Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art, I think you could probably do the same thing in Fallout, as you can store any amount of stuff in a dead body and then carry it somewhere. You'd walk slowly, but it would w0#k I think. Might be easier to just stash the stuff and make several trips though.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Tired of that wonky old bathtub feeder for the settlement Brahmins?  I found out (in a kind of roundabout way  ???) that there's a more attractive option.

There are two identical bathtubs.  One found in build mode "settlement resources miscellaneous" that feeds brahmins and one in "furniture misc" that allows you to create bathrooms in your settlements.  However both being identical are ugly as well as when they're set on a level surface they are off kilter.  Additionally The bathtub for plumbing in a bathroom for your settlers has no faucets.  :(

For giggles I wanted to build a lavish bathhouse for one group of settlers but the ugly tub options were displeasing. If I was going to have to put up with a bathtub that had no faucets I thought I might try something campy cool instead.  I reached over to settlement decorations>NukaWorld>Dry Rock Gulch options and grabbed the wooden trough.  That trough sits level  and since it also lacked faucets I placed a couple campfires right outside the bathhouse equipped with a few steel buckets for warm bathing water.

I thought it was a good idea.  It at least looked good on paper and fit right in with the Barn decor elements I'd used to set it up.

It was only when I discovered on a later visit to that settlement that a stray (freelance roving bathhouse hog I guess) brahmin had moved right in and was happily munching away at the wooden trough and thoroughly enjoying the upgrade to living the high life.  :banghead:

For this particular settlement I'd not yet visited Kelly to purchase a brahmin and being unaware that the trough would also be an attraction for one of them.  I moved the trough (and the attached brahmin) out to an appropriate spot outside and was forced to stick in the ugly bathtub in spite of my best efforts.  :'(

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

cheers, PZ :)

G, thanks for the info :)

D_B, I was afraid of "de-spawning" items so I kept an eye on my merchandise rather than going several times.

mandru, I never knew you could buy brahmins. From what I had gathered, putting a feeding trough somewhere would suffice and indeed, eventually you'd have one next to it.


Nice find with that trough, mandru :thumbsup: I hate the ugly, wonky-looking bathtub for the brahmins, so it's nice to know there's an alternative. The trough has a more appropriate farmyard aesthetic :gnehe:

Art, The brahmin-seller (Kelly) can often be found somewhere along the stretch of railway line that runs through the cutting just east of Tenpines Bluff. As far as I know, she is the only brahmin-seller in the game. She's a bit like Gene the dog-seller who you sometimes come across, but whereas Gene seems to wander all around the map, Kelly is usually found near that bit of railroad. But her appearance in the game seems a bit hit-or-miss. I saw her quite regularly in my first playthrough, but in my second I never saw her at all. In my current third game, I find her on that railroad near Tenpines from time to time, but she's not always there (although I sometimes come across a dead brahmin, presumably hers). I don't know whether she travels back and forth between two points or something or if she has a route, but when I do see her it always seems to be near that railroad at Tenpines. There are also often a few bad guys of one sort or another hanging around the area, and often when I fast-travel to Tenpines I'll hear nearby gunfire, and sure enough it'll be baddies fighting with Kelly.

Funny thing about Tenpines, this time around. When I first met the couple who live there (before meeting Preston) the bloke asked me to clear out the raiders at the Corvega plant, which I went and did. I came back to give him the all-clear, got access to the farm's Workbench, then went off to do other things.

Sometime later, I noticed that the Pip-Boy was showing zero settlers at Tenpines. Suspecting a glitch, I went there to check, but it was right - both the people there had vanished. The farm's Workbench verified that zero people were in attendance, so I had to repopulate the settlement from scratch. I have no idea what became of them - glitched out of existence, I guess.

Speaking of things that don't always appear, in my second playthrough - and only in my second - I was offered a mission in Goodneighbor to break into each of the three locked warehouses in town for some reason. I can't remember what the mission actually was, who gave it to me, or what I did to get it (all three warehouses were full of Triggermen). But in my first game and in my current game I never received the mission at all. Maybe it depends on what you've already done, or in what order.

Art Blade

cheers, fragger :) I don't think I ever met the brahmin vendor.

Regarding Goodneighbor and the warehouse, you get the mission "the cleaner" from Whitechapel Charlie (the British bartender robot) :)


Aha. Thanks mate :)


Okay, got the mission and did it :thumbsup: I needed to buy a drink from Charlie before he'd offer the mission, which is why I missed it before.

Art Blade


Art, in Fallout at least as much as I've seen, anything you store in a container stays there, but that might not apply to bodies, I never tried that specifically. But regular containers will store your stuff indefinitely.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I didn't know that, thanks :) I could have sworn that I lost stuff but maybe that was a glitch


I'm pretty sure it works that way. I know I stored stuff in some random toolbox somewhere just to get rid of it, then forgot it, then months later went back and it was still there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep, I too came across stuff that I tossed away long ago but then there were moments when I couldn't retrieve stuff.


Occasionally - very occasionally - something will seem to just go away. About the only junk item you can drop and place in Build mode that settlers can't knock over is a complete Giddyup Buttercup horse. For a lark, I arranged four of them on a raised wooden platform outside my marketplace, just for decoration. Now only three remain. The platform is elevated above the ground on a bit of a slope and there is no sign of the missing horse underneath it anywhere. I even took the platform away to make sure - nothing. It just went away or sank into the earth, apparently.

Here is my current PA collection. Eight sets of XO-1, all upgraded to Mk VI. Nothing but the best :gnehe:
I have six full suits and two partials, which are still missing a couple of legs and a helmet between them.

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All earlier models of PA that I've found I've sold off, and just kept the XO-1 series. I like to have differently modded suits for different purposes, so I have a lead-lined one for heavily radioactive areas like the Glowing Sea, a Prismatic one for if I think I'll be facing a lot of energy weapon fire, a capacity-boosted one for scrounging runs, and so on.

The one-offs like the Nuka T-51 and Atom Cats T-60 I don't use, just display. I built a kind of small structure for them outside, where the settlers can come and admire them :gnehe:

Most of the time I don't use PA, but it can be beneficial at times. Fairly early in this game, I found a "Cunning Improved Disciples Armored Skirt" (remember, I'm female this time around). How I came across it I can't remember (I think it was from a Legendary enemy), but it was odd considering that I got it well before I went to Nuka-World and met the Disciples. It actually gives me a higher overall protection rating than Heavy Polymer Combat Armor, so I've been sticking with it ever since. Only the Marine Armor will surpass it in strength, once I get that (am yet to go to Far Harbor).


Fragger, I'm the opposite, I made it a goal to collect every piece of power armor I could find. The one huge building I have has dozens of sets of all types. I even have a storage crate with all the extra parts, like a couple dozen raider helmets, a bunch of the 45 and 51 series parts, probably enough to make a couple more complete sets, hard to say. But I had the display cases all set up with armor in each, then stopped playing the game for a while, as I was done with everything worth doing. Then I went back a while later after they added creation club to get the new armor they added for that and A couple of the display stands were empty, and I'm pretty sure they were all filled. So either they went for a walk by themselves or they glitched out when I loaded the game after the updates. Hard to say really.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

entertaining post, fragger :anigrin:

I'm like D_B regarding PA. I retrieved every PA and grabbed every PA piece I could find which I stored in a dedicated PA storage box. However, I never used PA display cases (something for me to do when I return) which led to a way of creating an army not unlike those Chinese clay warriors. I'd hop in a PA and face in one direction and get out, then step into the next PA and walk up right behind the previous PA and get out and so on. It's like a robot army queuing up for maintenance :anigrin: I had several columns of PA in line like that and I'd check once in a while whether I could create a new set of PA out of the spare parts box. I got all the different types of PA, too, just like D_B described it. I valued the old ones a lot more when it became clear that the more I levelled up, the rarer those would become. It's next to impossible to find parts of the 45 series when you already have got access to those XO-1 types.

🡱 🡳

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