Thief Simulator

Started by Art Blade, December 30, 2018, 05:12:46 PM

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Art Blade

Well. Kind of giving it away, that title, isn't it :)

No violence, just stealth.. some classic "B&E" :bigsmile:

Here's my first attempt. Was fun, there's a skill tree and tools to buy, the rest seems to be about spying and observing, then breaking and entering.. and not getting caught while stealing stuff. I couldn't resist, the game is indie and was only like 1 GB small. Quite some fun for a few bucks, I reckon :)

Art Blade

I played some more and found out that I can drive to a pawn shop and sell my loot there. Some items can be sold using a computer at "home" (your base, a garage of sorts) and that computer has got four menus. One for buying tools, one for selling loot items (like erm, lost and found..) that some people are looking for, one for buying reconnaissance data per house (like, no one at home all day, back fence easy to break with a crowbar and so on) and the last one for job offers.

There is a map area with all those homes you can break into, and in that area you can also drive or walk around. And there's a fast travel option after you're done with whatever you did in that area, you simply need to drive to the map's outer border and then you'll get the option to go "home" or to the "pawn shop." It's actually quite fun :)

Art Blade

there are more missions than just stealing stuff.. sometimes you're required to destroy someone's toilet :laughsm: there's quite some funny stuff to do but the police is rather quick (10 seconds?) so you need to pay attention not to get caught or at least not to get spotted when doing illegal stuff :gnehe:


Sometimes it's the quirky, little-known indie games flying under the radar that are the most fun :thumbsup: Looks like you're having a good time with that, Art 8)

heh, a "toilet hit" :gnehe: Well, I know that would certainly tick me off...

Art Blade


yeah, it's quite funny and a nice change of pace.


Hey! That's not a toilet - it's a redneck lawn chair complete with a built-in ice chest (the tank). I know this because I have one outside my front door right now  :gnehe:

What happens if you get caught in your criminal activities - do you fight the cops (or citizens) in any way?

Art Blade

hey, I thought it was a good idea to make sure it was a toilet and not a redneck lawn chair complete with a built-in ice chest so I sampled the beer.

It was pretty stale (no foam but lukewarm) and tasted.. sweet? Then I saw the insulin injection set next to the sink. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't beer in there.. and the sweet taste was the result of that diabetes, I suppose.

After puking into the now-confirmed toilet, I smashed it - and then flushed it. I hope they had an equal measure of fun cleaning up the mess as I had tasting that swill :anigrin:


And no, there's no violence. You can't even knock out anyone. Police shows up and you can either run away or hide in designated crates, lockers, trash bins.. whatever there is, if there's anything nearby. Else, the game tells you that you got caught and that leads to loading the auto-save. There's only one auto-save, no manual saves.. but that's OK. Usually you end up where you entered the map before you could do anything wrong. :)


I just stole a car. In my home, which obviously IS a garage, I was able to dismantle the car. Down to the screws that held the parts, and I mean it. It took about an hour or so to dismantle the whole bloody engine and shocks and brakes and whatever it was, only to find out no one wanted those parts. There's a demand for a few select parts of a specific car brand.. well, it was interesting to see what a car is composed of. :banghead: :D

Art Blade

..and now, quite far into the game, now I need exactly those parts that no one was interested in before. And guess what.. there was an icon of a litter bin.. and yes, I trashed all that stuff. :banghead: I hope that I can get the same type of car again but hell, dismantling it again won't be as much fun as it was the first time around ::)

Anyway, just a brief update. I unlocked a second map with "high end" homes, like fortified villas and mansions, with video surveillance, windows with glass cut detectors, guards patrolling, alarm systems.. geez. Of course you can't do that with just a crowbar anymore. You need electronics.. various hacking devices, meaning quite a few mini games or puzzles. I like that but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea..

One villa was particularly nasty, like a castle, I climbed over a comparatively small wall and was trapped behind walls and a gate that could only be opened from the other side. Literally no escape for me, except reloading the last (and only) autosave. I ran around that castle and found a high wall on top of which was the stuff that allows you to climb over it (you can't just randomly pick just any wall) and the only way to get there seemed to be by using some type of help. So I drove up there with my car, close to the wall, and climbed onto my car and from there over the wall. Took some time until I got that idea, clever map design :D

And I was even allowed to purchase a new car, a van. Of course it's way easier to use that for climbing over that wall.. before, I only had a hatchback. Well, the van packs a lot more loot, too. Nice :)


As Doctor Who once said: "Never throw anything away" :ranting:

Art Blade

Haha :anigrin:

I was actually thinking, "hmm, this is taking up so much of my limited storage space, no one wants it, I can't sell it.. shall I or shan't I.. ah, sod it, let's dump it." :anigrin:


I bought the game on your recommendation Art, but it does sound interesting and the video showed enough to get the idea of how it works. I haven't played it yet though, so maybe tonight I'll get a chance.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice O0

I've just finished the story and almost all side activities (took me around 35 hours) and I admit, because it was supposed to be a leisure time when playing, that I erm, used some ahem, help commands. :anigrin: I keep that profile for later reference, I am now going to start a non-cheated or at least almost non-cheated playthrough. I might use the ghost command, though.

In case you wish to use some, err, help..

I tested the cheats, most of them are either useless or OP, some don't w0#k I guess.

Bring down the console as it used to be in the old days with "~"

The only command that I used a lot is "ghost."

You can also use "iknowall" which unlocks all tenants' daily schedules. This one is a real time-saver.
And "allskills" is a bit OP, it unlocks and activates the entire skill tree.
Using "freemoney" may help but in the end you'll earn so much money you won't be able to spend it all, so.. not so good if overdone.

Here are all codes.

freemoney – Gives 10.000 Cash (yep, can be used multiple times)
freeexp - 100 xp (yes, 3 x "e") can be used multiple times
cleararch – Removes Achievements (doesn't seem to w0#k)
solazy – Push story progress (didn't test that)
ghost – Makes you invisible to people and police (yep, but they can still hear you and call the police)
allskills - permanently unlocks and activates all skill tree entries
iknowall - unlocks certain details of all homes, I think it's only the daily schedules
thieftools - gives you all the thief tools, I think only temporarily
stealpickupold - didn't notice anything
stealpickupnew - didn't notice anything
stealasian - not tested, but apparently it's one difficult-to-get paining
clearitems - not tested
nighttime - all time commands just set the clock but won't stop time
notparanoid - didn't notice anything
human - didn't notice anything
1star - wanted level, police.. who needs that?
2star - wanted level, police.. who needs that?

Art Blade

I've started my new career (you can have up to four "profiles" at the same time) and playing it by the book, I realise how much more time it's going to cost compared to my first playthrough. It's fun, though :)

Good thing: the profile with my completed playthrough is still accessible after the game was over as it loads the last checkpoint. Not revealing anything, but that's how I can keep it as a reference. I can simply switch between profiles and check out stuff that I "know" in the finished profile and use that knowledge for my current profile. Also, I can use it to test stuff before going back to my current profile. Hehe :anigrin:

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on December 31, 2018, 09:41:36 PM
..and now, quite far into the game, now I need exactly those parts that no one was interested in before. And guess what.. there was an icon of a litter bin.. and yes, I trashed all that stuff. :banghead: I hope that I can get the same type of car again but hell, dismantling it again won't be as much fun as it was the first time around ::)

There was only that one car, so.. careful what you do.

However: it wasn't relevant for completing the game, and you don't have to dismantle an entire car as I did, just the few parts that are required. ;)


OK, so keep the car for later? I've only done the first tutorial mission and I'm about to go break some dishes, which doesn't sound very thievery to me, but hey.

I almost got caught in the tutorial mission right after taking everything from the first house I had the front gate open and was about to walk out on the street and go to the car to drive away. Just then a neighbor out on a midnight stroll decides to walk by, and I ducked back behind the fence and quietly closed the gate and gave him time to get up the street before going to the car. Close one.

I also spied on the two people next door, the woman inside who is always suspiciously looking out the back window or doing yoga and the guy sitting on the deck. Snuck up behind him to see if I could take anything right from under his nose, but nope and they have their doors locked and windows barred so you can't get in their house. What, don't they trust anyone? lol
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