The movie Arrival

Started by mandru, February 14, 2019, 09:40:51 PM

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I searched without results for the Film Arrival here in Media and Technology for this movie.  Mrs. mandru and I watched the movie Arrival this evening and we both enjoyed it immensely.

It's release (Nov 2016) unfortunately dropped right in the middle of a glut of super hero films and went largely unnoticed by a lot of people that may have otherwise really enjoyed the film.  The low level of pre-release promotion may have also affected its box office reception.

IMDb listed it as a Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi and has rated the movie 7.9 out of 10 which I felt was a low rating for the film.  I suspect that was because it didn't include a lot of smashing and blowing stuff and people up.

If you have a subscription service to pull up movies and enjoy good speculative Sci-Fi this my be one you will like.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

thanks for the recommendation, if I come across it, I might get it O0


Is this the one with the hovering ships and squid-tree aliens with the inky circle language? If so, I enjoyed that quite a bit when it released. Interesting concept and I think it was lost on a lot of people that he left when he found out she knew ahead of time (before she was born) what would happen to their daughter. It is essentially a time-travel story and the intricacies of that and an out-of-order story confuse people.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yeah, that's the one with the inky circle language. We watched the movie almost exactly a year ago, and also thought it quite good. Definitely worth a watch  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

worth a few bucks, OK, but worth a watch? I much rather keep mine..



Yes D_B and PZ it's that movie.

I'm afraid I didn't think far enough to fulfill my due diligence and put up the trailer so here it is.

In all on my Sci-Fi reading First Contacts were always a favorite setting.

Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five which I've read dozens of times allowed me to catch on fairly early in the movie to the nonlinear life represented in Arrival.

Imagine a deck of cards in order starting with the Ace of Spades, Two of Spades and on through the King of Spades with each of the other suits also ordered in the same fashion.  Allow that deck of cards to represent the moments of a linear person's life.

Cut the deck and shuffle several times and then turn one card at a time.

In this example built from my mind's eye a person who has been shifted into a nonlinear existence each card turned shifts them to that point in their life.  An Ace or a low value card gives the nonlinear person a brief snippet of their life at the corresponding time where as a higher value card up to a king gives a longer duration in that sphere of time.

When we hit a spot Mrs. mandru was starting to lose the context of what was going on and asked "What's going on?" I paused the movie briefly and said "Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five."

She blinked twice and I watched it click in as she said "Oh...  Oh!:o

She's my smart cookie.  :anigrin:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Yeah that's the one, I could hear other people in the theater after the show talking and not understanding quite what went on.

I don't think it was ever a part of the movie, but it was personal theory that there was only one alien ship, and it had traveled in time to duplicate itself so it was in 12 places at once.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


An interesting theory D_B.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Definitely looks cool gents, I checked Netflix and my other 'on demand' catalog but no luck: it's not there. I' Keep it in mind though.
I'm in for some good movies anyway since my new rig is out for maintenance...
Got weird freezes that don't make any sense to me.
Today my wife found a nice movie called "Going In Style". A comedy about a bunch of old farts planning a heist. With Morgan Freeman.
It's definitely worth a watch and it is available on Netflix 😉
"No hay luz"


You sure it's not on your Netflix BinnZ? I can see it on mine.


It is on mine too, but I'm on the DVD plan not on demand. Maybe it is available in some plans but not others?


I'm not on a Netflix DVD plan, I have online streaming only (is that what "on demand" is?)

My plan is Premium [Ultra HD].

Maybe it varies between countries too, though I can't imagine why it would. Tbh I don't know much about how these things w0#k from a point of view of international viewing.

🡱 🡳

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