w10 update (may 8, 2018) screws up AI suite III from rog/asus. AGAIN.

Started by Art Blade, May 08, 2018, 02:10:15 PM

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Art Blade

the recent updated just finished installing. Apart from half a dozen prompts regarding how much information and personal data you want or don't want to submit to microshit so they can fine-tune advertisements "for" you, which I all denied, now a program needed to fine-tune my water-cooling and fan speeds, has ceased to w0#k.


It already happened several months ago and the solution ASUS/ROG came up with was a w0#k-around, a beta version, well-hidden from the public eye (read: their customers) and it was overloaded with stuff that I either didn't need or that didn't w0#k. At least the so-called "fan expert" part of the suit worked.

Now it stopped working. Of course, there's no update for the program. Maybe any time soon there will be another secret beta but damn it, microshit either failed to supply manufacturers like ASUS on time or ASUS is yet again slow, if they can be arsed to do anything at all.

I'm pretty sure that, if possible, I'll try to avoid ASUS/ROG mobos in future. I got a machine worth a few thousand bucks sitting here and the rather unspectacular combo of microshit windose and an ASUS mobo don't w0#k as they're bloody supposed to.

I'm really angry now, ESPECIALLY since it's the second time now, the same *bleep* just once more. :angry-new:


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

just to clarify: the suit doesn't even start up. All I get to see (after that windose alarm sound) is a small window telling me something caused an error and that's it.

Art Blade

here's more details.

11:14 PM - Binnatics: crazy
11:15 PM - Binnatics: can you make your mobo to overrule microshit in the bios settings?\
11:16 PM - Art Blade: not really
11:16 PM - Art Blade: I've got two programs, either one controls a part the other doesn't, which is already complete nonsense. one works with the watercooling, the other with the fans
11:17 PM - Art Blade: I'm pretty confident that the programs left the setups in the registry the way I wanted it (I can hear it) but I can't change it without fucking up the fans and they're controlled by the suit.


For me, it prevents me from playing Destiny 2 and the update made most of my programs to crash! Even Microsoft's own applications (Word 2016/Explorer Egde) *bleep* themselves under the new OS update. Chrome made my computer freeze itself dozens of times... :banghead: Good job MS, breaking your OWN in-house apps :laughsm:

DOWNGRADE TO 1709!!!!!!!!!!! :ranting:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

you had that problem with Destiny and the last update.. now (today) a new one came out which this topic is refrerring to. Have you already installed it AND still got the same problems?


That's the 1803 build (April update), which gave me the same issues. I was able to install it last week. ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

erm.. I don't get it. The April update gave you the same issues as the May update? And, you were able to install the April update last week? So, you now installed the May update and it gave you the same issues as the April update?


Technically, v1803 is called the April update. Now, MS discovered a BSOD bug, making them delaying it to the end of April/start of May. So, some media outlets calls it the April update, despite it rolling out in May. By forcing a Win 10 update check on/before 1st May, you could get this update, prior to MS forcing it on you  ;) There were no major update releases of Windows 10 after the Fall update (1709). Well, other than the Meltdown/Spectre patches, which 1803 for some odd reason doesn't have... In other words, all Intel chips will be vulnerable with the 1803 version... Basically, users could get their hands on it earlier, rather than waiting to May 8th. Also, MS codenames ::) I was one of those early adopters and gotta say, the experience I got from that was a nightmare...

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I'm still lost.

OK, so the April and May updates are not two but one, right? If that is so, I still don't understand how one update could give you "the same issues."—you likely didn't mean the same as mine (the update screwed up my AI suite) and you cannot have compared something with itself (the update 1803 with the update 1803) so..

..what did you mean with "the same issues?"


Quote from: Art Blade on May 08, 2018, 02:10:15 PM
I'm really angry now, ESPECIALLY since it's the second time now, the same *bleep* just once more. :angry-new:

Might be time to explore an alternative to Microsoft, like Ubuntu


Quote from: Art Blade on May 08, 2018, 05:17:33 PM
..what did you mean with "the same issues?"

I had a prompt asking me to restart Windows this week, so it could update. Clicked it, ended up realising I had re-installed this *bleep* update, tried to run Destiny 2 again (no luck). Downgraded immediately after closing the game ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


And here I was just thinking it was time to upgrade to windows 10 ......
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

@G: alright, got it :anigrin:

@PZ: games... enslaved by windows.

@D_B: windose 10 isn't bad at all. This is just about how ASUS and MS don't seem to have a working business relation, at least ASUS doesn't do much to help their customers. No idea why Destiny doesn't w0#k for G, though.


Bad idea D_B, since the free w7/8 update to w10 started things began going south, with every
w10 update something else on your system stops working, by the time you get
to the latest update you have several unresolved issues on your pc.
One of the most liked problem solving suggesting options MS tech's give you is a clean boot which wipes out all your personal files.
One of the problems I had on my pc were resolved very quickly by a MS tech   ::)
by following his instruction to the letter stuffed up my pc completely,
I had to do a complete reinstall. Not one of my numerous emails to MS sparked a response, nothing, zero, zilch.
The other day I decided to purchase the W10 disk and installed it on a new HDD, everything works fine except,
exel on my Office 2007 Pro is not compatible with w10   :banghead:
Respect is earned, not given.

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