Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Art Blade

nice. :)

Most of what I'm doing is related to collecting perfect skins for the trapper and the camp. I'm now starting to go for legendary animals as well, for the fence. And yes, challenges to unlock stuff from the trapper, I got a few of those items, too :)

Art Blade

I may have to correct myself there a little: All I'm doing is getting distracted all the time :D

Just an example, from right now: I want to go to a region of the map that I haven't explored yet. See a perfect animal that I need for crafting, start tracking it. Hear a bear, see a grizzly. Try my "low spec" sniper with explosive rounds.. only wounded? Another shot kills him. TWO explosive sniper rifle rounds. ??? Skin him, go on. Horse goes crazy, red dot on mini map indicates something bad and if the horse goes crazy it's got to be a predator. I whip out my bow with improved arrows, knowing that they're supposed to take out bears. But it was cougar and I killed him with the bow. A random encounter with 4 guys ambushing me, killed them. Another red dot, a black bear. Arrow killed him, perfect pelt! Some guy nearby slumped down on his horse and falls off, dead. I loot him. Hell, all I wanted to do was going to that other part of the map and I barely made it a few hundred metres with all that stuff happening :D


You gotta tell me how you get those explosive rounds and upgraded arrows!
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I've "got to?" Whatever happened to a polite "please," even! You greedy person! :anigrin: I didn't write anything when I found them because usually you don't like spoilers.

However. You want to look for "pamphlets" which are typically hidden in some remote location, ruins or abandoned sites.. pamphlets are recipes for crafting stuff at a camp fire and they're not limited to ammo. I got a lot of potion recipes, too. I really don't remember where I found them but you can most certainly google them, check for pamphlets, particularly explosive ammo and upgraded arrows. I've got half a library of those pamphlets already :gnehe:

And those upgraded arrows are amazing. I killed a few more bears with just one arrow each. It's a tad easier to kill stuff since I maxed out my dead eye to level 8. I heard that late in the game it can be level 10 even but for now, still being at the beginning of chapter 2, I'm rather content. Maxed out stamina to 8 some time ago and health is about to reach level 8, too.

Art Blade

I don't normally record RDR2. Today I wanted to record a strange random encounter that made me reload a previous save because it never panned out well. It happened once some time ago and now two times in a row so I thought hey, let's record it and see how it's going to pan out this time. Only it never happened. Instead.. this here. One of those times you wish you were recording and I actually was recording it :anigrin:

video moved to the vid topic :)


That is a lot of guys to take on, luckily, like in the movies, for the most part, they only attack one at a time. Though a couple times one would hold you while the other took some shots. that was pretty cool.

I also like the guy on the wagon patiently waiting to drive by and then sees his chance and is watching the whole time while getting past the rumble. Nice attention to details there. But also, no police show up to break up the fight?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes, the details in this game are amazing. And no, apparently you don't get into trouble with the law if you don't use weapons. :bigsmile:

Art Blade

I removed the vid and put it in a separate topic so we've got screenshot and vids separated from the story/game stuff. :)


I bought the game last night but didn't install it. They had the special version for 25% off so I got that for free essentially, paying $65 including tax for the bundle. I didn't install it because I wanted to finish the new holiday update quest in Astroneer, so I did that and by then it was past bed time. I may install it tonight, maybe not, as that's a long download even on the new connection. I may wait until tomorrow when I'm going to be at my relative's place most of the day so it can install while I'm away. Since most of Saturday will be taken up with holiday stuff, I don't expect to be able to play until Sunday anyway.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

great, this is almost as popular as FC2 now at OWG :bigsmile:

Art Blade


Guys, I've got a tip for you, something that I've been doing for a long time now (almost since I reached chapter 2 and that's over 100 hours ago) and I think I brought it to perfection. Time to share with you. :bigsmile:

Always ride with a temp horse by your side.

The only downside is: if you spot a valuable horse and want to fetch it, you're very easily going to lose your temp horse. I don't know how I managed to ride with two temp horses and a main horse once and then, another time, the 2nd temp horse just wouldn't follow. edit: I do know, read this for details.
Therefore: I'd say since it's a temp horse (shouldn't be an Arabian, too valuable) it doesn't matter much IF you find, say, an Arabian. My Arabian horse "Paint Job" is worth $90 AND it's rare. Other horses range perhaps up to $30 but usually less, so in exchange for an Arabian it would be worth it. Otherwise: stable or sell that temp horse and then go looking for a really good horse so you can make it your temp horse until you stabled it.

And no, you can't have any of your other stabled horses with you at the same time, only ONE, the main horse. Before you enter a stable, tell your temp horse to wait (outside) so you won't have to bother with "sell" or "stables full" stuff.

Assuming that you've got your own horse with you (when don't you, heh) just get ANY temporary horse. It should be a horse that you like because I want you to keep it with you all the time. That means, get it to level 4 bonding so its stats will be at its best. Of course a random horse at level 1 will do but level 4 is a full-blown companion.

There are many reasons why you want to do that.

1) the main reason is that you can stow more stuff on two horses than on one. Especially stuff that sits as a big lump on the back of your horse like an animal carcass, a big pelt, or a captured person. :anigrin: With the temp horse with you, you can now have 2 big pelts or a carcass and a pelt and so on.

2) sometimes a random encounter "forces you" to take someone with you on your horse. If your horse got that premium perfect rare massive pelt on it, you can't take the person with you. Unless you take the other horse that either doesn't have any cargo or one that isn't that valuable. You can remove it and use that horse to carry the person with you while the other cargo horse will follow.

3) the temp horse miraculously doesn't have any problems carrying a massive pelt or carcass or person as cargo AND keeping up with your main horse. Like, only if you're riding your main race horse at full speed for a long time, the temp horse might fall back but you can wait for it and/or call it as long as its map marker is still white. If it's greyed-out, ride back until it turns white, then call it.

4) if you've got cargo on your main horse and ride it fast, it seems that it tires sooner. When the cargo is on the temp horse while you're riding your horse, obviously that doesn't slow your main horse down.

5) if one horse gets tired, hop on the other one.

6) if you die or reload, your temp horse will not have moved from your original position while you and your main horse will have. Random spawn. Just ride back to your temp horse to pick up on where you left.

7) speaking of death.. if your main horse died, you'd still have your temp horse to continue with. But I'd rather reload a save game before it came to that.

8 ) yeah, "8" + ")" = 8) so I had to type "8 )" lol
If it annoys you that as soon as Arthur hops on the main horse, he starts to stuff your carefully picked lager weapons back into the saddle bags so that when you need them you'll have to manually select them yet again, then ride your temp horse instead. The weapons can't be stored there so they will be ready for you when you need them.

9) last but not least, you can make some money by levelling up temp horses and then selling them. The more white acceleration and speed bars in the stats, the higher the price.

For a better RDR2 experience, I hope you enjoy it. :)

Art Blade

By the way, bandanas and masks are worth nothing. They just don't w0#k.

As soon as you're on main missions or in free roaming committing crimes, it always ends up with "WANTED: ARTHUR" so don't bother with them, don't buy masks unless you're a collector. :anigrin:


Thanks for those tips Art! O0

I don't think I will go with a permanent temp horse on my side, I just like the simpleness of me with my main horse too much for that. But it can come in handy when carrying a lot of load, I do agree. Sometimes you have to choose between en perfect and legendary pelt, for example. Well, I left the perfect one, and it stayed there even visible on the map, so I could ride back to pick it up later, but that's a lot of w0#k indeed. I finally managed to find myself a perfect alligator hide and made the cool saddle, which gives you a lot of benefits for your horse, nice!
And I found out something about perfect hides that I was asking Art about in the steam chat; how to get a perfect hide??? I kept getting poor or good ones, even if I did what the game requested me to, in terms of the right way of killing. Well, then I noticed, if you aim at a beast, you get the option (Q in my case) to show info. And there it shows whether the hide is in poor, good or perfect condition. So if the animal isn't in your way, you better not bother shooting it if it doesn't have a perfect pelt / hide. That's how I finally discovered my perfect alligator hide :)

So to sum it up real short, how to get a perfect hide:

  • Aim at an animal and check what condition its pelt is (shown by one, two or three stars; three is perfect)
  • Check the compendium or info about the animal to check what type of weapon you have to use to kill it (if you haven't yet discovered and studied the animal, do that first to get the desired info)
  • Grab the right arm and use your deadeye sight to aim at it; focus on the red body parts of the animal, that indicate its lethal hit points. Mostly the heart, the head and sometimes more.
  • Shoot it in one of the red areas and Bob's your uncle! Then get off your horse (if you were on it) and skin it, of course ;)

Oh and, D_B, Welcome aboard!!!! :) :) :)

"No hay luz"


Quote from: Art Blade on December 20, 2019, 09:08:38 PM
By the way, bandanas and masks are worth nothing. They just don't w0#k.

That is SO Rockstar! However, they do influence something in the game: The way people greet you. Me with my beautiful Pirate hat, I keep getting comments like "You look soooo inappropriate!" and stuff like that 8)

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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

yes, they react to bandanas and they also react to any "weird" stuff on your head like certain hats.

Regarding the perfect skin/pelts, when we talked about it I wasn't aware of the fact that you didn't know about the three stars then.

Also, you always see the condition of an animal once you studied a live specimen (best with binoculars) and the information is always in the bottom right corner as soon as you see a track (using eagle eye) or aim at the animal itself (even without weapon). No need to do anything to make it visible.

And you don't need to go to the compendium to see the weapon needed for a perfect skin, just use the button for "info" once you are looking at the animal (given that you studied it before)


🡱 🡳

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