I'm back on YouTube. With own videos.

Started by Art Blade, July 14, 2018, 10:00:37 AM

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Art Blade

cheers :) Yep, there's lots of stuff you can use. Like gas lamps that you can blow up and there are many water sources with electrical lights nearby.. shoot both and create an electrocution trap.

I think I can't show off much more now. I could combine headshots only with hiding all bodies but it would start to turn into a chore if I kept trying to max out the difficulty combos.

Like in all Hitman games, there are collectibles, the typical rubber ducks and pigeons and gnomes and shooting all 47 kilns (they mean plant pots) and shooting out all light sources (blackout achievement) and a lot more fun things to do. Completing those challenges increases the "challenge multiplier" which results in an ever higher score.

You know, when they released Hitman 2016, they had a similar game (something like a rooftop sniper game) for those who pre-purchased the game which I didn't and I have been wishing for a chance to get it, like maybe they have mercy and release it as a stand-alone one day. But now I realised I could get the game you were watching, and I pre-purchased the gold edition of Hitman 2 (2018) which not only comes with the Sniper Assassin game that can already be played but also a ton of game-relevant stuff that won't be available to normal or silver versions. Since I have really liked the Hitman franchise, except for Hitman: Absolution (worst Hitman ever, I never even bought it) it was a no-brainer having seen what they pulled off with Hitman 2016. Hitman 2 will be one game including everything, unlike the experimental "episodical" release of Hitman 2016 which I didn't like. I bought that game when it was on offer and included all episodes. They seem to have learned (not so much IOI but their new partner, Warner Bros. Games, who must have overruled the episode *bleep*) and what we get these days are the best Hitman games so far. "Oh boy oh boy oh boy," as JRD used to say.  :)


Nice one Art! Must've been quite some chess play to get the right order for all those kills 8)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

thank you, Binn :)

yep, and now I'm trying to find out how to cut the last part short. I need a different order or I need to disrupt their routines.. quite a mind game :)

Art Blade

When you think you can't top that.. D_B jokingly said I should do it with more than 10 minutes left. And I did. :D

4 minutes 40 seconds, headshots only, all bodies hidden. :anigrin:
(the debriefing shows 4.05 but the timer had stopped for some reason 35 seconds before I finished)

Art Blade

I've now mastered all challenges and by that got a multiplier of 3.0 which obviously grants triple score plus another double if silent assassin is achieved, so a maximum of 5x the score composed of base and time bonus score plus silent assassin bonus. I needed help with a couple of those challenges because man, you'd have to spend many hours finding some of them and working out how some w0#k. MrFreeze2244 from YT provided the help videos, as always.

Watching my own vid, the fast-paced vid prior to this post, I realised that the last guy could have been taken out way earlier while he was leaning on the balustrade in the back to the left but I missed that. When I tried again, my time was still about 4.40 and again the timer stopped after around 4 minutes in, a weird bug.

That bug explains some of the top ten high scores that show like two minutes time to get 5 million points. I know that taking out 3 main targets and 15 bodyguards can be done in under one minute but not with a high score because you can't get headshots only and you can't hide bodies just everywhere when you go for "fastest kills" so you cannot get a high score. In other words, apart from the time bonus bug, there are cheaters already.

Sod high scores :) I think fast and flawless without cheating is the way to go, or just having fun without aiming for a perfect score. The game only gives you 15 minutes max and if you trigger an alarm, people will start to escape which is what you could see happening in my very first vid. It's still fun :)

Considering that it's a whole game but only one "map," those 5.3 GB I had to download are likely a hint that the whole game engine and its general features are already in there, minus content. A nice bonus for pre-purchasing a game, really O0 Since I ordered the gold edition, I can't wait to see all the other extras :anigrin:


Cool O0

I like that sniper btw. Is it better than the ones you can get in the 2016 Hitman or is it comparable? I was surprised by the blast when the bullet hits the target. It looks as if it's explosive rounds. However, it's gotta be a blast anyway and it definitely adds to the fun 8)
"No hay luz"


Hey btw, have you tried shooting that copter out of the sky? :gnehe:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

thanks :)

the rifle is actually available in Hitman 2016 as a reward doing a certain type of mission (the type is called "escalation") and I mentioned the details somewhere in this topic, I think related to the "play with fire" vid as I was using the sniper rifle there. However, it doesn't come with shock wave nor wall-piercing ammo but the punch it packs is the same: a proper .50 cal sniper :) Also, in Hitman 2016 the rifle comes with 4 zoom levels right from the start while in Sniper Assassin the 4th level is unlockable fairly late (needs lots of high scores) and meanwhile I got it. Generally speaking, and I'm happy about it, Hitman 2 (as well as this bonus game) are obviously based on pretty much the same as mechanics and as Hitman 2016 except Sniper Assassin which obviously only got the one Sniper rifle, the Sieger 300 ghost.

I did try to shoot the target sitting inside the chopper (using "instinct" which works like an x-ray, colouring bodyguards bright orange and main targets red) and I tried to shoot it down aiming for rotors and everywhere else. It's just indestructible and impenetrable, unfortunately.


Taking down a helicopter isn't a quiet thing though :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Pretty nice shooting. At this point you'd just be down to rote memorization to get each target exactly right.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

cheers :)

Here, 4.26 and the timer worked.

It was tough getting all that orchestrated  :anigrin:

Art Blade

I recorded a car delivery in GTA. I'll slap those vids in the posts if it makes sense, like here: CLICK ME <opens in this tab>

Art Blade

And some club stuff, inside a club. With (own) music. Here the link to the corresponding topic/post.

Click Me


Bit late to this topic, but some cool clips there Art :thumbsup: I like the bike in the pool in the second clip and the bar-top headbutt at the end of the club one :D Nice bit of music in that clip too, not my cup of tea tbh but I can tell you put a lot of effort into it, and it's melodious. It's way better than a lot of the rubbish I've heard people throw together, which usually sounds like a bunch of synthesizers having a group epileptic fit.

Those Hitman achievements were very impressive mate, great job :thumbsup:

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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