Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

same here, regarding conduits/glitch.

fragger, although you didn't strictly misread, you did. :anigrin:
I did what you said, wire them with one another, until I hit a point when there wasn't sufficient power anymore. That led to random dropouts and then I tried like a moron to fix it without adding more power. Once I realised there wasn't enough power and I added a new reactor (actually two to make sure I had a surplus) everything lit up like a Christmas tree. And obviously there was a ton of obsolete wiring still clinging to the building and the power armour racks. I'll have to clean up that mess.. :gnehe:


Okay, now I'm on the same page :anigrin: I thought you would know that, but I also thought I should make sure... just in case :thumbsup:

Art Blade

hehe :anigrin: It was so silly, draining all the power, not noticing when I ran out of. I did see the signs (literally, suddenly some of the racks lacked power) but didn't quite get the real reason behind it because I was suspecting it to be yet another bug.

Art Blade

fragger, a place where to find tons of bags of cement:

East of Covenant, passing Traffington Boathouse, there's a construction site next to a Super Mutants' settlement nearby. Flat-line those walking meat chunks and then go grab your cemented reward :anigrin: However, I suspect you know all those places by heart already. ;)


Cheers :) Yep, I know that place. "Something-or-other Estate" I think it's called.

Shipments though are still the most convenient way to obtain and transport large quantities of concrete. A Concrete shipment weighs nothing, whereas each bag of cement weighs 8 carry units (and yields 5 Concrete). Because a shipment is just a piece of paper with no weight to it, in theory I could carry thousands of units' worth of Concrete (the most I've carried in one go so far in shipment form is 1200 worth), whereas the most I can carry in bags is about 380 units' worth if I'm accordingly perked up, wear nothing but my undies, carry no weapons or junk and don carry weight-boosting PA (more if I have a heavy-carry companion like Strong with me). Of course, I have to pay for shipments, whereas the bags are free to just pick up, and I do pick them up when I find them (provided I can carry them). But Concrete shipments don't cost that much compared to other shipments - in fact, I think they are the cheapest of the shipments - and there is plenty of stuff to barter with - weapons, armour, food, even excess, seldom-used material like Bone or Asbestos. Purified Water brings in pretty good prices too, and I always find plenty of that in my settlement Workbenches since I always make sure to produce more water than my settlers will consume. Each unit of Purified Water is worth 20 caps, so that can add up quickly.

I usually take the weapons from dead baddies and store them at Sanctuary. When I've built up a good collection, I lug them all to a Trader and barter them for shipments, and anything else I might need. Some weapons are worth enough just by themselves to secure a Concrete shipment or two.

Art Blade

alright. :)

By the way, I found a muffled shadowed combat armour right arm. It was in a loot box. You infected me with that "bug," looking for muffled shadowed armour parts :anigrin:

Art Blade

a short vid.. I like "reverse pickpocketing" as in stuffing explosives into someone's inventory. It works with ghouls, too :gnehe:


Let me know if you find a Muffled Shadowed Combat Armor Chest Piece. I'd be interested to know if they exist. But I'm starting to become certain that it only applies to the limb pieces.

Lol at that video :D I've yet to try that trick.

Art Blade

I try to blow up someone's inventory whenever I can :anigrin:

And yes, I'll let you know. Which is why I started to look for it. A good bet is that ex-BoS amour vendor "The Scribe" who can be convinced to live in your settlement. I bought the three remaining muffled shadowed "limb armour" parts from him. He is a random encounter, though:



Synchronicity never ceases to amaze me... I just read your last post, and only about an hour before that I was in-game and I met The Scribe for the very first time, ever, since I started playing FO4 about a year ago ??? I never even knew of his existence (I nearly shot the bugger - from a distance, I thought he was an enemy of some sort... Luckily I did a V.A.T.S. check before I got trigger-happy. Then I was like, "Who the heck is The Scribe?" :huh-new:). Prior to that, your info about him would have been complete news to me! After all this time... Fascinating, Captain.

I didn't know he could be persuaded to settle, though. He's gone now... I might not have ever met him again, because according to the Wiki, once the Automatron add-on is installed, most of his haunts become replaced by Rust Devil patrols, but thankfully the Wiki provides a console command to bring him. He sounds like a good settlement armor vendor to have on board once you can build Emporiums. I don't have the Rank 2 Cap Collector perk yet though, so I can't build Emporiums, only Stands and Shops. Might go for that perk next, then summon him back. My current Armor vendor in Sanctuary spends too much w0#k time hanging around the Soda Fountain, so I might fire her *bleep* and give her job to The Scribe. That soda-swilling bint can go and pick veggies for a living instead. That'll teach her to skive off :evil2:

Art Blade

The soda fountain. Most people, rather than doing their jobs, keep hanging out next to it going, "HMMMMmmmm! That.. is delicious." :anigrin:

The Scribe. I started the game with all DLC installed and still I met and recruited him long ago. Funny how it only just happened to you and indeed, what a coincidence that you only just met him for the first time when I posted about him. :)

Art Blade

another short vid. This time with a Molotov cocktail: Raider BBQ :evil2:

Art Blade

fragger, regarding that muffled stuff: I did some research. From what I read, it's not even clear whether or not "muffled" on other armour parts than legs has got any effect. You can't re-equip it, it's only meant for legs.. I reckon you're better off using two muffled legs and otherwise use something that we know works. You may have noticed how I didn't get detected in the raider vid. I used shadowed armour, nothing muffled but all set to ultra-light. Combined with maxed-out agility and stealth, I'm a ghost to most enemies. There's a rumor that enemies from an elevated position ignore the stealth (a bug) so that explains why I still get spotted sometimes and indeed, I believe typically it was from enemies that were in an elevated position relative to me.


Cheers mate, I think you may be correct in that. I haven't tried out the muffled stuff yet, but since (according to the Wiki) muffled shadowed arms shouldn't even be a thing, it makes sense. The "muffled" part is probably a randomized trait that does nothing - like finding a Legendary Gamma Gun that does "50% extra damage against Ghouls" :huh-new: Ah, no - Gamma Guns don't affect Ghouls, in fact if a Ghoul is wounded, using a Gamma Gun on it will actually restore some of its HPs. It's a glitchy side effect of the randomization process for Legendary items.

Art Blade

at least you can next try to slip someone a grenade and find out how stealthy you can get :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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