w10 update (may 8, 2018) screws up AI suite III from rog/asus. AGAIN.

Started by Art Blade, May 08, 2018, 02:10:15 PM

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Art Blade


Yeah, but that's the reality of the whole damn thing Art, since the free upgrade I had three re-installs,
and you can't prevent the updates, oh you can yes, but you system will eventually become unstable
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

I recall friends telling me how often they had to install windows because it had become unstable, ever since windows had replaced DOS. No matter which windows version, essentially always the same. On the other hand, I never had to reinstall any windows. The current version (w10) on this machine is a free upgrade from w7 and it has never been unstable. As far as I can tell, my luck has been depending on one simple fact: I only install programs that I need and I never install so-called demo versions. Which means, no constant deleting and installing programs. And I was always careful not to install incompatible software. However, it is obviously really annoying if you've got MS products that don't run on an upgraded or updated windows. Luckily, I don't have any of those and the only bloody MS game, forza horizon, went straight into the bin after MS's "services" kept being unavailable for weeks. Not going to buy MS games anymore, I hate their xbox *bleep* that needs to be running on my PC in order to play games. I disabled virtually all features and won't touch that again.


Quote from: Art Blade on May 09, 2018, 09:43:39 AM
No idea why Destiny doesn't w0#k for G, though.

For a stupid reason, I think it's related to the game trying to access graphics hardware, but somehow gets blocked :huh-new: I had the game load up on 1803 last week, only to be greeted with this: "Windows could not/failed to initialize the graphics driver". Other games worked flawlessly. Now, Destiny 2's has a powerful anti-cheat that prevents unknown programs to hook into it. Might be that :banghead:

Currently on the last year's Fal update (October 2017/1709 update).
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I'm pretty sure that the game's devs will get wind of this and then certainly prepare a fix for it. Else, burn them at the stake! :anigrin:


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

back on topic:

The ASUS support web page and the corresponding forum.. forget it. The last official statement regarding the suite is from January 2018, and it's worthless because back then (!) they said the windows update interfered with part of the suit and that they wanted to fix it—no updates as of now.

QuoteMicrosoft newly released "Windows security updates" compilers used by ASUS AI SUITE 3 are experiencing conflicts

Due to Microsoft newly released Windows security updates compilers used by ASUS software are experiencing conflicts and causing some issues with ASUS software, such as Ai suite 3;

This version is currently under review, ASUS will release a completed and verified software version for users to download at a later date.

The forum only showed posts the likes of "it doesn't w0#k" and what really, really angered me right away was one "guru"-labelled (probably by kudos rating or related to the amount of posts) guy's comment:

"Why are you using the suite for overclocking?"

It annoys the heck out of me because
- whatever the answer, is absolutely irrelevant regarding "it doesn't w0#k"
- it distracts from the real problem: "it doesn't w0#k"
- it implies there are better programs for that purpose, without pointing them out
- it forces the person using it into a defensive position
- it implies everyone who's using the suite for overclocking is stupid

Yet none of the moderators and none of the users realised any of the above.

Of course, the whole "discussion" there was totally worthless. It only showed that people had the same problem as I, yet that there hasn't been offered any solution from the support team. People were allowed to post stuff like, "ASUS programs are *bleep*, you're lucky if your system restarts after installing any of them" and so forth.

Every time I have to "leave" OWG in order to check other forums, makes me shudder :anigrin:


That's what I was trying to avoid, a complete re-install fresh, though my first instinct is that's what should be done. Upgrading the OS on a system running an older OS just seems to be a recipe for disaster. Though three of the computers here at w0#k did just that, and seem to w0#k OK, but they aren't used for anything complicated, mostly e-mail and web browsing.

Then again, what troubles I've seen mostly stems from older hardware / software that might not be 100% compatible. Most of my stuff is fairly new, so I might not have an issue in that area.

Once I get the new internet connection set up where I can download the ~2GB or whatever the update is, I'll think about it. I really don't absolutely need it, except for the new Direct X, so maybe until a game comes along that really needs that, I may wait it out. Thing is, as I understand it, there will be no other version of windows after 10, as it's now subscription based and will just update ad infinitum.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I heard something similar. A base operating system w10 and they'll make money with apps. We'll see


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on May 10, 2018, 07:49:57 AM
Once I get the new internet connection set up where I can download the ~2GB or whatever the update is, I'll think about it. I really don't absolutely need it, except for the new Direct X, so maybe until a game comes along that really needs that, I may wait it out. Thing is, as I understand it, there will be no other version of windows after 10, as it's now subscription based and will just update ad infinitum.

I think the major competitors to Windows (Apple's MAC OS and Google's Chrome/Android OS and Linux/Ubuntu) does that. It has some advantages: Modularity and without needing legacy functions of prior versions directly built into the OS. Especially if you want to use the OS across different platforms. Apple use virtualization to run older stuff on their platform. Ubuntu/Linux are quite lightweight compared to Windows.

DX12 is needed for MS exclusive games and that API is quite interesting from a game engine perspective. Native CrossFire/SLI and better CPU utilization. A hazzle for devs though, going from a single-threaded GFX pipeline to a multithreaded one, must be hard to master. Oh, and telling the game engine to manage two GPUs on the same time, without relying on AMD/Nvidia to fix it for them (drivers).

Polaris project.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


The only problem with the other OS options is that they has issues running the stuff I want or flat out don't run it at all.

My understanding is that an "upgrade" windows 10 install really is a clean install, and it copies over your settings and programs as much as possible. It's still something I'm thinking about, and will decide eventually.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Windows 10 just screwed up my anti virus program  :ranting:
attempting to update my anti virus program failed, when I tried to update it
via "programs and features" I received an error message informing me that
Been using this anti virus program for the past 10 bloody years and never had an issue   :angry-new:
Respect is earned, not given.


THis update managed to screw up a lot, isn't it? :(

However, I don't use antivirus anymore for a couple of years now. All it ever did was eating up computing power so I ditched it. As far as I experience, Win 10 is taking care of any threat for me now ;)
"No hay luz"


I also tried that BinnZ, that's when the worst virus/malware ever hit me.
All my personal files got encoded, I lost years and years of accumulated
pictures and music.
It took months of hard w0#k converting the music from vinal, 8track and 4track tapes to mp4.
I can't say it wouldn't have happened had I used another anti virus software, just the fact that
it infected my pc was enough to discourage me. 
Respect is earned, not given.


So, after 4 months of running Windows 10 1709, Microsoft was tired of me using that. Ended up getting the curent version (May Update) forced on me. Luckily, everything ran smoother now :bigsmile: Lessons learned: Never install new Windows versions when they are available. Also, don't delete the old Windows install, in case the new update is broken :banghead:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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