Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Art Blade

funny glitch :anigrin: But if that was foreboding the subsequent crash then you know what to look out for next time :gnehe: Maybe that's how you can pour oil into the fire: quickly save the game before it crashes so the glitch gets saved and the save game corrupted. :gnehe:

In my 245 hours of playing this game, I had comparatively few crashes. Maybe 10 or something like that. However, that's not exactly a "stable" game so I keep saving like a madman.

And yes, there's a lot going on and to learn in this game, takes a while getting used to all that stuff.

Just now I had yet another weird game situation. Not long ago I came across a site where a few guys were building a wooden house and I agreed to help them getting wood from a woodcutter camp or something like that. When I got there, those guys needed supplies which I sold to them but they were out of wood. That's why it's been a while because I couldn't find wood and forgot about it. Just now I see a cart loaded up with logs and on top, not far from the construction site. I dropped a save in case things went sour and followed the cart to off the driver some place quiet. Of course a witness pops up so I killed and looted him. And another, another, a coach, another, another coach. All the time Ding! Ding! Ding! for negative honour. I steal the cart, Ding! and drive to the site. The guy says something about selling off the house which was finished yet the game told me I would get a reward if I placed the wood there (even a marker popped up on the map for that) despite the guy having already left. I thought about selling the cart to the fence but the game reminded me of the reward for that site so I left it there. Not far from there I find an abandoned cart with a barrel loaded on it so Ding! I steal it and drive it to the fence. On my way a bunch of O'Driscols attack me so I loot them and a horse (you can loot saddle bags) and sell the cart and the loot to the fence. Do I save, don't I save.. I saved. :anigrin:


Haha, funny encounters :anigrin:

Reminds me of another beginners tip:
Yes you can loot horse saddle bags, but if the horse is still alive, be careful; they try to punch you out quite often and they might actually kill you ;)

I had a funny moment exploring the prison island near Saint Denis:

The Island:
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The Scope-out:
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Soon-to-be-free prisoner?
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The approach:
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The deed:
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The reward:
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A few silent kills ahead ~ spotted:
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Speaks for itself:
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Reload savegame :anigrin: :anigrin: :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice. :anigrin:

I haven't yet been to that prison island, nor that ice lake, but those are probably just the few spots I haven't yet checked out. :)


Pretty cool, do you get an instant wanted level just by being near the prison like you do in GTA, or can you be sneaky enough and not get one if you're not spotted?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

if it is anything like Blackwater (another red area on the map) then the game mechanics are annoying: out of nowhere bounty hunters spawn in groups very close to you and it is a limitless spawn. Sneaking doesn't w0#k because of the constant spawning. Like shooting in one of those cease fire zones in FC2.


On the prison island, as long as you're not seen, nothing happens. You're not wanted there. However, you're definitely unwanted. Like when you enter a private property in the south; if a guard sees you, you get one warning. If you don't leave, they shoot. In the prison they started shooting on sight. But, on sight was at the moment I cut the throat of guard number 4... he was a little too close to the rest of the guards...
And while I cut the throat of guard number 2 (not standing on one of those high watch towers but next to the working prisoners (the one you see on the second scope-out pic) Arthur quickly said something like; "Hey, get out of here!" which can only be meant for the crook working the land :anigrin:
Oh, and after dying I respawned outside the prison island close to Saint Denis, with a massive wanted level for the entire southern region. So I had to reload not only to save my good faith, but also to get rid of that wanted level in the area ;)

I might actually go there again, see if I can make it farther, and who knows save a prisoner :evil2:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


I tried it again. Managed to kill a few more guards before getting spotted this time. However, I also found out that the guards, like the ones on the watch towers, respawn unrealistically fast. I killed one, and left the corpse in the tower, and 2 minutes later, when I was about to kill another one on ground level, I looked back at the tower and there was a guard again, over-watching the area :huh-new:
Then I started a massive fire fight. I think I took out over 50 guards, the minimap was full of little black crosses. Until they eventually killed me of course.

I wanted to mention a savegame problem I am having, and the solution to it. Maybe it can be handy for you guys if you encounter the same.
I have had now three times that when I fired up the game, it crashed on loading my last savegame. I tried to load a different one, which wasn't possible because the game only gives you a straight way to your last savegame from the main menu. So I tried to bypass it by starting an online career and from there go back to single player and load a different savegame. That worked, however I got stuck in an endless loading screen.
Art suggested I should manually remove my last save in the Rockstar Games folder and that worked. What happened first is that the game upon loading detects a "cloud sink error" and asks you what to do; load local files or load cloud files. I always picked the local files (because I Thought I would get the malicious last savegame back from the cloud if I didn't). And that worked. Happened 3 times now.
First two times I removed the most recent savegame and fired up the game, chose local files and I got back to my second most recent savegame, losing little game progress. The third time however, I decided to remove an older savegame. Same cloud sync prompt popped up, again I chose to use local files and; surprise: I got back in my most recent savegame.

My conclusion is; the corruption or erroneous save is only in the cloud, or has to do with something else related to syncing local and cloud saves. Good thing about that discovery; I no longer have to loose game progress. Bad thing; no idea what really goes wrong.
Anyway, if you're experiencing something like it; this may also be the solution for you guys!

Kudo to Art for pointing out this old fashioned, but very effective manual trick O0
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

cheers, Binn :)

Strange bug, man. I was quite lucky overall. In over 260 hours I had a few crashes that has made me "save early, save very often," like after ANY achievement or accomplishment or purchase or whatever I don't want to lose if the game crashes. But the crashes have been really just a few, by comparison. And I never had save game errors.


Indeed - strange bug  :huh-new:

That was a funny experience at the prison, BinnZ  :gnehe:


Tried a little bit of the online game the last few days. First session was pretty mellow and low key, I bagged a couple deer and turkeys to sell, not much else. Any other players I saw we pretty much ignored each other. Second session, I was on my way to town to check at the post office and I hear some person over voice chat say something like "I'm gunna to steal your horse pardner" doing a whole cowboy talk role play thing. From his screen name I figure he's a youtuber or a streamer so he's playing it up for his audience. Well, I ignored that, and went on my way, only the guy comes running up, tackles me and steals my horse! I'm a bit stunned, didn't even know that was possible, so I pull out my pistol and start shooting at him, and he does more role play voice acting, "Ah, I'm getting shot at!" and stuff like that, and rides off on my horse. So I run after him, and after a bit catch up and he turns and shoots me dead with one headshot while riding away. Well, not sure how that's even possible, because whenever I try to turn and look while riding my horse, it turns the same way I'm looking. So I must be doing something wrong, I don't know. Anyway, after another encounter, which I lose, I see a pop up that another player has reported him for horse theft and is pressing charges. Not sure how you go about doing that, but I finally catch up to him again, and either he's distracted or not paying attention as he's just standing there so I pop him one with my rifle. I run up and pick up his body and toss it on a nearby campfire but I don't get the satisfaction of watching him burn, apparently player bodies don't burn or I just didn't get him on the fire enough.

So I approach the horse he was standing over and it dies, luckily it's not mine, which I whistle for and it comes along and I take off for my camp. Speaking of camps, I don't know how much of the online stuff you guys have done, but your camp apparently moves every time you sign on, so you could be anywhere on the map, plus you spawn pretty much anywhere, usually in some close proximity to your camp, but at times a good distance away. Not a fan of that. Also, there's apparently no text chat function at all, only voice chat. At least I couldn't find a key bind for text chat in the menu, unless it's hidden or something. Another thing I don't care for is the map doesn't show the other players unless they are fairly close to you, and it doesn't list them in the player list either. So there's no way to tell who else is online with you.

So, is that it for me with the online stuff? Maybe, I can tell you I'm pretty sour on it right now. There is some stuff in there that is attractive and could be pretty fun, but if this is what I can expect then I doubt I'll be doing much of it in the future. At least in GTA they can't steal your car from you even if you leave it if you have it blocked they can't get in. I don't know, maybe there's a similar setting in RDR I just haven't found yet.

The single player game will have to keep me occupied I guess.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that's about what I expected from online, hence I said from the beginning that I wasn't interested. Typical R* nonsense.

Mate, you can "unlink" your non-pedestrian view from your steering. :anigrin: I think it's in settings, camera. Check that out. It allows you to freely look while riding anywhere your fingers tell the horse to go.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 26, 2019, 12:12:02 PM
Mate, you can "unlink" your non-pedestrian view from your steering. :anigrin: I think it's in settings, camera. Check that out. It allows you to freely look while riding anywhere your fingers tell the horse to go.

I did this frequently, and always when traveling to a distant way point. The camera steps back a few steps so you see even more of the landscape. I would even go to the kitchen for a snack while keeping an eye on the screen. It was a fun way to watch the beautiful scenery while getting up to stretch my legs and get something to eat/drink.


That was a nasty encounter D_B, and indeed it would be a game breaker if you can't decide to go on a private online session and even worse if you can't find out who is actually in your session. We'll have to find that out  :huh-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Quote from: PZ on December 26, 2019, 12:49:27 PMI did this frequently, and always when traveling to a distant way point. The camera steps back a few steps so you see even more of the landscape. I would even go to the kitchen for a snack while keeping an eye on the screen. It was a fun way to watch the beautiful scenery while getting up to stretch my legs and get something to eat/drink.

PZ, I think you're describing the cinematic view which puts your horse on auto-drive while you watch the landscape passing by or you were simply describing the camera distance. I was describing something else: you can either make your horse go where you're looking (what annoyed D_B) or, what I described, un-link the viewing direction from the steering direction that makes the horse go where your movement keys tell it to go. So you can for instance flee while looking around to shoot pursuers without the horse turning around all the time. :)

🡱 🡳

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