Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Art Blade

agree, FC1 started out great but the second half was annoying with those mutant stuff and all that, from FC3 onwards they couldn't stop the drug hallucination stuff and at the time too much leading by the hand and also they kept spamming the screen with all kinds of annoying messages that supposedly were meant to fuel your will to continue and to tell you how great you were doing. FC2 was simple in a good way. There were a couple of things I never liked about FC2 (degrading weapons for instance) but still, I too think it was the best of the whole franchise.


You guys do seem to be finishing the game quite quickly. It's kind of turning me off getting it, especially considering that my first playthrough of FO4 lasted for about three months (with quite frequent play), and looks like being about the same the second time around. Admittedly, I am one of those guys who likes to wring as much out of a game as possible, but still. Some of the other things I've heard about are kind of putting me off as well, like that RP stuff.

Some peoples' reports that I've read say FC5's ending was such a downer that it turned them off wanting to play through it again, knowing how it would end. I've also heard that there is no post-story game - once you've finished the story, that's it, game over. Can anyone confirm?


You can free roam after the end, but
you need to choose "resist". Just walking away will make you confront Joseph, until you decide to fight him
People have been reporting issues with the game stucking itself into permanent night mode. Supposedly fixed by a patch.

Kind of how you interpret it, I think it's certainly pissed off the people that expect the normal "you saved everything and now everything is good" ending. Now, FC2 never gave you a "good" ending. FC3 allows you to leave with your friends, althought Jason claims he has turned into a monster by the end of the game. Pagan mocks you for not listening to him from the start and Amita and Sabal turned out to be power hungry *bleep*heads, using you for their own agendas.

Arcade mode is quite good, you have PvP combat or more PvE content (player/developer made outposts/assault mode/journey)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

letting aside my aversion to UBI*bleep*, the FC5 iteration is one of two FC games that put me off equally—Primal being the other one.


Yeah. AC: Origins feels more feature rich to be honest. Maybe UBI*bleep* neglected FC5 just to put more effort into Assassin's Creed instead.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Origins is a much cleaner game with almost none of the usual annoyances. They even patched in a feature in which you can keep all your weapons, stuff, level, etc. when you start a new game. They added this feature in a patch, so there is no reason that they could not do that in FC5 other than a more inept programming group or design staff.

FC5 has only a single save slot, and you have to start completely over if you want to play again, old school style. I do not know why they cannot do what will make gamers like the game more.  Heck, they cannot even fix the night time bug.

I have a w0#k around for the single game slot, and starting completely over. I now have my favorite companions, weapons, and most of my favorite perks. I'm uploading this data to the Playstation cloud and when I want to start a new game, I'll download this "saved" game so I do not need to start completely over.

I do love waling around and doing stuff, especially with my two companions. Sometimes I can liberate an entire area undetected using only the companions - that makes it a great open world game. Unfortunately I have to suffer through the mandatory story progression, which is triggered by RP. Just about everything you do in the world generates some RP, so you will be stuck one day, kidnapped by the cult, and forced to do some kind of drug induced foolishness.


Respect is earned, not given.


There is a side mission sequence called "Church Nixon" which are mostly timed races from what I have seen so far. The good thing is that you do not need to do them - the bad thing is that the icons for these things are all over the map, and the icon itself is a simple white square, just like the icons for the information you really do want. In other words, the dumb stuff looks just like the good stuff, and you need to waste your time looking at all the white icons, many of which are those Church Nixon locations. I guess it is too much trouble to make the location icons look different from one another.  :banghead:

My relation with the game is  love hate one - there are parts that I find are the best possible aspects of the Far Cry open world, and other parts that are so lame that I'd never play a video game loaded with "missions" like those.

Far Cry 5 is a strange combination of state of the art gaming technology combined with parts that are so old school that it is surprising they can sell the game. UBI*bleep*'s ability to fix problems (or add value to this game) is so bad that many people with the night time bug have said they stopped playing the game. I have that bug and started a new play through because it is so annoying (and some missions impossible) to do at night.

Art Blade


Maybe it's different on console, but I'm pretty sure the Clutch Nixon map icons on PC are little stars & stripes flag things. The plain white diamond icons are for missions that have been given to you by NCPs. Anyway, I found the Clutch Nixon (who is obviously a take on Eval Knieval, native Montanan) missions to be pretty fun. Plus they all give you the vehicle you use in the race, so you pretty much don't need to buy anything else. I especially like the one in the ghost town where you get the ATV buggy truck, whatever it is, but I used that truck the rest of the game. The timed aspect was a little annoying, but that's how those types of races go, and the only ones really difficult were the flying ones, especially the wing suit one, I had to try that one 4 or 5 times.

Got the reward for the weekly challenge, which was a new outfit, and the wanted posters changed of course, even though all the cultists were dead. Must be one hidden one running around changing the posters, lol.

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Yes, I finished the game last night. Ending discussion in spoiler.

So.... that's a thing, I guess. But total nuclear attack? Really? At first I thought that the cult had a nuke hidden somewhere that they found in one of the bunkers they had that the government forgot to take with them when they emptied the place, and they had it on a dead man switch so that Joe could set it off in case things went bad for them. But I guess it's supposed to be an all out nuclear attack? OK, sure. You end up in Dutch's bunker with a really hard to kill Joe and it fades to black, end credits roll.

The final fight was OK I guess, I thought when you had to revive your friends, they would be the ones to survive in the game after the main story ended. But no, essentially everything that happens in the final mission has no bearing on the rest of the game, and that's why I found it pretty much unsatisfying. Nothing you do there or any choices you make, makes no difference once you load the game after the credits roll. You wake up on the radio tower and everything is back the way it was. All your friends are alive, congratulating you on getting rid of the cult. There is no sign of nuclear Armageddon anywhere, except for in the background of the main menu screen. Otherwise, it might as well not have happened.

So what I've decided to do is think of the ending as a bad dream or one last hallucination. What really happened is you went there, either killed or arrested him (I lean in the direction of killed) and then had a big party to celebrate, where much drink was consumed and you wandered in your drunken state up to the top of the radio tower on Dutch's island and passed out (not very safe, you should try not to do that in the future). In your passed out state, you dream a different scenario where your worst fears manifest and Joe's vision comes true, the world is destroyed and you are forever locked in a private Hell with your arch enemy. What was that I said about a scene in Fallout 4? A quote from an old Star Trek episode, "Imagine spending eternity with a madman at your throat".

Exactly that.

But load your save and you wake up on the radio tower and continue on.

So, now that I'm done with the main story, I still have a few small things to accomplish, like exploring some parts of the map I never went to (not too many, I wandered quite a bit) and finishing the fishing and hunting quests and a couple other achievements. But mostly I've finished with it for now. I may reset the outposts, see how that goes, and check in on the weekly challenges, see if they are worth doing. I'll also do some arcade stuff, I've tried a few maps that were pretty fun, so those are always good for something to do for 20-30 minutes if I don't have time to do something more extensive.

Final assessment? I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. Solid fun for the most part, and a really well done world, it has a look and feel that reminds me of home, somewhat. So the world, the animals, the sounds, all that is great. The story? Eh not so much. The story itself is OK, just the forced progression isn't appreciated, and really, it's time to stop with the drugged out hallucination missions. It's been done, UBI*bleep*, let it go already.

So I'll wait for the DLCs to arrive, if the world and action follow along with the main game, they should be OK. The themes may be a bit tired, except for the Mars one, curious to see what they do with that one, supposedly it's Nick Rye goes to Mars somehow? Might be cool. Zombies and Viet Nam era stuff, OK, zombies have been done, but still could be fun, Viet Nam I think may be a bit too politically charged, but if done right might be not bad. So of the three, the Mars ones has the most promise I think.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I'll skip this spoiler indeed, D_B... the first I read was a nuclear attack. Don't want to know that just yet...

But most stuff commented here plus my own tiny experiences, logged in BinnZ goes to County, is a bigass buyer beware I'd say. I first thought, let's give it another try. UBI*bleep* does provide good entertainment... yeah right, they've developed their way of entertainment overtime, and kept the same buggy bullshit in the mean time.  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Nice summary D_B, cheers :bigsmile:

I read the spoiler because frankly, I don't think I'll be getting into this one. I was hyped for the game for a while before release, but after since reading reviews and impressions online, and more importantly what you guys have experienced (since I find the member rundowns here to be far more reliable indicators of a game's nature), I've been progressively turned off it. Shame, because I've played every previous Far Cry game and have enjoyed all of them, for the most part. But damn, UBI*bleep*'s FC devs really need to stick their heads up out of their nice comfy box a little more. They could also do well to get past their obsession with drug-trips in their games. I mean, really - enough is enough with that.

I'd like to romp around a bit in the game world I guess because it looks a million bucks, and some of the gameplay does sound fun, but from what I've learned, some of it would definitely grate on me. I get grated on enough in real life without copping it in games as well :gnehe: And that forced progression thing is a major minus in my book. To me, "open world" doesn't just mean having a big open play area - it's more a kind of gaming philosophy, where the "open" part encompasses as much freedom of action for the player as possible (while clewing to a good story) with as little of forcing the player into predetermined courses of action as possible. For my money, FC2 still remains the "open-worldiest" game in the franchise in that regard.

Art Blade

yep, I think so, too. What I find annoying is the reusable black Samaritan. In FC2, the first one in the church, the black priest who helps, or should I say, makes you (why?) help some poor souls. In FC3 the guy that wakes you up by hammering a tattoo into your arm and from then on keeps advising you (why?) how you have to help the poor natives. Now again a black priest who couldn't do without your (why?) help. And I think they even look like brothers, those black guys, same face model base or some such. Then they have their mandatory women's quota with dapper but otherwise mostly useless dolls. And ever since FC3, drug-induced rubbish. Better force some of their drugs up their rear ends until they start to spew up foam out of their front ends. For them to see how funny that is. Back then, in FC2, they didn't have drugs yet but they did have those, and please excuse my French, FUCKING malaria fits every five seconds. And ever since FC3, those nonsensical tower climbing acts. OK, they cut down on it a little in FC5 but just couldn't let go of it completely. Then ever since FC3, those pesky animals. And races. And an overflowing screen regarding pop-ups like XP and waypoints and collectibles. And people screaming over the radio, stating the obvious, and melting away your brains. And bosses featuring superhuman bulletspongieness and undieability until the holy ubiscript finally allows the players, after they somehow surpassed the urge to toss the whole PC or console out the closed window, to finally kill whatever type of boss it is at that time, and no, not your way, but a scripted way, because THEY tell you what it has to look like and how it's done. And all that. And more and more they bloody force you to do stuff they think is funny. REALLY? Well, from FC3 to FC5, essentially, NOTHING new but the landscape. Except for the grand bomb they dropped with Primal. That was new but geez.. that was a far cry from Far Cry.

🡱 🡳

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