Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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The stuff with the rake was just too funny. The flamingo, now, that's just silly, lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

another cool thing about the "legacy pack" (essentially putting the old game into this one) is that completing one so-called escalation (one scenario with several iterations that get more and more complicated) unlocks and grants you access to THE best sniper rifle of the old game and makes it available to you in the new game. You can unlock it any time you want. The same rifle in the new game with a different paint job would normally unlock only when reaching level 10 out of 20 of the final mission map. And now I got it in mid-game because I learned about that only today. The escalation is still pretty damn hard to master and took me perhaps 90 minutes to finish. But now I can access that rifle and use it in any map of the new game, even in the intro mission. Cool :) By the way, you can see the fish in that pic :gnehe: Also, I was rewarded special coins (sound distraction) for "outstanding performance" (eliminate an "elusive target" without leaving any trace and without getting spotted, aka silent assassin rating) in HM1, and they carried them over to HM2, you can see them as well in this pic. They included new elusive targets for the new game. Elusive targets are server-sided timed events and occur about every two or three weeks. You literally only get one shot to manage: if you or the target dies, the mission cannot be repeated at all. So failure is an option but you won't get a second chance unless they repeat the elusive target series later on. They did that after a year for HM1 which is how I got to get most of them, enough to unlock all those disguise rewards.

This really is the best Hitman game so far. :thumbsup:

HM2 Sieger 300 Ghost from HM1
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Art Blade

Since people (erm, it was only one. GKID, who believes in me. :gnehe: ) wanted me to create a vid, I am currently uploading a vid for you guys, showing off the first mission and using that sniper rifle.

"This is not a competitive play but for those who haven't yet watched any HM2 vids, this is the starting mission and I am showing all cutscenes. Plus, I am using the Sieger 300 Ghost that I unlocked within the legacy pack's Cheveyo Calibration Escalation from HM1. I'll do the sniper assassin challenge here and finish with suit only and silent assassin."

Might take an hour or so from now, it's as always a 60fps 1920*1080 vid and actually on ultra settings. That takes up some space and that takes time to upload plus YouTube takes some time rendering it. I'll post it when it's done :)


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade

Here it is :) Almost exactly one hour after I predicted it :anigrin:
SA=Silent Assassin (never got spotted, no bodies found, targets only)
SO=Suit Only (from start to finish the same outfit, no disguises)

Art Blade

I am currently uploading "the stuff that wasn't in the vid" like the fish, that RFID-triggered mine on the aquarium and all that. Stay tuned :)

Art Blade


Very cool, I don't think I have the patience for this kind of stealth game. Whenever there's stealth involved in an ordinary game, I usually get about halfway through it, then mess something up and go guns blazing after that. Don't think that would w0#k in this game, the penalty is too high or even failure for not keeping 100% stealth.

Fun to watch though!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thank you :) It was fun recording it for you lot O0

I played it slowly to give you guys the opportunity to pause the vid so you could read descriptions and all that, enough stuff you might want to pause the vid for to get a closer look. And I didn't stop the cutscenes in the first vid so you got the full picture, so to speak. Usually I first play through once, slowly, then again to find out more and learn the map, then again to get those achievements done that the game (not steam) offers in order to advance and unlock cool stuff. When I recorded this vid, I already knew exactly where to find what but I played it more like a new player (as if I had been one of you guys) so you could understand at least most of what was going on.

Yes, you certainly need patience for this kind of game to play it properly. My first attempt at this mission nearly took two hours, exploring the building and all that. You see, I was afraid of traps or hidden enemies so I was crouching all the time inside and around the house. Very annoying is getting caught on video, the game is quite realistic in that respect: when caught on video, guards will come to that area and you better be gone by the time they arrive. You can still look for a video surveillance room and destroy that equipment (which at the time disables all cameras) which I did in the first vid. Usually those are guarded areas and usually there are guards inside that room so it's always a challenge to destroy video evidence. Here it is the first map and the devs didn't go full out on the player but of course I didn't know that when playing it for the first time.

By the way, those white dots above some people's heads stand for an "enforcer" type of person: they can see through your disguise or recognise when you're trespassing. They are not necessarily always enforcers, e.g. if you're not disguised and enter a restricted area like perhaps a kitchen, everyone in that kitchen will be an enforcer. If you disguise yourself as a chef, most people in the kitchen won't see through your disguise but perhaps the other chef will recognise that you're fake. People who are no enforcers are still potentially a threat: if they watch you perform anything illegal, they're going to find a guard and report you. They show up as orange shapes rather than outlined shapes when using instinct. And that orange is like an infection: if guards tell other guards and so on, all of a sudden there are a lot of orange people who know what you look like and your disguise will be "compromised" and that shows on top of the mini map. Either knock them out (unconscious witness, counts against silent assassin) or kill them (even worse) or just change your disguise which is the least violent option but still doesn't restore the silent assassin rating, you're screwed if anyone spotted you doing suspicious or illegal stuff.

You can play it any way you want to but it is not a shooter. If you play it as if it were, your score is directly related to how much you deviate from stealth and you may end up with a zero points "score." :anigrin: Silent Assassin is what to strive for and Suit Only is the master class of that. :)

You may have noticed many items that were highlighted when I used "instinct" (that X-ray kind of vision) Some highlighted stuff can be used to cause an accident or w0#k as a switch or for instance, the sugar and the honey in the main area with the projector in it could be poisoned, just as well as the vodka and the scotch in the bedroom. Only you need to find out who drinks what or you may end up poisoning or killing the wrong people. Like, poison drinks or food with rat poison or emetic pills that cause vomits and make the poisoned person look for a place where they can throw up and then you can drown them in a toilet bowl in their own vomit while they're throwing up. :gnehe: Non-target kills result in heavy penalties regarding score: no silent assassin rating (which would have been 20,000 points) and -5,000 points per victim.

I love that kind of challenge and the picture wall at the end of the vid was all colour pics rather than black and white because I already mastered ALL challenges of this map that those pics stand for. :)


Cool  :thumbsup:

I like the idea of a stealth-like assassin focus, and the graphics look pretty good.  O0


Yeah if anything, I'd be going for a final total score of zero, or even negative if that's possible. It would be a different way to play the game, that's for sure.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

in a way, you can get a minus score: if you kill everyone on the map, each kill of a non-target results in -5,000 points. I watched a vid by BigMooney06, that Scottish guy, he killed over 300 people on a big map and got over -1.6 million for that. The game will only subtract until zero is reached, so the total score was zero.

Right now, I am playing a mission on a relatively small map that's like one block of suburban neighbourhood and maybe 100 people max. I killed all but one, and he's a target. He's supposed to protect the the other target but since no one is left, he doesn't know what to do and stays in the house. I can spook him so he runs to a "safe" location and after a minute or so he walks back to that same position in that house. I left him alive not to get that dramatic music and exit signs everywhere. With him still alive and kind of stationary, I am free to explore the whole map, no one there to chase me when I enter restricted areas :anigrin: I'm doing as many challenges and stuff as possible before finishing him off. Oh, I did finish him off in several ways and reloaded a savegame, the game remembers my achievements and it will all be there once I finish it for good (exit the map) and I think I'll record that when it's time for it :)

Currently I'm trying to find the last pigeon to kill, there's a challenge to find 25 of them on that map. Most were relatively easy to spot, like on a rooftop or some such, a couple others were hidden in trees. And now I've got no idea where the remaining one is. I decided to check on the net but hehe, all you can get is 21 locations and I've already found 24 on my own. :gnehe: Bloody pigeons, the devs must hate 'em just like I do and it's nice that you have to kill 'em to get the score. If you shoot 'em, they blow up in a cloud of blood and feathers :evil2:

🡱 🡳

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