Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

yes! And it was because his voice actor drove me crazy the first time through, couldn't stand that again :laughsm:

Also, it made short w0#k of the quest, I didn't have to bother with him and those apes until the end when I had to kill them, too.

Art Blade

by the way, the Cryolator is excellent with the "two shot" prefix, did that with my main character O0

And I just noticed that the dog is now called "Dog" rather than Dogmeat :huh-new: Must be because I'm playing the NW expansion properly this time.


I've seen a list on the FO4 Wiki of all possible weapons and armor prefixes and their effects.  I've not played with that game aspect though.  I'm still trying to figure out exactly what one of the resulting weapon effects on a target called Frenzy involves.  Does it make the enemy more hostile against the player and the player's companions or does it cause the affected enemy to fall on their own neighbors attacking them?  :undecided-new:

And if it's the latter of the two options do I get the credit for any resulting kills or do I lose all those lovely XP's?  I mean, it's all about the XP's  :anigrin:

The Defiant prefix conjoined with godmode and emptying all of your ammo except for one round is indeed intriguing.

I've also read that only Kremvh's Tooth out of all of the weapons can have its natural damage abilities in the form of a Sacrificial Blade mod removed and added to any high powered Legendary machete to give the selected machete the extra damage of bleed and poison values.

That said I've seen the mod Sacrificial Blade appear when upgrading machetes even though I've not pulled Kremvh apart to to shift the damage values elsewhere.  So I'm not sure if that is an FO4 update that has occurred since the Wiki article was written and all sacrificial blade mods have the extra damage values or just the appearance of a jagged sacrificial blade.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I never tried to frenzy enemies by shooting at them because I'm used to one shot, one kill.. nothing much to frenzy about, then :anigrin: But what you say is indeed something worth trying out, just so we know what it does.

regarding Kremvh's Tooth, I used that mod on a legendary machete but still it can't compete with those NW blades, a Disciple knife to be precise. That thing with a normal weapon mod for it (either crippling or better, bleeding effect) causes nearly double the damage than that sacrificial blade. I never leave home without it, my first character that is. :anigrin:

Kremvh's Tooth is essentially a machete and you acquired a mod for it with that weapon. It will always be there, if greyed-out, once you got that weapon. Like, you always see some scope options for rifles even if you haven't installed any of them but you do have the mod ability. Same goes for Kremvh's Tooth but in this case, you can't create multiple copies as you could with scopes, you need to actually "pull the tooth" in order to be able to use it on a different machete.  :anigrin:

Art Blade

actually, you can try this:

player.additem 0022576e 1

this will add only the sacrificial blade mod to your inventory. If you then go to a weapon w0#k bench and w0#k on any (could be a legendary) machete, you'll be able to stick that mod on top of it. The description won't be able to tell all the effects but you can see the poison symbol and you'd see the legendary text as description.

Art Blade

mandru, here's a grenade with frenzy effect that you may want to try :) And the answer to your questions except XP but by the looks of it, you won't benefit from frenzied enemies killing your enemies.

player.additem 000e98e5 1

After throwing and detonating, the Hallucigen gas grenade will emit a green gas that distorts vision. It will cause NPCs to begin to fire upon each other, regardless of whether or not they are shooting their own allies.


Art Blade

and for all of you, two observations that might interest you

cut a long dialogue short

First a funny one that you may already know and I believe we had a post about it once: in case you don't want to listen to every line during a dialogue (maybe because you heard it before) you can use the same keys that you get when prompted, like down arrow for positive and compliance (usually left arrow for sarcastic, right arrow for negative and up arrow for inquiries, but I usually only use down arrow so I can't say what the rest does but feel free to experiment, perhaps a quicksave before you start a dialogue). If you do that while the other person is talking, it will cause your character to go, "mmmh-hmm" with a disinterested, bored tone and cut off the line, so it will shorten a conversation significantly and it's fun, too. :anigrin: I seem to remember someone posted that the other person might even notice and comment on that but I'm using it just carefully enough to cut the current line short so I never heard the other person commenting on me cutting them off.

careful with savegames

The second observation, if you want to call it that, is regarding savegames. I wondered several times where a specific save game was, I remembered the game dropping an auto-save then. You cannot tell a manual save (using the menu function "save") from an auto-save when looking at the savegame list. And that's the problem. When I created backups, I noticed three auto-save filenames. And obviously the game overrides them eventually.

Example: You notice the game dropping an auto-save and you make a change perhaps in your loadout and want that to be saved so you drop a manual save at the exact same spot, you will see two virtually identical entries in the savegame list. If you want to delete one of them to only keep the one with the changes made, or if you want to save disk space (remember, I had ELEVEN Gigs savegame data) you might unknowingly delete your manual save while keeping the auto-save. And now, if you want to look up that save, it's mysteriously completely gone. Now you know why - the game deleted exactly that auto-save. So best create manual saves that will stay on the list and if you're in a situation described above, you could either change your view (to get a different thumbnail for your savegame) and save so you can tell them apart and delete the other file(s) or you delete the last (auto) save first and only then drop a manual save. O0


Heh, yep, companions sometimes pick the worst possible times to have a heart-to-heart :gnehe: I mentioned the time Hancock started blabbing right outside the drive-in and a Radscorpion burrowed up right next to us. I'm with Deacon at the moment and he decided to start a conversation with a firefight between Raiders and Super Mutants going on right around the corner, and rather uncomfortably close. Not only did I expect to get spotted and shot at any moment, but I had trouble hearing what he was saying over the gunfire, explosions and Super Mutant epithets ("I am Super Mutant! I am unstoppable!" Damn, what was that again, Deacon...?) Had another one when Cait decided to unload while I was standing right next to a radio. I had to try to listen to her with one ear while Betty Hutton was warbling about her man being a demon, a devil and a doll in the other.

I thought the game was glitching out at first with Deacon and his many quick-changes of outfit and appearance. I'd be like, "Who the hell is this guy? Oh... it's Deacon..."

About the saved game deletes, if you're concerned about tons of saves taking up disk space and you know you won't be interested in going back to any earlier points in the game, just delete all the saves from previous dates. I periodically prune all the ones from a day or two before and earlier.

Handy info to know though, Art :thumbsup:

Art Blade

cheers :)

And that sounds very familiar, having a conversation while something else is making much more noise and is much louder than you'd want it to be. I too had moments when I couldn't get a word from what that speech was about just by listening, which is why I have the game subtitled. :anigrin:

Funny, I dressed Deacon and he's kept wearing the gear I gave him. Maybe try that :)


First time entering Goodneighbor (this new game) and Deacon is there posing as a citizen!  Even after a few missions that are part of getting settled into Goodneighbor Deacon is still hanging around apparently observing clandestinely.

One of his lines of dialog when you try to speak to him is "Don't you have something you're supposed to be doing?"  :D

Seeing some of the familiar game characters re-skinned so they look completely different from my last run in FO4 is a little unsettling.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

that's interesting because I started with all DLC, I can't tell what's new (as in, what doesn't belong to the vanilla game) except of course Far Harbor and Nuka World as those two are located outside the vanilla world.

However, I can imagine that it's a bit unsettling for you :anigrin:

Have you tried the gas grenades and the knife mod mentioned earlier in this topic? You could now try to get the Throatslicer for comparison, too.


Sorry I've not tried those yet but I've got them jotted down and they are on my to do list.  I'll need to look into the knife called the Throatslicer.  ***Ah! Found it Throatslicer ID# xx04e422 (the xx is dependent on the order that the game accesses the additional DLC when a new game is started and will range from xx = 00 through 06 for each of the six add-on's plus the base game's content)***

I'm having to go a bit slower than I really like.  :banghead:

I've spoiled a few good rewards by pushing into situations where my levels are still too low to get the best rewards from drops, treasure troves and quests.  I need to raise my levels and get my perks set back up to where (like a well tuned engine) I'm running on all cylinders.

So because of that I've been a bit busy running around with Hancock trying to get him maxed for his companion perk.  While looking for inconsequential side missions I decided to make the discovery of Bunker Hill and take on the quest Battle for Bunker Hill because helping people is one of the things Hancock likes.

When we arrived there I ran into Deacon yet again.  This time in a different costume from what he was wearing in Goodneighbor.  When I tried to speak to him one of the lines of dialog he gave me cracked me up.  It was "I'm a trader.  I love trading... uh... trader stuff."  :D

I't makes me wish I'd been aware I was being watched to try to spot him in Diamond city when I first arrived there.  :anigrin:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, "Throatslicer ID# xx04e422" -- I understand that you can't make sense of those XX. It's simple:

try with 06 instead of xx. Like, 0604e422 because usually Nuka World starts with 06 (if the season pass is being installed along with the main game, like in my case)

If it didn't w0#k:

You test it like this -- only use one line at the time and don't make it a batch file, you want to do it from your console so you can see either an error message (wrong first digits) or a successful "1 Throatslicer added" or some such. :)

player.additem 0104e422 1
player.additem 0204e422 1
player.additem 0304e422 1
player.additem 0404e422 1
player.additem 0504e422 1
player.additem 0604e422 1

(there are no more than six "layers" of DLC)

Now that you know that the game is supposed to place the Throatslicer in your inventory, anything else obviously is wrong, including error messages :anigrin: As soon as you get that knife, write down the number you found that worked, like "06 = Nuka World."

By the way, Far Harbor-related stuff usually starts with 03.

Every time you look up something that belongs to a DLC, you'll see those XX in the wiki reference and once you know that Nuka World is for instance 06, it will always stay like that, so any item from NW will have to start with 06.

behind the scenes / explanation
Here a hopefully simple explanation:

FO4 treats DLC like layers in a layer cake. The DLC and any random mod you may download are layers in a layer cake and will increase the count. The game starts counting including zero, so the first layer is 00. So you get 00 instead of xx if it's from the vanilla game (the base of it all, hence 00) which is what you're used to. Whenever you cheated any item like bottle caps (0000000f) it had 00 as the first two digits because it is part of the base game.

Likely your Far Harbor has been 01 as it was the first DLC you installed. The first layer on top of the base game. I don't know whether installing the other DLC will shift FH around now or leaves it where it was.

Because you may omit certain DLC, no one but you knows the amount of layers of your game build and therefore in the wiki, they use placeholders like xx to show hey, this isn't base game, this is DLC.

That's the only thing you may have to find out by trial and error and the good thing is, you can't screw it up when you try. Just to be safe, drop a quicksave or a manual save before you experiment and load that savegame after you found out what was the right replacement for xx.

please ask if you're having trouble -- I'd be happy to help O0

Art Blade

A very nice and only "half" cheat is this one:

tmm 1,0,1

It adds all (yet undiscovered) map markers as undiscovered without fast travel. Which means, you'll see locations on the map only as outlined, not filled, and you cannot fast-travel there. But you won't miss out on any location :) You may now pick a destination and walk over there to unlock it. :)


I just discovered the Fallen Skybridge leading from the top of a high-rise in the city onto a stretch of high elevated freeway, which went for quite some distance over the city. While exploring it, two Brotherhood of Steel Vertibirds came in and started a spirited firefight with a group of Super Mutants down in the streets below. I had a grandstand view of the battle from way up on the freeway, until a Vertibird got shot down and crash-landed right on top of me :banghead: I survived with a tiny bit of HP left. Thank heavens for Stimpacks...

When the bird crashed, two BoS guys in power armour spilled out onto the freeway. This led to an interesting discovery (for me, anyway). I didn't have any BoS PA suits as yet, so I decided to pinch theirs – two complete suits. Expecting it all to weigh a ton, I was surprised when I picked them up and they all weighed zero.  Turned out that the more damaged PA parts are, the less they weigh. The health of all parts of both suits had been reduced to zero by the crash, so I was able to snaffle up both complete sets of PA at no cost whatsoever to my carrying capacity.

I now have two fully-restored and complete suits of BoS T-60b PA back at my storage facility. A very sweet little score dropped right in my lap, made almost getting creamed by a Vertibird worth it :thumbsup:

After the battle, and while I was still up on the freeway, I saw a group of Rust Devils trudging along the road way down below, six humans accompanied by two robots. A golden opportunity! I grabbed my Fat Man off Deacon and let them have a Mini-nuke. For once I aimed it well (I rarely use it, it's completely unmodified, and let's just say that I'm not terribly proficient with it yet). The bomb landed right on target and took out the whole band in one go :evil2:

They're all inside that fireball, along with a car wreck conveniently placed right next to them
which also went up and added to the carnage. So long, suckers!
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Here's a few more random pics:

It's Carhenge! There was what I took to be a Druid Behemoth in the centre, but I'd already Gaussed him out before I took the picture.
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For a lark, I outfitted all my store staff in appropriate livery (except for Mr. Vault-Tec manning the General Store,
who wouldn't be the same without his trademark overcoat and hat).
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I found this random bit of artwork in the city - somewhere. I'll probably never find it again.
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And I found this not-so-random bit of artwork inside a door on a concrete block near Mirewater Construction.
Not so random because when I opened it, a Sentry Bot appeared from nowhere and started giving my back an unasked-for laser treatment.
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