FC5 teaser

Started by LowPolyOWG, May 22, 2017, 09:25:25 AM

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Must be publishers deciding to go F*** off to consumers :banghead: Still, GTA V needed some patches on last gen to be perfect. Day 1 patches was not common in the 7th gen era as now.

The worst sinner for unfinished games is Steam's Early Access model... I guess AAA publishers have been inspired by them (ARK: Survival Evolved is still in Early Access and released in the same buggy, unfinished state  on the consoles). Those games are made by developers who don't know how to optimize their code or decide to take on something big while lacking the expertise and manpower to do so.

fragger, video game code must be submitted for manufacturing some months before release. I mean, we still have physical media, which you can't alter after manufacturing. If the devs finds a bug not found in the "gold" release, patch it on day 1. Also, they might include additional assets, if it doesn't fit on the disk.

It's just publishers being greedy and forcing a rush... Look at BF4, completely broken at launch and people complained so much that EA had to change CEO and do a major restructuring of their business. Even their own investors wanted to sue them. Too bad UBI*bleep* decided to follow the same route... At least Take Two is decent, having a polished game on launch is better than a broken one on launch.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

it's a billion dollar industry and unfortunately, a shareholder model. They all want money, now. They don't understand that money will come in, if the product is good. All they care about is "now," rather than "quality" ::)


That's true, Art.

Before the rise of the full-blown internet and the advent of Steam, devs had no choice. Their games had to w0#k properly on day one since online patching and updating did not exist. I believe it was ever only a matter of time though. The days of physically buying a game, installing it, typing in the code and playing have pretty much become a thing of the past now. There are pros and cons to online registration/activation/updating. Whether the pros or cons outweigh one another I can't really say.

Fun fact: In September 2014, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) brought a lawsuit against Valve Corporation (creators of Steam) for violating Australian consumer laws which compel stores to provide refunds for faulty products (the ACCC argued that even though there are no physical premises, Steam still legally counts as a "store", and they even refer to themselves as such on their website. So for Aussie consumers, it was argued, the laws regarding the selling and refunding of products via a store should be applicable). The court found in favour of the ACCC, and in 2016 Valve was fined $3 million AUD, even though it recognized the fact that Steam had changed its policy in the meantime.

Steam has faced several other lawsuits as well over the years, for one thing or another. I guess that's a bit of a legal minefield for a company which intends to do retail business online and internationally - there are so many varied local consumer laws in place in different countries that it must be difficult to satisfy them all. But that's a price they pay for wanting to be in that business.

Art Blade

I dare say for starting it and staying on top of it. I don't think that any other online store that sells games is outfit equally nor do they have that many years of experience nor network infrastructure nor hardware (cloud)


So... Looks like some kind of redneck religious freak private militia types may be the baddies of the piece this time. Maybe. Interesting. I remember when I first saw the artwork for FC4 with Pagan Min in it and I thought, "Are you kidding me? Some skinny, pasty-faced wuss in a pink suit is gonna be the game's head bad guy?" But Min actually turned out to be an acceptably despicable villain.

I'll be willing to give FC5 a go, since I quite enjoyed FC4 (I still play it on and off, in fact). Hopefully there won't be the usual stuff, like climbing towers, skinning animals, drugged-out magical mystery tours, and only being able to get at half the map to start with. But there probably will be.

My interest is piqued nonetheless.

Art Blade

when I saw the clip the first time, I thought it was basically a slave trying to flee and then he got shot by someone. Supposedly by the white owner or a white police officer. So some black and white story.


OK, looking at that picture, my take on it now is you will play some average person (maybe this time UBI*bleep* will allow you to pick the character, choosing race and gender?) who was either doing tourist stuff or going on a hunting trip in the wilds of Montana. Your float plane travels over the land of these whackos (for whatever reason, storm, engine trouble, who knows?) and they shoot you down, because, well, they are whackos (see the two planes fighting). They control the local population (if there is one) with force. I mean, there has to be some amount of enemies to fight or it wouldn't be a Far Cry game, right? So who would they be, an inexhaustible supply of whackos coming in from somewhere, or the local townsfolk who are too scared of the whackos and are attacking you because of that. Then again, maybe there is an inexhaustible supply of whackos and you have to help the townsfolk (there's a town in the background) get rid of them, or get your plane repaired so you can escape, or fix all the cell towers so you can get a signal out for a rescue. Since there are towers, expect tower climbing.

We shall see.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


The U.S. setting with American non-military villains is definitely different, but interesting that it appears to somewhat mirror politics right now, especially in light of the fact that Greg Gianforte, a candidate for Congress assaulted a reporter yesterday. I guess Montana is just a violent kind of place  :gnehe:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep, we've all heard about what a lawless and dangerous place Montana is. It's in the news all the time :gnehe:

I believe Montana has the third-lowest population density of any US state (after Alaska and Wyoming). So if my body count there is anything like it was in Kyrat, there won't be many people left in the state by the end of the game :gnehe:

Art Blade


I've just been reading about that congressional candidate in Montana who body-slammed a reporter. He still won the election.

Do the FC5 devs know something we don't...?

In the original Deus Ex game (2000), which was set in the USA 2052, there were characters in it who made reference to a brief, localized civil war that took place in their not-too-distant past, and they mentioned the militia force which instigated it. They were called the "Northwest Secessionist Forces", and their remnants were among the warring factions in the game.



Official reveal. Game will release 27. february 2018

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Here's another one. Same as the one GKID posted, but with more stuff afterwards:

Be aware, there is some coarse language.

🡱 🡳

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