Funny videps made using video games

Started by LinkHero, February 02, 2019, 09:34:29 PM

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I was browsing the net a few days ago, when I found this. It is a serious documentary regarding one of our favourite games, Far Cry 3. Warning: this documentary contains graphic violence.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade

Wanna see a REAL spoiler?

Already a big "Sorry" in advance ;)


It's only partly my fault that I've got a good memory. I could have stopped training it. But I love it :gnehe: I remember watching it back then. Only one day after it was released on YouTube, our member durian posted the link. Back then, I downloaded the clip and watched it on my 50" plasma TV, it was a blast. :) Thanks for a trip down memory lane, mate O0

Subject of the original post (our old forum) (Video) The real endangered species
Quote from: durian on December 21, 2012, 01:46:38 PM


Nice trip, AB :thumbsup:

Makes me want to fire up a video game today.


That's funny, I don't recall seeing that before.

Also funny, just on a whim, I started up Blood Dragon yesterday as I'd never played it and had bought it in a $10 bundle with Primal and the first game. Sure, it's quirky and (intentionally) dated looking, but it was enough fun. I may continue it and Primal one of these days. But with New Dawn coming soon, and the full release of Astroneer just days away, I may not have time for a while.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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