew what weapons, etc I wanted I only had to do the following in my game plan:

  • One of the mods skips all the intro screen pics and intro missions - you start the game at the first island which you need to clear - took me about 30 minutes because I had a fighter companion that I sent in to do most of the hard w0#k
  • Once in the world I went to John's region to pick up my dog - only took about 5 minutes
  • Now I needed my weapons and holsters to put them in (I have changed the rewards to give me a ton of perks, and only an hour into the game I already had over 500 - I rebuilt almost all my perks except for the locked ones near the bottom of the list dealing mostly with the fighters.
  • After I opened the weapons store my favorite weapons (forget what they are called, but some kind of special) are available - all I needed to do was purchase the attachments - easy, peasy.
  • Next I took a long road trip to pick up Cheeseburger - that took about an hour or less and gave me the bear and opened up lots of the map

The bottom line is that the mod installer has allowed me to create a pseudo Game+ because it was so easy and relatively quick to get back to the most important parts of my kit. Oh, I also activated the "No capture parties" mod - we'll see how that goes.

I guess I don't need Game+ after all  :gnehe:

Finally, I may be with you, D_B: FC5 is rapidly becoming my favorite. I like just about everything about it except the timed events.


Interesting... Far I remember, you did a playthrough from scratch as I remember you bought the game on PC
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yes, I did long ago, but I recently installed the game on my laptop so it is a fresh experience for me. I do not remember much about my plays on the old gaming PC.


Weird about the credits though, ESC key does nothing? Odd, that should end the credits and go back to the menu as far as I recall. And if the credits scroll to the end and then start over, that's really, really weird. Never encountered anything like that.

I tried installing mods on FC5 and the mod installer gave me a warning about my game install being too new? And to wait for an update to the mod installer. Very weird, as I'm sure the game hasn't been updated in quite a few years. Mods did install on FC4 though so I have the fast action button instead of hold to activate, and I think a couple others as well, some community fixes and the like.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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