All aboard, I need help with my new RIG!

Started by BinnZ, February 20, 2019, 01:21:00 PM

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I wish I could think of something to suggest BinnZ, but I think the other guys (as well as yourself) have covered all the things I could think of and more.

What a pain in the backside this is for you... My sympathies, mate. Hope you can get it sorted soon :)


Thanx guys, and yes it's quite a pain this issue. I also checked whether the vicinity of my smartphone influences the appearance of the freezes, but nothing changed whether it was close or not :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"


That smart phone thing was a bit of a long shot of mine, but it was grounded in experience. Back in the bad old days of my crummy connection/provider, I found that my old Nokia (non-smart) mobile could interfere with the signal to the internet dongle I was using on the PC (the phone used to live near the computer). I moved the phone away from the PC and the number of dropouts I was having was greatly reduced.

That was old tech though, pre-4G, so I don't think it would even be an issue these days.


I've been following this but keeping quiet as everything I thought of was already mentioned. But Binn now mentioned strange audio effects when the front panel inputs are enabled that seem to pick up noise from things on screen. This is really strange, the only time I've seen strange audio effects like that is when using really cheap unshielded speakers that can pick up noise from anything, inkjet printer, cell phones, etc. Heck, we even had a pair that would pick up CB radio transmissions from trucks driving by on the street outside.

Anyway, if the audio inputs are picking up something that is happening in the outside world when nothing is plugged into them, then either they are bad, not hooked up properly or what they are hooked up to is not functioning properly. If you're using onboard audio, not a separate sound card, then I'd say the audio circuits on the mobo are acting weird. And if those are acting weird, then who knows what else is going wrong with that mobo? I would think a swap to see if a new mobo makes it all go away is in order.

Fingers crossed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


What you mentioned there, D_B, makes sense. I was thinking in the same direction with those noises. And I was actually happy finding out about it. I will test if I can get the same weird sound artifacts when plugged into the rear audio jack.
The guy from the hardware shop suggested the weird distortion may have been caused by the front panel of the case, somehow malfunctioning but I thought in return; then why didn't occur it in my old rig, which was stuffed in the same case...
Plus it can't be producing the artifacts, since they get influenced by something the other hardware is working on. Either the gpu or the motherboard to be precise.
It gives me another idea though... this sounds as if the w0#k the video card is busy with somehow gets picked up by either the motherboard or the case. Which could imply that there is a connection between the electric circuit of both devices that shouldn't be there. The gpu slot of the mobo for instance has a metal fitting for safety reasons. What if that touches the 'wires' of the video card?
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

it would ignite the PC which would set the house on fire and it would end in a city being wiped out in a firestorm. :anigrin: :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


"No hay luz"


However, I am pretty sure there's no butterflies in my rig >:(
"No hay luz"


I suppose you've already taken the video card out and put it back in again several times, so a card that's not seated completely in the slot is probably not the issue. I think that only a motherboard swap will really eliminate any other causes, if it still happens, then I really don't know what to say.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Funny, now after updating the BIOS I keep getting BSOD's during gaming. Already happened 4 times in less than 5 hours gaming. The stopping code: IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL.
I did a memory test, all RAM is fine. Could be a driver, is being suggested by people on the net, but that is when it happens during startup. In my case it is.... let's say... completely random ::)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

a new mobo should sort out all that nonsense :)


Here is something from MS BinnZ, they do mention while your machine is running.
There is a link to blue screen error.
Respect is earned, not given.


I updated all drivers I could on the mobo; both chipset and ethernet. Resulted in two new BSOD stopping codes: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE-ERROR and KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.

I contacted the guy from the hardware store.... :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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