Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Nice tip, I will be looking out for thyme then, as all I ever have the choice to cook is plain meat for the most part.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

welcome :)

Man, I've played for so long now and those are things that I found out about and have been doing for quite some time but talking to people tells me that many things like that are simply not sufficiently well-known. I think they should be easier to access, like pop-ups or help sections or tutorial sections.. but then again, one can find out about those things if one does pay attention to detail. I am acutely aware of the fact that many, many people don't pay attention to that type of detail. The next best thing to do for me is to post here about stuff I found out and for them to read this topic.. and not just skim it or they'll miss it kind of again. :anigrin:


One funny tip regarding how to acquire a horse for free out in the wilderness

You see a lone rider coming your way?

Go full gallop and slam into them. This typically results in both riders and horses to knock each other off their socks so everyone is down on the ground. With a bit of luck, the "opposing" rider is unconscious or even dead. The horses may get injured, sometimes badly but typically not lethally so you won't have to revive them. Because everyone is a bit whacked, it is usually easy to just hop onto the other horse and it won't put up a fight. Give it something to eat from your item wheel to restore its health, pat it a bit, go to your horse and do the same if it needs attention. The other rider? Do what you want with him if he's still up and kicking.

Accidents like that can actually happen which is how I found out about that and got a decent race horse out of it once :anigrin: Now I sometimes do that when I quickly need a temp horse out in the wilderness :gnehe:

You may also use a lasso on a rider, tie him up, and ride his horse away :anigrin:


Speaking of the lasso..

another tip how to silently get a perfect skin which is particularly useful when you're stealing from a ranch.

You can lasso many animals. I'd say they need to be the size of a pig or bigger (rats and raccoons for instance cannot get caught with a lasso) up to and including the size of a cow. Animals like a bear or predators in general cannot get caught with a lasso.

Now, when you lassoed a "perfect" animal, don't let go of the lasso but keep walking up to the animal until a kill prompt appears. You'll then see Arthur jam his knife into the animal to kill it. The resulting skin won't take any damage if you do that. You'll get a perfect skin and that almost silently if you ignore the sounds the animal makes when dying.

If you combine that with my "horse as an accomplice" trick (call it, stow the skin, and get out of the ranch, call the horse again) you can certainly rob half a ranch without anyone being any the wiser. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Oh man, I've just had the most savage experience in the game :anigrin:

I found my third Arabian, this time one with a red chestnut coat. When I had just hopped on it to start breaking the horse, you know, hitting the "calm" button when prompted and steering against the horse's will, always a chance of getting thrown off and the horse running away for good, and boy that was a rare horse, I was being attacked by three grey wolves! ???

The Arabian now had all of his panic lights flashing while I was whipping out the scoped Lancaster with express rounds for extra power and killing those wolves in dead-eye! Meaning, it always went on and off between shots thanks to the scope that I didn't manage to toggle off during the heat of the fight but I managed! And the Arabian didn't even throw me off. He probably thought he had a better chance without throwing me off so I could steady my aim and kill those beasts for the sake of all of us :D All of us, that means my main horse Sweet Poor Thing and a black American Standardbred temp horse that I had tamed like half an hour before, and of course the Arabian with me riding him :gnehe:

Man, that was crazy and intense :)

My three apprentices observing how to skin a bad wolf.
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Nice horse, the Arabian, but... weird colour! Somehow it reminds me of a boar which roasted on a camp fire for long enough to make it have that brown-red glance lol :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Art Blade

dang, this time I was trying to tame another rare horse, an Andalusian, when a bloody bull moose (also rare) spooked both of us ??? (caught the horse in the end :gnehe: )

OK, you're mine.."
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oh man..
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Man, it would have made a great video with you , the wolves, and the Arabian!

Art Blade

deffo :) only this game is too big to keep recording all the time so I only record stuff when I can foresee the outcome, somehow.


Does your recording software have the ability to always record and then only save the last five minutes when you want? I've done that, but it seems a lot of wear and tear on the hard drive and also really runs up the fan noise as well, so I don't a lot of the time.

I like your tips, Art. I don't always have time to read the popups in the corner of the screen so I have no idea what they are telling me. I doubt I'd ever have found out about the thyme cooking otherwise. I just did some wolf meat that way, and stored it, nice to have for a rainy day, lol.

I met up with the guy who likes to race around the map again. I beat him again and this time he shot his horse for losing. I kind of felt like shooting him in return but didn't. My horse got a speed boost out of it so there is that anyway.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I speed boost? Interesting!
I met a lady twice, and raced with her. She didn't shoot her horse, was just ashamed. I shot her instead, see if I could steal her horse because it was damn good :P
However, I reloaded ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Binn, haha, I remember when you told me that on steam :anigrin:

Dweller: cool, that speed boost :thumbsup: I once got a reward for winning a race, too. It showed up in the top left corner for a few moments and disappeared, never to be found anywhere ever again. However, I was able to read it and it told me I got a boost in bonding with horses while spurring them. Like, go full gallop and the horse will love you for it.

Thanks, I am glad that those tips help you and sometimes Binn as well. :)

And yes, my recording software OBS can do that if I set it up for it but I won't. Basically for the same reasons you mentioned. I only record when I can foresee the result. The only exception was when the result was unforeseen yet extremely cool: the mega-brawl. I really didn't expect that to happen, I originally wanted to record a random encounter that had happened twice and I ruined it and reloaded a save so I wanted to record it that time after a third reload. The encounter never took place but instead, I ended up in that massive brawl :anigrin: I was just lucky I had been recording already to get the full story uploaded :anigrin:

Today I ran into "the werewolf" again. There's a naked "feral" man in the wilderness who lives in a cave and is protected by his two pet wolves. Last time I saw him I had heard noises like someone trying to sound like a wolf and then I saw the man and a wolf, at night. I thought he was being attacked so I killed the wolf and was surprised I didn't get a honour boost for that and the guy ran away and disappeared in the dark. Today kind of the same, only he was alone howling somewhere, ran to his cave and there he had two wolves guarding him. When he told them to attack me I killed them and the guy started to cry in agony and was obviously mourning the loss of his "family." When I grabbed his diary, he attacked me with a knife and slashed me like a madman, I died. Reload, same story, only this time I had enough and killed both wolves and the guy. Got his diary and one perfect and one good wolf pelt out of that encounter, sod the loss of honour for each of those three kills.

Art Blade

speaking of tips..

Eagle Eye helps looting
If you enter any place like a house, or a bandit camp site, ALWAYS use eagle eye.
Lootable items will stick out in colour and will be flashing.

temperature (weather) and outfits

throughout the game map you'll encounter temperatures below freezing point (snowy regions but also mountain areas) over medium temperatures to decent hot summer temperatures (swamps, desert) and there is a difference in temperatures between day and night, more or less drastic, depending on the region.

If you run around in the same outfit everywhere at any time, your blood will sometimes either freeze or boil. Both extremes will cause your cores, especially your health core, to deteriorate more or less quickly.

A good way to observe that is if you pack yourself in pelts and then sit at a camp fire for an extended time like for extensive cooking. I only did that the other day, using my keyboard macro for Arthur to keep cooking and I went to the kitchen. When I returned, Arthur's health core was deep red and used up almost completely. He was indeed wearing pelts.. and close to the campfire.. you'll find summer temperatures near a fire. He was melting away while cooking. ??? :anigrin:

You can save and store four outfits on your horse.

hot / hot / average / cold
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One for each temperature type and one extra.
It wouldn't make sense to store four summer outfits on your horse.

When you're done creating an outfit in the camp, check the outfit tab for the description on the bottom. That's the only way to find out whether the current outfit is good for hot, average or cold temperatures. Save it and store it on your horse, create a new one, and another one, so you store one outfit for each temperature on your horse.

There's a tricky part the game doesn't really explain well. Actually two.

One, no matter in which order you see your outfits on your outfit menu in the camp ("stored on horse") it is the name that is important, like "outfit one" will show up as 1/4 on your item wheel, no matter the position on the outfit list in the camp.

Two: the outfit you're wearing is automatically a custom outfit on the camp's list because you can change only the parts of the outfit you're currently wearing. If you don't change anything, it looks as if you had two outfits that looked the same, a bit confusing, especially when you want to delete an outfit.

It is so much stuff that I won't go into detail here because I'd be writing a book, so just bear in mind what I just said and experiment with the rest.

One thing I do recommend, IF you plan on getting new clothes either from a catalogue or thanks to crafting, select an outfit in the camp that you want to wear that is not saved, it will still be a 5th outfit on the horse. and make sure the "real" outfits are saved and stored on the horse.

When you're then getting some new clothes and don't want to destroy your saved outfits.. first select the one from your item wheel (need to be close to or on your horse) that is not saved, then buy/craft a new item which will be equipped instantly.. on your not saved outfit. When you go back to your horse, you can select a saved outfit and poof, the new stuff is gone (into your clothes crate in the camp) and your "good" outfits are still there. Why all that? It is silly to be in a summer outfit and get winter hats and coats and then realising you're out of summer outfits because you edited the only one from the horse.. in a hot environment.. that's why. "Saved" is relative. If you're wearing a saved summer outfit and buy a new winter coat, that saved outfit will be replaced by what you're wearing, like, including the winter coat. If that is of no importance to you, don't bother :)


Found named hats and weapons (as well as bought/crafted items)

will automatically be part of your inventory and cannot get lost, ever. If you can't find it on your horse, it will be in your crate in the camp. "Named" hats means, when you pick them up, a message will pop up telling you what you just found. You can best remember that by one simple trick: named hats will ALWAYS be flashing items on the ground, with or without eagle eye. If you see a hat like that, GET IT :anigrin: It's either your own hat that you lost or a new one that you can keep. Your own hat will also be on your horse. Even if it got knocked off your head and you leave it on the ground, you can get it back from your horse. Same goes for weapons.

Art Blade

herbivore bait tip for catching a new horse

it may attract horses. Any horse hanging out around your bait can be approached even by running and then mounted without having to break it. It is as if it had simply been waiting for you to mount it. :anigrin:

Art Blade

tip for predator bait as self-defence

I did that.. a cougar was nearby, actually spotting me.. I dropped predator bait and slathered myself with cover scent lotion and walked away a couple of paces.

The good cat wasn't interested in me any more. I could calmly aim and kill it. :gnehe:


Yeah I have an outfit for warm and cold weather but only had to change to the cold weather one once so far. I did find a hat I wanted to keep, but the option to swap with my current hat seemed to mean that I would leave the current hat there, and it did, it was on the ground, and I didn't want to lose it, so I got the horse, stored the current hat, picked up the new one, then swapped them on the horse. I think from what you're saying, even though the hat was left there on the ground, it would have been on the horse anyway?

Not sure how to activate eagle-eye, that is something different from dead eye when shooting someone? Or is that the same as when you're tracking an animal? I did that mission but still didn't quite get the hang of how that tracking thing worked, I just wandered around until I found what looked like the right area.

I also haven't done anything with bait or cover scent, I should really look at what the description of what this stuff is instead of ignoring it all the time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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