All aboard, I need help with my new RIG!

Started by BinnZ, February 20, 2019, 01:21:00 PM

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Art Blade

Out of curiosity I just checked, mine is 1809. I always let windows update itself.

Binn, if I were you, just to make sure it's not the bloody GPU itself, I'd put that other one in. It would at least make things very easy ("ah, it is the GPU") or a hell of a lot worse if it isn't.

I once learned something radical but in the end very useful:

If you can't for the life of you find the problem, rip the whole system apart and start putting in one part after another, each time running a test until you run into the problem.

I know that's a horrible amount of w0#k to think of. You could do it yourself but it requires a lot of time. If you had someone do it for you, it would also cost a lot of money.

The best compromise would probably be to use a second PC and start replacing parts, taking those from your current PC until you run into the problem.


BinnZ, my understanding is that the machine is fine when tested by the supplier,
but goes belly up when you have it.
The only difference, the supplier is using a different monitor, which indicates to me 
that the graphics card and monitor don't like each other.
But it is very difficult to make a correct observation when the machine is not
constantly doing it.
Sorry I cannot be of any more positive assistance without physically having
the machine in front of me
Respect is earned, not given.


No worries Nex, thank you for your time to think about the issue. However, the monitor and the GPU have gone fine with eachother until my new mobo + cpu + ram + hdd came.

It could be, that by having this new mobo, somehow my gpu got its last pull over whatever ledge and went belly up. I'm going to put that old gpu in place tomorrow and see how that goes.

But right now, it's time for some gaming. Haven't done that since a day or 10, damn!
"No hay luz"


Wouldn't be surprised if it is the card.
Beat of luck my friend  O0
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade


One other thing BinnZ, don't just change the graphics card, also test the card with another monitor
if you can lay your hands on one.
If it's a CRT monitor then let me know before you connect it, I'll explain why.
Respect is earned, not given.


1803 had some occasional freezes on release. Try to upgrade to 1809 and see if the problem persists.

As other have pointed out, it could be a faulty GPU. Have you tried the integrated GPU? Just plug your cable in the motherboard instead.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I think I can scratch the windows 1803 option off the list of possible solutions because I had these issues already before doing a new windows 10 instalment. I am not a 100% sure but it seems pretty obvious I had the newest version running before I did. I always had windows auto-update itself so it should've come that far, don't you think?

Anyway, since I would really like it to be a GPU thingy, I am going to put my old GTX570 in and see what happens. I just don't like that ASUS GPU, I've come to hate ASUS with their stupid, bullshit software that is required for your hardware to be properly cooled, but won't ever be recognized by the system as such...
Always have to freaking allow it 2 or 3 times on startup. Hilarious and annoying. Stupid ASUS.
"No hay luz"


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


On that point I agree with you BinnZ, I've experienced too many problems with ASUS
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

they used to be and I think still are good at manufacturing motherboards. But everything else, like graphics cards, indeed.. I had my share of problems, too.

And yes, good luck  O0


I replaced the new GTX1080 with my old GTX570. Had a long freeze-free gaming session in GTA with it. We'll see. I wish I had the bug everyday, but unfortunately I don't :P
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

don't jinx it, as they say :anigrin: Well, maybe it is the GPU after all. Would make things a lot easier. Actually, it would have solved it.. get a replacement, done. Fingers crossed O0


You should really try and test the 1080 with another monitor BinnZ, just to make sure.
Respect is earned, not given.


Good luck BinnZ :thumbsup: If all goes well, at least you'll have isolated the cause. It's always a bit of a relief to know what the problem is, even if it isn't fixed yet.

🡱 🡳

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