Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by PZ, November 30, 2018, 07:43:37 AM

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Art Blade

I hardly ever need to gallop. I'm very comfortable at a slow and normal pace. When I use gallop, it's either chasing someone or escaping something, none of which takes long enough to drain my horse's stamina ring too much :gnehe:

The only real exception was that "under 17-minutes" race from Van Horn to Blackwater. Since my horse got one extra speed on top of the 3/3 speed/acceleration it's a 4/3 and the saddle adds another 2 to each, netting a 6/5 stats. The horse's stamina is pretty good (7 out of 10) so the whole package served me well enough to go full gallop, patting the horse frequently, and reach Blackwater in maybe 16+ minutes despite a few funny obstacles like having to wait for a train to pass or some bandits that decided to ambush me while I was racing against the clock.. so considerate of them :anigrin:

In other words, when I need to race my horse, it's doing just fine and doesn't need any doping except the patting. If you think about it, a full gallop for most of the race without draining the core nor the circle around it, that's pretty damn good. I don't see how that "tapping" could have been much better. :)

Art Blade

just by the way, you saw the moment I reached Blackwater with SPT and won the race, at the end of my "memorable moments" vid. You can check out the stamina core again if you want.


Yeah I saw that, it's mostly just different playing styles, for me the horses will always be too slow and clumsy and getting that last little bit of speed out of them makes it a little more tolerable.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I tried that tapping thing and couldn't get it to w0#k at all. The horse kept speeding up and slowing down within galloping speed but kept panting and grunting. I'd say it strained the horse more than I liked it to, so I'm starting to wonder whether that tapping thing is perhaps an online version of the patting in SP.


Today I tried to use the tapping in online, while having the horse swim. And that actually works very well. You have to press the shift at the moment you see the red flash in the stamina core / circle. The flashing goes rather slow, compared to running, and it's easy to do. You don't loose any, or almost nothing of your stamina circle. And if you do loose some, the accidental patting in between is enough to remain the circle filled all the time.
So for swimming, it's a big advantage. In online, that is. Haven't tested it in SP.
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I'm currently in the Grizzlies and I really can't test it on ice and snow :gnehe:


That cleaver (kind of an axe) with which I already killed the legendary cougar.. I dared to try my luck and threw it (not my luck, the cleaver) at an attacking grizzly. Instant kill. A grizzly. ??? :anigrin: O0

I wasn't so lucky with hitting a grey wolf with it albeit I don't know what exactly happened. It looked almost as if the wolf ducked away from under the thrown cleaver. I missed despite using dead eye and marking the wolf's head. Since I was in a berserker mode anyway, I decided to duke it out with my hunting knife and fought the wolf to the death. His death. :gnehe:


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:evil2: Anyway, a problem is the high ammo consumption per shotty, if you use them a lot

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Tried a 4-man bounty solo, it didn't go as good as I hoped. Two targets got away (looks like Fort Mercer had a back entrance). Since I have a bounty wagon, shouldn't be a problem with more people, as long the wagon isn't far away from the bounties.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I'd help you with bounties, but ask Binn, if you want them alive, that doesn't go so well with me around  :laughsm: If you want them dead, then by all means, I'm your man! I may also kill you, (accidentally of course) but hey no hard feelings!

Art, I know I saw the tapping notice in the SP game before I even tried the online, so it's definitely something there as well. I'll have to try it and see how it goes, if it's anything like online and I imagine it's exactly the same mechanic, it's tricky to pull off. I've found I can get it working as long as I'm on a long straight road, or just with small turns here and there. Anything that needs serious course adjustments throws off my timing.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

cheers, Dweller :)

You know, everything considered, I'll stick with patting my horse. On the one hand, it's WAY easier (in SP) to do and to keep the horse's stamina up, on the other hand I'm just too fond of patting my horse so I'd be doing that anyway :anigrin:

Art Blade

I tried that tapping while crossing the Owanjila lake, I'm pretty sure I hit shift when the stamina flashed red but it didn't w0#k. When I was almost on the other side, both my horse's any my own stamina were depleted (deep red) because as soon as the horse's stamina was gone it couldn't support me properly any more so mine was gone instantly, too. A few potions and food for both of us put us back to normal. SPT had made it to the shore without drowning or bucking me off. But that tapping is HORSESHIT lol


 :laughsm: D_B is quite deadly indeed when it comes to bounties. And he killed me because we weren't in the same posse, and I sort of jumped into his line of fire :anigrin:

@Art: Strange that it didn't w0#k in SP, I am going to try if it works for me. It was a great improvement noticing it working while swimming. Swimming was always a big issue, even with good horses, so this tapping thing seemed to be THE answer. It was at least in that try in Online.
"No hay luz"


Just checked; the tapping does absolutely NOTHING in SP. Strange. I had the exact experience as you Art; it depleted fast, no matter how I tapped, and only patting could slow the process a little. And when the horse lost its core (turning red) I (John) also instantly lost my circle AND core. Weird. In Online the difference is remarkable :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"


Thanks, Cuntstar, just lost a 2-man $$$ bounty due to spawns being busted :banghead: Game just respawned me back in Thumbleweed, instantly failing the mission :'( :angry-new:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Lopo, I heard stuff like that more than once and from different people. Like, start an online mission, get respawned (for whatever reason) but so far away that the mission cannot be resumed, resulting in loss of any kind of rewards.

Binn, thank you :thumbsup:  I was starting to doubt my own abilities when nothing happened whichever way I hammered and tapped that shift key. I'm glad that you as someone who knows that, and how, it works in online, confirm that it doesn't w0#k in SP. Meaning, I can keep on patting my horse :gnehe:


Yeah. Anyway, if you want some free gold nuggets, reset your online challenges as they give 0.4 nuggets for every reset :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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