Cyberpunk 2077

Started by Dweller_Benthos, November 07, 2018, 08:28:39 AM

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Wow, the graphics are stunning!  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

The whole game is. :anigrin:

Just one example, those different types of vendors/shops. There are loads of, say, gun shops and they all offer different stuff and even the wares within the same shop change. It is really amazing.

Many buildings are accessible, most of them don't even show up as such on the map. I spent a good amount of time in an abandoned multi-storey house which was so dark inside that it was nearly pitch black. And tons of obstacles in there. Furniture and crates and other random stuff all over the place, like you'd expect from that type of abandoned house. Only a few LEDs and very faint background light coming through cracks in the walls helped me find my way and no, I don't have a torch (flashlight) so it was kind of spooky. I found flood lights which I switched on so part of the floor I was on was lit but still, pretty dark everywhere. I found a few cool things and was glad that I made my way back out without breaking my neck falling through invisible gaps or impaling myself on iron rods sticking out of walls.. not that there were really such things but your mind starts playing tricks on you if you keep stumbling around in the dark.. :anigrin:

You'd love the exploring part of the game. :bigsmile:


Yes the pics look all amazing. The California type environment reminds me a lot of GTA, but the graphics are next level indeed :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"


Nice O0

That is almost a Fallouty-looking scene, even down to that one random guy standing on the back of a couch :gnehe:

The game world does look fantastic though, for sure 8)

Art Blade

yeah :)

This gameworld is so big I can only show small snippets. It's almost like showing you an olive just so you could imagine the rest of the pizza. Impossible :anigrin:

city by bike
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city by bike 2
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my character. No grass but some bodies instead.
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Art Blade

Just thought I'd show you this, the light is just so great in this game.

city at dawn
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Art Blade

same thing. This is in some random location, some kind of passage with a polished ceiling, "nothing special" yet it still looks so cool.

By the way.. this is NOT at night. I had been inside a building and just got out into this passage, looks like at night, but you can see daylight in the background of the pics. :D

city at night
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Art Blade

PZ, I just read an article about this game at a renowned news portal which is not a gaming site. Essentially this game runs properly (regarding graphics) only on high end PCs. Last gen consoles are currently abysmal and even the new consoles struggle. CD Project Red, dev and publisher, announced improvements. It must have been so bad that CDPR even pays refunds out of their own pocket. Sony has withdrawn the title for now. And so on. In other words, keep playing Watchdogs and keep an eye out for news regarding CP2077 on consoles.

Meanwhile, being a happy owner of a high end PC, I am so enjoying this game :laughsm:

Art Blade

a few more pics.

city at dusk
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city at day
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It does look amazing, no doubt, on the hardware that can handle it. Just exactly why I'm waiting, late spring, early summer I'll look into getting a new system with a 3080 and either the intel i9 10xxx series or that new AMD multicore gizmo.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


hey, while rain isn't really anything special any more in games these days, here (I checked) the drops even cause RIPPLES in the puddles on the street!! ??? O0 Apart from that, rain itself really looks great.

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I like all that you have reported on the game, and am quite interested. My son got it for his PS4 and he says it is working great on his rig. However, some of his friends have significant problems on their machines. He said that the problem is significant enough that he was offered a refund if he was having issues.

I might take the chance after I am done with Watchdogs and AC Valhalla - maybe the kinks will have been worked out by then, and might even have a PS5 with any luck.

Art Blade

OK, cool, and good luck :)

Meanwhile.. if you don't aim properly.. :gnehe:

just a scratch
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Nice  :thumbsup:

I like all the junk lying about - I guess I just like dirty places in my gaming world  :gnehe:

Good head shot! I think that .50 would have taken his head clean off in real life  :gnehe:

Art Blade

if I had hit him straight, it would have indeed :anigrin: That's why I called it "just a scratch" because it was just a graze shot.

🡱 🡳

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