Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Well, I look at it this way: An occasional hiccup in exchange for a couple of thousand hours' worth of fun is a pretty good deal :gnehe:


As long it isn't UBI*bleep**bleep* hiccups, it's fine I guess :laughsm: :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


Having said that, I've got an odd thing happening at present. I have the Lone Wanderer and Strong Back perks maxed out which, when combined with the eating of a Grilled Radstag, currently gets my carry limit up to 505 pounds (or whatever the units of weight are) - but only as long as I stay outside. If I venture inside a building of some sort, it drops to 485, until I get back outside, whereupon it goes back up to 505.

I haven't struck this oddity before :huh-new: Anyone else had this happen?

Anecdote: The above perks combined with a Weightbench workout and a suit of Power Armour modded with "calibrated" legs allows me to get my total carrying capacity up to 615, as long as I don't have a companion in tow. That's about as high as I've ever been able to get it - which is pretty darned good. As long as I don't wear any other armour inside the PA suit, I can carry a shipload of goodies, so I've been doing scavenging runs while carrying just one or two weapons and wearing nothing but my undies inside the PA. Just have to hope I don't have to get out of the suit in front of anyone. That could be embarrassing, a bit like having one of those dreams :gnehe:

Art Blade

can you tell us more of "those" dreams? :anigrin:

Regarding carry limit, I don't know. I recommend you open your pipboy and read through all the active perks and read carefully what they do. It may have to do with some of the comic book perks.


Quote from: mandru on August 16, 2018, 08:11:20 AM
Adding second GTX1080 Ti running in SLI might be fun.  :evil2:

If you want to play in 4K sure, but generally, stay away from SLI builds (DX11 don't like it and DX12/Vulkan games are rather limited). If you haven't read it yet, maybe save the money for a RTX 2080 Ti  :anigrin: Or, go all in and run SLI RTX 2080 Tis  :evil2:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


OWGKID, thanks for the tip on DX11 not wanting to play nice with a SLI set up.

As for the RTX series GPU's I think I'll wait until their shiny newness fades a bit so their prices drop (and any bugs worked out and patches added to their software before the point of sale) before I drop $2K USD on something no matter how pretty it is.  ;)

Super High-Res graphics don't make much sense when I have Low-Res vision.  :D

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Quote from: mandru on August 20, 2018, 04:21:08 PM
Super High-Res graphics don't make much sense when I have Low-Res vision.  :D

:laughsm: :thumbsup:

Ray tracing won't be available either this year ;) The presentation yesterday only showcased the tech, but no video games that played on it... Maybe this isn't a big leap from Pascal? Ray tracing is a part of DX12, so you need Win 10 to take advantage of this feature anyway. Frame rate wiwth the RTX tech enabled looked poor aswell...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Here's an interesting bit of synchronicity:

I'd been playing FO4, and the last thing I heard when quitting was Bob Crosby singing "Way Back Home" on Diamond City Radio.

Shortly thereafter I was yakking with my Dad about this and that, and somehow the topic of cuff links came up. I've never worn them, but Dad used to quite often during his time as a working musician (he's now retired). He was musing about his collection of cuff links and lamenting the fact that he never gets to wear them anymore, and went on to say that one of his favourite pairs are silver ones given to him by - Bob Crosby.

Turns out that Dad toured with Crosby around Australia in 1970 (Bing never came out here due to his paralyzing fear of flying) and they struck up quite a friendship. Crosby had also made Dad a gift of some of his original sheet music, which he still has. I never knew that Dad had met Crosby, let alone toured with him.

Funny how these sorts of related things happen sometimes.


That is a cool story fragger and even cooler that your Dad was able to break into the field as a professional musician.  :thumbsup:

A musician myself with almost 30 years as a bassist playing a gig that comes with professional responsibilities but no pay.  ::)

Out of curiosity I'm wondering what instrument your Dad played.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

if memory serves me right, he was a keyboard player. I'm not sure but organ came to mind, first.


He plays piano primarily, but is a dab hand at any keyboard instrument (he still plays, just not professionally). In my humble (and I swear totally non-biased) opinion, he's one of the best piano players I've ever heard. He was one of those people who knew from a very early age what he wanted to be and went for it, scoring his first paying gig after school, at age 12. He has made a living from music all his life, except for a period after he left school at 16 when his father, believing that being a musician was no life for a "real man", forced him into an electrician's apprenticeship. He worked for what used to be known as Sydney County Council as a linesman and a few other things (including a stint with an early vacuum-tubed ENAIC-type computer) until a w0#k accident left him blind in one eye - a condition he lived with for over 60 years until modern laser surgery fully restored that eye's vision. He now has better eyesight than I do :gnehe:

After that accident, his father re-thought his stance on music as a profession (I can't say for sure, but guilt over that mishap probably played a part in this reversal) and Dad went on to attend Sydney Conservatorium of Music, where he graduated with honours as a classical pianist, and never looked back.

Despite his classical training, jazz has always been his first love. He has had a long and illustrious career in music, but nobody will ever hear of him because fame was not one of the things he sought. He also never actively sought out jobs with famous performers, they just sort of happened. He was always about the w0#k and never had any interest in self-aggrandizement nor riches. He's not intimidated by fame either, and has told at least one well-known performer what they could do with their highfalutin attitude and walked out. The one I do know about involved a Malaysian/Australian singer named Kamahl, who tried to throw his weight around but whose household-name status in Oz didn't cut any mustard with Dad nor prevent him from telling K-man to pull his head in, and left mid-tour.

I've tried to cajole him into writing his memoirs, but he won't be in it. Pity, because I'm sure it would make for some cool reading. He has played with quite a number of famous people (including a jam with Louis Armstrong, which I would have loved to have been present at but was yet to exist at the time) and, like with the Bob Crosby story, he's full of surprises. Most of his overseas affiliations have been with people from the British entertainment industry though, not so many Americans, but still more than a smattering.

Anyway, I'll stop with the mini-bio. But if he drops any more little nuggets of interest in future, I'll let you know :gnehe:


Wow.  Thanks for the additional info fragger. +1  O0

Against all that I'm reconsidering calling myself something besides a musician.  ;)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I wasn't so far off, then, regarding keyboard. :)

Funny side note: my dad was a jazz bassist when he was young and he too once played with Luis Armstrong.

🡱 🡳

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