Hitman 2 (2018)

Started by Art Blade, November 11, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

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Nice - sounds like I might need to get this game one of these days  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

thanks :)

Maybe you're not aware that this game is like its predecessor one of those that requires you to stay online or you won't get the same gaming experience, like, no scores at all. As far as I know, that always online is a killer for you.


Yes, I am aware it is like the prior iterations, but I assume that it would be no worse than the UBI*bleep* games. For example, the AC games do not require one to be online but if you are, they offer benefits. I can't believe that Hitman could be worse than UBI*bleep*  :gnehe:


LOL at killing everyone except the target and pigeon hunting. That's the kind of thing I like to do in games, and it's nice they actually add something for a reward for it, even if it's just an achievement.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well, time for me to give you a response: Nice videos and poor fishes. I wonder who's gonna clean that up and turn them into fish and chips :anigrin: :-X Looks like you still use the WA2000-like rifle from your previous Hitman game.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

@D_B: there is no reward for killing everyone, it just made life easy for me without anyone getting in my way while I was searching the whole map. The one guy left also made it better for me because if you kill your target(s) the dramatic music kicks in and on this map there are several exits the icons of which are permanently visible so you find your way out but I didn't want to finish just yet. So.. it stayed all quiet and there weren't any people who could get in my way. The one still alive remained like nailed to the floor inside a house, so even he was out of the way. :gnehe:

@G: It's not "still" but "again." I posted earlier how I obtained it for HM2 by doing a really hard escalation but it's better to get it like that than having to wait for the last mission AND mission mastery level 10 to unlock a similar rifle with just a different paint job.

Art Blade

My 10-seconds-vid with that rake. The achievement is to knock out a target, not just anyone. I picked Janus, and the voice over says so, too. :anigrin:

Art Blade

and one for D_B in particular but of course, for all of you in general :anigrin: Just some 5 minutes and you'll understand why this is not the usual sales pitch.. :D

Art Blade

And YESSSS!! I found the last pigeon ON MY OWN. After that I checked whether or not someone else had finally found out, too, and of course, MrFreeze2244 beat me to it but in his vid he admitted that he didn't do it all by himself. Other than me. Well, I was mostly doing other challenges today and thought I could try again to find that last bird, and I managed surprisingly quickly, and then again, I did it WITHOUT ANY HELP from anyone. It was the most tedious thing I ever did. But I did it :bigsmile:

Art Blade

Now you can see why I emptied the map (killed everyone, again) and this here is my two days pigeon w0#k, condensed in a 9 minutes run across the map and then blowing up Janus to finish it off. :bigsmile:



 :anigrin: Kind of like GTA IV's Flying Rats you could chace down. That ending was nice :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep, that rake routine never gets old, I'd be killing as many people as possible with that.

Nice pigeon hunting, and getting that last guy by dropping explosives at his door and ringing the bell!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

cheers :)

Unfortunately the rake breaks after knocking out (can't kill) someone with it. So that funny vid was a patchwork and redone every time.

Here is what happened after I had enough of the map and finished the mission for the first time. Check out the time (keep in mind Agent 47's name) and all the unlocked stuff that kept rolling in on me :)



"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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