Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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I never did any of the saloon games either. To me they were just boring.


Quote from: Art Blade on April 11, 2020, 02:14:31 PM
....Something strange about the legendary fish quest: during my first playthrough it ended with me using the new spinner trying my luck and before the spinner hit the water, a cutscene/loading screen took me across half the map, from the river in the desert into the mountains, straight to Arthur's grave. During my 2nd PT nothing happened, the spinner hit the water and I caught a random fish.

Makes me wonder, which one of the endings was broken? :anigrin:

I did the challenge too, to get the spinner, and I didn't get any weird cutscene. Only a regular fish, as you described. I tried to catch the legendary giant fish but didn't succeed. Gave up after a couple of tries.... and a couple more :anigrin:

Cool to read your experiences GKID! err, I mean, MrLowpoly :)
Wise choice to get the bounty and collector roles. You will have fun with them. I wouldn't have spent gold on a bolt action rifle, as after ranking up a bit you will buy the Carcano, which is essentially all you need for rifling in online. Although the Rolling Block is slightly more powerful, and has a slightly more magnifying scope I guess, the Carcano beats it in handlability, fire rate and reload speed. 
However, I also started with a bolt action, since it's the best choice when you're still below rank 50. The Rolling Block you unlock reaching rank 20 or so, not sure. That was my second rifle in online. Now they both are in my gun locker at camp.

The picture with the guy 'eating his cello', is probably a picture of me, playing that thing while 'joining the band' in the Moonshine bar. You can perform tricks with the instruments while playing with the band, like doing a loop with the cello :gnehe:
And Uzi is standing to the right of you, am I correct?  ;D

"No hay luz"


Thanks :) Don't remember, but I guess so.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


BinnZ taught me the best legendary bounty to farm for RDO$ and gold today. Also, I sold off 3 collections, two of the weeklies and an antique bottle one. A long and grindy tactic would be hunting all of the valuable collectibles every 24 hours, as there is an inventory cap of 10 for every item within the collection. With coins being the highest value for 560$, if you have 10 of each coin, you could make RDO$ 5600 in one go. Only problem would be waiting for the reset/walking around, but it would be good money and XP, in the end.

Also, random dig sites is a thing, giving you anything from the collections.

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Selling my first alcohol collection

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Drowning someone in a waterfall :anigrin: :laughsm: :evil2:

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

last pic looks like sky-diving


Skydiving in a river of, yeah, whatever it is :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


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Some players vandalized the cutscene :laughsm: No, not by hacking, but they threw some Molotovs at the door entrance

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This *bleep* tried to screw me over in an ambush. After killing her crew, I decided to toss her into a campfire :evil2:

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Another nice thing to do. Toss hogtied pixels from bridges :evil2:

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After AFK-ing for like ~30 minutes, the reward reaches its maximum. Dumb Rockstar reusing mission payout logic for GTA V

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Pretty much the best money farm from bounties right now, until R* "fixes" it :banghead:

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah I like selling the coin collections, good money there. I try to sell at least one collection a day if I can, though sometimes getting that last piece is just too much of a pain, some are in really inconvenient places, and if you wait until the next cycle, that piece might be much easier to get. I've even had the cycle change while I was picking up one piece, or just after, and it's available again right away.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

this is my current 2nd playthrough's weapons top ten. I have exactly one idea how they calculate the rankings but it doesn't make sense for a ranking. I'll give you my idea in the spoilers below.

Before you come up with ideas, please take a close look at each weapon's statistics and compare some of them. It's not the accuracy, not the amount of headshots nor the amount of kills (kills comprise headshots by the way) because some stats are better or higher but rank lower. Now: Any ideas?

how does this w0#k: weapons top 10
(best fully expand the pic)
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I believe that it's got to do with which weapons you're carrying, most likely missions are counting more than free roam. Explains the fists, they're always "equipped."

I typically carry 2 M1899 pistols with me. I used to carry the Lancaster Repeater but replaced it with the bow not so long ago and kept using it since (also during all epilogue missions) mostly without a second weapon on my back or over my shoulder, making the bow an exclusive "non-sidearm." The bow kept climbing, now it just reached rank 3 after the epilogue and only just now I must have pushed it to rank 3 by wiping out a large bandit camp. Yesterday it was still rank 4.

During early chapters I had the Cattleman Revolver and the Carbine Repeater before I could replace them with Schofield Revolvers and the Lancaster Repeater. Later I replaced the revolvers with M1899s.

But that doesn't explain the Carcano Rifle because I almost never carried it with me, only when forced by a mission (which had to be late in the game, the rifle only unlocks I think during chapter 6) while I carried the Rolling Block with me a couple of times during free-roam and a couple of missions, too.

And what about the Varmint Rifle? I never used it during missions but a lot during free-roam.. so strange, that ranking, really.


I think you nailed it. Before reading your spoiler I thought the same; gotta be the time you are actively carrying the weapon. Which makes it very odd that the fist is rank 1. Anyway, I also think you are right about the changed value of carrying it during missions. Apparently during missions every statistic is multiplied for unknown reasons. It's Rockstar Logic. Wonder what my stats are, and how this relates to in online. Will tell you in a minute :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"


Well, surprise surprise; the fist is rank 6 in my case. I knocked out 60 people with it. So that's odd. My number one weapon is the double action revolver, which is according to what I suspected. And both number 2 (litchfield) and 3 (lancaster) are held by repeaters. Number 4 is the semi auto pistol. The rest is rifles and more pistols. The Springfield rifle is favourite.

I guess you could say there's no surprises for me here. It's quite how I supposed it to turn out, except for the fist still being at rank 6. Now I gotta check how online works...
"No hay luz"


Well, in online there's no such thing as weapon ranking.  :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

thanks :) and it's crazy.

As to the fist rankings.. maybe you're usually running around with weapons drawn and shooting all the time? Hehe. During missions it's quite obvious but free roam.. I've got my weapon (bow) out most of the time to be ready for predator or bandit attacks all the time but I don't shoot that much. If that's a correct assumption, you ought to have hundreds of kills more for each weapon than what can be seen in my rankings. Can you confirm that?


No. It's quite comparable. The only high number I saw was for the Litchfield repeater, with 700 kills and 600 headshots. So no, I'm not constantly in firefights
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

alright, thanks :) makes it even stranger and harder to understand how that ranking really works, like the difference between those two fist rankings and why your Litchfield isn't your ranking number 1.

Ah well.. I was just curious.

By the way, the help section tells us something about "familiarity" (which can be seen in the stats for each weapon) and how it improves for instance reload times. I've actually never noticed any difference during the time from the first use to (personal, not ranking) favourite weapon with maxed-out familiarity. For instance, the M1899, I knew from my previous playthrough that it was a good gun and when I bought my first M1899 in this playthrough, it didn't feel different or slow or inaccurate. Not that I recall.

🡱 🡳

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