Far Cry 5 First Impressions. (Spoiler: I finished the game already)

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 28, 2018, 06:45:29 AM

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Art Blade


In some ways, FC5 is like FC2 in it's core foundation, but upscaled to new hardware and software technology. Unfortunately, UBI*bleep* takes a good thing and whittles away the good parts replacing them with linear dumb stuff.

Art Blade

sadly so. I was already reluctant getting FC3 and the next iteration, FC4, was given to me for free as a compensation for the *bleep* they had done to me with their game AC:Unity. Otherwise I wouldn't have played FC4. And all that led to my decision to stay away from UBI*bleep*.


That's a bit of a skewed view of America, which I think a lot of the rest of the world has, unfortunately. There is religious fanaticism, sure, but not everywhere and not everyone, that sort of radicalism is actually pretty scarce. There are cults, of course, but each might have a few hundred, at the extreme most, members. Not a significant amount of people compared to the rest of the population.

The guns bit, maybe, from my own experience, it's about 50-50, a lot of people I know own guns, most of them are for hunting as that is a big part of the history here and a lot of people still hunt. So sure, Americans love their guns.

Not listening to reason seems to be universal and not limited to a certain geographic location. LOL

Too bad, Art, about your problems with UBI*bleep*, I've never had an issue like that with any software company that I recall. Just bad luck.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep.. really bad luck and tons of it. They could have avoided most of my anger but as they didn't, this is the result.


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on May 01, 2018, 08:13:51 AM
That's a bit of a skewed view of America, which I think a lot of the rest of the world has, unfortunately. There is religious fanaticism, sure, but not everywhere and not everyone, that sort of radicalism is actually pretty scarce...

True, but I think the largest problem we have is apathy. People do not seem to care. I just watched an episode of Timeless which featured the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote after nearly 100 years of protest. Today, many have forgotten the sacrifices those individuals made to give people rights. Much like the Holocaust, the world wars, and the current political climate. People just don't seem to care - maybe it is because they have become so spoiled by the easy life we have. I do not know if this is a world wide effect, but it is definitely an issue in my area, and places in the U.S. that I visit.


Yeah I can agree with you there, it seems apathy and acceptance of the current status quo is what you get from most people. There are very few who will stick their neck out to get something done that they believe passionately in, because for the most part, they don't passionately believe in anything.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed - that and the poor state of education these days. Kids (and even most young adults) have absolutely no interest in learning anything but what their phone and social media "teaches" them

Yesterday I saw a piece in the news on the lack of teens and pre-teens to read the time on an analog clock. I was a bit disgusted at how these kids were asked to tell the time on an analog clock, and of the dozen or so interviewed, only ONE was able to tell time on the analog face. All others gave completely idiotic guesses as to the correct time.  Not only are they ignorant and lacking the intelligence to realize that fact, they do not care how stupid they look.

Art Blade


Now that the night glitch is gone, I'm having fun doing the challenges such as far range sniper shots, knife throwing, using arrows, and many more ways to kill. I'm still doing the stealth kills with a variety of companions, but am also sneaking around the outposts using arrows, knives, etc.

However, it sure would be nice if the developers would open the old missions, loot, etc. When you go to outposts after you have used the outpost master, everything you have done before is still completed. All you get to do with the outpost master feature is fight the cult. I'd like to do prepper stash, the side missions, and be able to choose which story missions to do.

That would make this version of Far Cry my second favorite, and definitely worth the money in replay value.


Yeah, aside from a restart, there's no other option for resetting stuff.

I spent over an hour last night hunting wolves for the new weekly challenge. You have to kill ten with arrows and collect the special collars they have, which you can't see until you loot them, and then it only shows up as a loot item. Anyway, I had 7 or 8 done after running around, which was fun, but then remembered you can use bait to lure them in. Ah well, running through the woods with Boomer pointing out everything in the area was fun, and one of the things I enjoy most about the game. I was even only a little annoyed when the cult planes kept harassing me, as my usual defense against them is to use the .50 cal and snipe the pilot. Since I had the bow and didn't have another weapon slot for the .50, I couldn't do that. But, as the quote goes, life finds a way:

I only had two explosive arrows on me though, so I had to resort to running away and hiding most of the time, and once got close enough to a road to get into a cult truck with a mounted MG on the back.

I played a few more arcade maps which are fun to do for 5 or 10 minutes and they get you money and perk points, so a nice way to fill in a few minutes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice  :thumbsup:

I also tend to use the .50 cal to hit the plane as it begins strafing me (I use armor piercing) and it takes the plane down. Of course, if you have Hurk as a companion, he'll gladly take down the plane  :gnehe:

On an aside, I found a companion that normally uses arrows, but automatically collects plant materials for the consumables. I also just discovered that you can use one of the consumables to mark all the cultists within range - nice shortcut to attacking the outposts.

Although a little late, I got the perk that allows you to parachute down to your fast transport location which allows you to save lots of time when attacking far reaching outposts.


Now wandering the outback discovering all kinds of places, some of which are reminiscent of FC2. Rail cars with ramps leading to their interiors, high bridges over rivers and lots more. I like the way elements of prior games have been incorporated.

I'm now working on my challenges, and am using a bow along with my two companions, Jess and Davy Jones, both of whom also use a bow. It is fun to go into an outpost completely stealthily.

I sure hope they release a Game+ mode. I would like to do story and side missions rather than just do the outposts.


Nice, PZ, glad that annoying bug is fixed for you.

I finished the main story missions in John's area, killed him, but didn't go to his bunker, which liberates the entire area. I'm hoping I can just leave it that way in order to keep more action going on and move to Faith's region and start there.

Here's the map of what I still have to do in that region. It shows how you can complete the story missions without seeing almost half the map and other activities.

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Just a funny one, these guys are really good friends....

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The look of the new character I'm playing, there's not much you can do, style-wise, but this one is blond, and has slightly different hair.

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Tried out the shovel launcher from the recent weekly challenge, it works pretty well, has a decent range, and counts as a melee kill. I can only carry three shovels for it though, but that is probably increased by ammo perks.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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