All aboard, I need help with my new RIG!

Started by BinnZ, February 20, 2019, 01:21:00 PM

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Okay now I don't need help with my Rig anymore, I need help now fighting my hardware vendor :angry-new: :angry-new: :angry-new:

This Monday I turned the Rig in again, demanding replacement of the motherboard like that fart of a technician suggested the last time I spoke to him. Now I got a message from him with a few questions:
We presume that you have the described issues when playing GTA. In order to properly reproduce the issue in our testing environment, we would ike to know how long after you start the game the problem occurs; is that 3 or 5 minutes after you launch the game, or more like 3 to 5 hours? And where exactly are you in the game? Are you playing single player or multiplayer? And are you in a crowded environment like in the city or are you in a rural area?


Are they f*cking out of their mind?! Have they lost it?! Didn't they read back in the numerous mails I sent to them and received from them?
It was even the same f*cking guy I had conversations with several times, both over the mail AND in the store, the same f*cker that told me they would replace the mobo if the last options I had (BIOS update and front audio connector removal) didn't source results!!! Is he mental? Has he a had a fractal dementia, a frontal lobotomy or is he by accident born in the land of STUPID?!?!?!

I was so pissed when I read his reply that I had to first blow off steam before I even dared to climb i the pen again.

When I finally did, I first said that i was really getting pissed. Then I reminded the *bleep* of what he had promised me and said that if they insisted on testing, they should wetten their chests and prepare for a nasty long testing period.
I proceeded with telling them, again, when the problem occurs. Doing what, two and how often and random the problem actually occurs. Then I went through the list of actions I have done already trying to lock on the cause of them problem and reminded them AGAIN of my descriptions I already wrote about in all the emails I sent to them.

I ended up telling them how I really am losing my patience with this f*cking system and their support thus far. Especially after their retarded questions about my issue. I mentioned I am thinking of returning all my purchased items to them demanding a complete refund; I'm better off with my old system. At least it's stable, goddamnit.
And I demanded immediate reply with a solution, instead of more question and hassle.

I hope this is going to be over soon. :angry-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

geez, what a horror show. Reminds me of some support tickets I had with Ubishit and Rockstar. But a real life face-to-face encounter, that's ridiculous, especially after what you told us as they had been into it for some time.

If you haven't you should tell them that it's not only GTA, which is simply what you use the PC for the most, but also other situations like watching a video on YouTube and such.


Believe me, I did. I wrote another freaking novella to them :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Alright. :)

Perhaps it's time for some manipulation. Tell them that you're sorry about how it had panned out. If they thought you overreacted, they should try to imagine they were in your place. Having gone through ALL this, you were relying on the good business relations you've had so far AND the promise that they'd help you getting a new mobo. That it would be sad if it couldn't be solved like that because you were counting on good relations in the future, too. ;)


I got a reply. They said that "of course they would replace the motherboard, it was already ordered." They were just 'curious' whether I managed to pinpoint the problem more precisely already...
Yeah, right! Well, whatever, it is beginning to look like something now, finally 🙂
But I will have to spend another weekend without my pc 🙁
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Art Blade


I know, I'm an addict. A f*cking gaming addict ::)

Well, at least now I have time for the knitting  ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Nice that you will get a new motherboard.  O0
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


It seems this struggle is finally coming to an end...

Yesterday I got back my PC with...: a brand new MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon!

I fired up the PC once all wires were connected and got... a BSOD. Telling me the BOOT DEVICE INACCESSIBLE... WTF!!! :o
A second try, and a third, and many more, nothing worked. I was already worried those cunts cracked my hard drive. I checked various settings in the BIOS but nothing led to Windows starting up.
The last thing I tried, with success, was to completely reinstall windows. I was pretty mad though since I didn't expect to have to run through all the trouble again... BIOS upgrade, driver installations, installing management programs, Windows updates, not to mention the Steam downloads etc. etc. etc.
However, those tasks were completed quicker than I anticipated. Probably getting used to it by now :gnehe:
I had the luck that somehow Steam wasn't erased and could still find all my game files so no downloads, Yey! After 2 hours max I was able to fire up GTA Online and it worked. I was too sleepy to really go into testing... yes I still have to test this Rig to see if the mobo shift took away the problems with random freezes, but that's going to be a matter of weeks 'just using the damn thing and hope for the best' :anigrin:
Today I ran into another surprise; Windows needed to be activated. I remember the shopkeeper telling me once the best way to do this is to activate through phone, since it's an automated procedure and the only thing they worry about is that you run this Win version on just one system. So I followed the steps of the computer voice (an awful lot of numbers) and got Windows Activated, Yey!

So yeah, I'm back again. And so far so good, no freezes. Let's keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best O0
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

walks happily out the PC room and the car goes up in flames


 :laughsm: :anigrin:
Before catching fire, a tank comes rolling over it :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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